Okay, serious question Sup Forums
How do fat people become so fucking fat?
It's not like you wake up and you're 450 pounds. You must get to a point at around 250 pounds and think "I should stop eating now". Wtf is wrong with people?
Okay, serious question Sup Forums
How do fat people become so fucking fat?
It's not like you wake up and you're 450 pounds. You must get to a point at around 250 pounds and think "I should stop eating now". Wtf is wrong with people?
addiction is a crazy demon to overcome
I think certain people don't see the repercussions of their actions and therefore blame outside sources for their self made problems. So they keep stuffing their face because it feels good and they blame genetics and keep eating because it's out of their control.
I worked out religiously in the service, great shape. Was in a mishap and laid up for a little over a year. I went from 170 to 250 in that time frame. I'm down a bit from that, but I never got my mobility back, not being able to move e around much is a bitch.
fiction is the poison for laziness
The "stop eating" jew is a lie, if you starve your body burns less fat and destroys muscle.
To lose weight you must eat normal portions of healthy food MORE often and work out, 15-30min cardio AND serious effort weights AT LEAST 4 days per week.
(((Disinformation))) is intended to keep the insect cattle (shiksa goyim) weak.
"You can't beat addiction alone. Sign up for (((my))) twelve step program today."
Idleness and extreme greed. Add onto those a blatant disregard for your own health. Fat people should be sentenced to death, and their fats should be harvested for bio-diesel.
For whatever reason, I just didn't care about my weight for most of my younger life. It wasn't until the end of high school that I realized I had to do something (I was 230 lbs). After that, I put my mind to it and lost 40 lbs.
By living in america.
There is no fat people in my town.
Aside from the abundance of extremely energy dense food....
Childhood trauma seems to be at the root of most addiction, either creating a narcissistic defense mechanism with an inability to perceive their problem, or else any number of other maladaptive responses such as apathy, impulsivity and lack of will.
When otherwise intelligent people are unable to be rational in certain areas of their lives it can be a warped programming established too early for them to really go back and evaluate.
Alot of people proceed through life knowing they are fucking it up completely but wondering why. Human life is pretty tragic.
Just to clarify; by "Stop eating" i mean eating less. Not straving.
I got up to 300lbs during graduate school.
I worked a full time job and spent at least 30 hours per week doing homework and research papers.
I literally did nothing but eat, sleep, and sit at my desk for 2 years.
Down to 250 now...still a fatass but I'm trying
>How do fat people become so fucking fat?
When our pants start getting too tight, we are faced with a very simple decision:
A) Eat smaller portions and lay off dessert for a while
B) Buy a larger size of pants
Most people choose "B", every single fucking time, because they're lazy and stupid.
Stop eating
You have to want to be in shape MORE than you want pleasure from food. Eating clean and exercising takes self discipline, which is sorely absent from the modern world. Most (Americans, anyway) eat with a mindset of "what will please my palate right now" rather than "what is best for my body." It makes a huge difference which mindset you're of.
some of us have always been over weight and stay at a consistent fat
People just do not care and become selfish.
I got after my mother in law costantly everyday, once a day. She was over +270. Do you need help getting up ? Do you need this or that ?
After six months of that, she chose to have the stomach surgery, and she is about 160lbs, she looks very well and doctor said she will no longer have hip, back, physical problems due to obesity no longer.
>some of us have always had poor eating habits and never bothered to improve ourselves
They compensate psy problems by eating a lot which give them more comfort
>she chose to have the stomach surgery
Holy FUCK, people are idiots. It's another simple choice:
A) Eat sensible portions like an mature adult
B) Endure dangerous surgery that renders your body incapable of absorbing nutrients so that you don't have to be inconvenienced by personal responsibility
fat cells actually create the hormones responsible for hunger. Fat people could have all the nutrients their body needs but the gut-wrenching hunger causes them to continue.
A dietary reduction of sugar should work wonders. Second option reduce sugar along with fats/oils. Option three is doing both of those plus reducing carb intake, but you're kidding yourself. You have no self control after the fat builds up.
They get fat by slipping into behavior that is conducive to it and allowing themselves to get that way and having movements that support their unhealthy habits instead of telling them they're fucking disgusting.
Yup, that's me. Narcissistic personality with a couple addictions. Childhood trauma is a bitch.
I was around 220, and increasingly not giving a fuck. I cut down to ~1,000 calories a day and 10 miles of travel a day. Down to 170 now, but I can definitely see muscle loss in my legs and arms. Now that I have a degree of brisk mobility back though, I feel like I can switch over to a more productive routine.
As somebody who's gained a few pounds recently, it's the small things that add up and become routine. I had a friend staying with me for a few days, and he worked at Dunkin Donuts. Each night he would bring home a dozen or half dozen donuts, and with it being so instant and easy in the morning, I end up eating a donut.
Fast forward a week later, while surely being conscious of how bad it is for me, I find myself doing it anyway out of easiness. Instead of cooking an egg before work, I could just have another donut from my faggot friend's job
Your typical fat person doesn't have the intelligence to use some foresight. They are blinded by their desires
Laziness. Demotivation.
its everywhere.
thyroid condition obviously.
nah, but fat fucks think this way:
at 250
nah, im not gonna get thinner, might as well eat as much as i fucking want
at 350
holy fuck i got even bigger. this is depressing
i'm gonna fucking drive to pizzahut now to feel better
at 450
well I look good in this moo-moo and my doctor said, I don't need a triple bypass just yet.
Time to celebrate!
to popeye's!
(((When))) (((everything))) (((is))) (((the))) (((jews)))
Calm down goy.
Isn't it just, best of luck my man. Hope things improve for you.
Only in processed/packaged shit. Meat and vegetables aren't full of sugar.
Who knows? I put on 10kg in a few months (I'm fully skele mode) so I cut sugar from my diet and started running. Its not hard
Actual depression
unchecked alcoholism
It's the doughnut dichotomy, whereby you transition from buying a pack of doughnuts and just eating the one per day, to buying a pack and eating the whole lot. Doughnuts taste nice, and so you slip further and further until you are a completely selfish fat fuck.
>was there
I'm healthy by BMI standards now, and I'm striving to lose more weight. I haven't had a doughnut in years.
For those who get really fat, this is pretty close.
This. Booze is almost always involved. Especially low alc% stuff.
>I'm healthy by BMI standards now
I'm really skeptical of the BMI. It says I'm a healthy weight but I don't think I look healthy.
That and if you're getting blackout drunk multiple days in a row you sure as fuck aren't making it out to the gym
de spiser for mange tendies makker!
This was what i was thinking. As a person who is normal weight i just could not get in the minset of a fat person
I dont get whats so hard about it either.
Eat less and get your fat ass into motion. It's not rocket science.
Was a pretty fat kid in my late teens. Replaced the food addiction with exercise addiction. Some years later I became an alcoholic. Been fighting that ever since. Easy to drown your problems in something. Easier than trying to be stronger. I feel for people lost in their own hell. Such mundane bullshit to fuck with your life.
I'm from a whole family of fat fucks. When i was in good shape my grandmother was like
>holy shit he's underfeed, i'm gonna take care of him
And then it was
>nah you're not fat, it will get better with puberty
I really fucking doesn't. So i always was a fatty, i don't even know how it is to be normal in that regard.
And it's really fucking hard to lose, not impossible, but really hard for me. But i will make it guys, i want to be a better man. I have enough of this shit.
a fat ass in motion stays in motion?
It's mainly for women.
say you eat a chocolate bar, and then you eat another, and then you eat another. The first bar will be more rewarding than the last, there's diminishing returns. This goes to a point where you become sick of chocolate for a while.
I think some people might have fucked up this mechanism during childhood, through force feeding or something.
Thank you. I'm in therapy now, and with my wife supporting me in this, things start to look better.
>I'm striving to lose more weight.
I actually have found a diet that works to lose weight and to keep it off.
The only requirement is that you live alone and don't socialize, which goes without saying here on Sup Forums.
Lock all your snackable foods in a pantry or a section of your fridge and freezer. The key to these locks is in a box that has a microcontroller that allows access at times that you program.
It takes a while, but you can find a schedule that allows you to eat plenty of food without ever getting too hungry, but if you have any willpower at all, when the key is available, you eat one serving of whatever food you want, and then lock it all back up, which is easy because you know it will be available again at the next scheduled time.
It actually makes dieting and proper eating fun, because the willpower part pretty much goes away, unlike sitting there trying to avoid that container of mixed nuts that keeps calling to you.
Nah man, I've found being fat requires years and years of gross negligence and over-eating. I can over-eat and I'll shit out most of it, but it's when I do it very regularly does it start to stick to my bones.
Conversely however, it takes like a year to burn off 80 pounds, and that's something you hardly have to strive for. I do like 45 minutes to an hour run daily and I'm hitting my targets no problem. If you want to drop weight like a mofo, go consult because those faggots are helpful.
I've lost like 10 years of excess fat in just 1 year alone.
Think of it this way... What are your most painful weaknesses, failings you despise about yourself but can't seem to change despite the passage of time? Things you are likley doomed to repeat over and over.
In your case not food, but you probably have them.
I think people are oversimplifying this where it isn't a particular sticking point for them. Human decision making is a fucked up thing... A lot of fat people outwardly present completely like the most slovenly no fucks given slobs, but somewhere inside there is someone in Kafkaesque agony.
Literally no self control.
They notice they start to get fat, even as a teenager or kid now, but just keep shoveling doritos into their moths saying "ill get fit later" or "I don't care what I look like"
Fat people are just sad disgusting blobs who never had a will to stop eating tonnes of mcdonalds and will never have the resolve to succeed in anything in life.
you guys aren't gonna like hearing this, but white people too stupid to stop eating is genetic, for the same reason niggers too stupid to stp eating is genetic
your neurology controls basic mental fuctions (OBVIOUSLY) including things like eating, laziness, and willpower
fat people are stupid because of a combination of low iqs, laziness genes, and low willpower genes, which is ALSO why the race become proportionately more obese in DIRECT correlation with IQ
fattest are nigs, then mexicans and sandniggers, ten indians, hten whites by a considerable margin, with asians last
nigs gonna nig. fats gonna fat. some people are born stupid and lazy.
If you have unhealthy habits towards alcohol you can stop drinking completely. You don't need alcohol to survive. You do need to eat however, and many times the problem with an addictive prone personality type is "all or nothing."
The food that is all around is very, very unhealthy. It's ridiculous how careful one has to be to eat 100% clean, natural and low carb (carbs and sugar are the real dietary evil, not fat). Any amount of decision making drains willpower.
Also, a lot of people just don't care about anything at all. They don't give a shit. Burnt out, or has 15K in debt, who gives a flip about eating crap then? Most people deep down know they're gonna be worm food and feel that their existence is depressingly meaningless.
This is also very accurate: It's very, very common in a typical emotionally abusive narcissistic family to use food as a weapon and a way to control the kids.
I didn't said it was long. I said it was HARD for me, mostly to keep my weight down. I lost 15kilos (+-30 pounds ?) last summer ... But i fucked up everything afterwards.
I gained 50 lbs between 6th and 7th grade which is when depression and my addiction to food began.
you don't have to eat that carefully to avoid unhealthy stuff
it's literally as easy as making a sandwich with lunchmeat and veggies
wow so fucking hard
americans are just fucking stupid
>to avoid unhealthy stuff
what he said about carbs is just the latest Oprah level fad. virtually any food is a health food if eaten in moderation. A handful of Pringles is fine once a week. It's eating that whole can every day or two that is unwise.
Capitalism produces lots excess. Like food. Some people just weak and can't control themselves.
I blame welfare abuse for at least 50% of the obesity problem. It encourages laziness. I'm not talking about people that are legit disabled or ill either.
there's no such thing as a healthy amount of pringles. but the worst of the damage is avoided by moderation
the food companies are making a killing now because they've convinced idiots here that anything with an earthy-colored label, even shit with sugar or fried, is "organic" therefore healthy
americans are just fucking stupid as fuck. too stupid to stop eating, like a dog that eats itself to death
I already feel like shit at 185.
Can't imagine how I would be at 250 pounds.
Fat person here
I was lean 95% of my life but a couple of years ago I started gaining weight but my eating behaviour and exercises haven't changed at all. Metabolism is a bish
friss die hälfte
>eat burger
>become burger
I've always been about 20 pounds overweight. I can lose it but my body eventually goes back to that weight over time. I can maintain that extra 20 without gaining any more. It's strange to me but whatever. My body seems happiest and most stable at 20 pounds over. Idk
metabolism is a function of activity levels
you're just lazy
burgers probably aren't even that unhealthy, really
it's probably the french fries and soda
fatties here drink SO much fucking soda. it's kind of disgusting. you can smell the sugar in your piss after drinking soda
I'm not even capable of understanding how people dont' see how incredibly dystopian it all is
>once a week
Yea right, fuck off. There's nobody on earth who takes a month to eat a can of pringles, suck my dick.
have you ever considered that it's because after stopping intense activity to lose the weight, you RESUME your low activity levels and regain the weight?
people who are 20 pounds lighter than you CONSISTENTLY have that level of activity that you strain to get to
>mfw 250lbs
>Mfw it's time to stop eating now
Hold me bros.
that's exactly what my parents to, and they're in excellent shape
you're just a low iq piece of shit you fucking fat faggot
If you're fat you're degenerate and should end yourself at this very moment. Fat people are simply disgusting.
>I'm trying
He says, at his computer with the cheeto dust all over his face.
Go do 20 pushups.
(I believe in you)
Actually Im at work on my phone....but whatevs.
i really hate the its my genetics meme
but guys i think it must be
because i eat like a fatass soda and all and i stay the same weight ( albeit i workout at gym )
but here is a red pill
you are born with a fixed amount of fat cells, if you fill them al up you create more, they never go away, so child hood obesity is a serious issue that leads to you being a permanent fatass
I actually went and did that after reading your post. I'm gunna get some dairy Queen now to reward myself. I've earned it :∆)
>but whatevs.
I wonder this myself. Im 19, got fat when I was 8, and decided to start losing weight at 16. I was only 60 pounds over weight.
I really fucking suck at sticking to anything, and have poor impulse control. Literally nigger-tier laziness and impulsiveness. But I still managed to lose it all, and now Im trying to get buff.
It doesnt really take a lot of work. Just eat a little less. Then keep eating a little less. Work out a lot if you dont want to have to eat less. If youve gained weight again, eat less/work out more. I had a lot of ups and downs but every pound of weight I gained back fueled me to lose 5 more till I got here.
Always been overweight just means you've never eaten right.
kys asap
To add though OP
While I cannot imagine how anyone reaches 300 pounds, once at 300 its significantly more difficult I imagine to start doing things right than it is at 250, or lower.
>t. fatass
Wrong! By fasting your body will enter ketosis and produce ketones which combine with fat cells that are burned to provide energy.
carbs, look at what you're eating cut the daily carb intake in half=win also walk around more,jogging is a meme
I ate like a pig the summers I was 11,12,13 and didn't play sports.
Suddenly was fat in high school, which sucked.
Lost 100 pounds, down to 200lbs got a wife and got my shit together.
Just work out and dont sit on your ass and drink milk all day.
Pic related would murder my chunky self.
>You must get to a point at around 250 pounds and think "I should stop eating now".
that's pretty much what happens.
I wish it were abuse to have an obese kid. I can see having an overweight kid, but it's too easy to avoid having obese children.
It's fucking child abuse.
I should not have been the ball of blubber I was at 8, I hated myself growing up, no one ever "liked" me back, I was shit at sports and felt bad about it too because I actually liked sports.
If someone walked up and said.
"Eat less, do more outside. You will stop being fat"
I would have stopped being fat! But now I have permanent stretch marks all over me.
Fatty here, at some point we just say "fuck it, it's too much work to lose weight, I'm gonna eat delicious food and lots of it".
>I think certain people don't see the repercussions of their actions and therefore blame outside sources for their self made problems.
How did you become a Sup Forumstard and became addicted to this site?
It's not like you wake up one day and you're an insecure isolated Islamophobic Antisemitic fascist and closeted homosexual who does nothing else but shitpost all day. You must get to a point where such people you hang around with have the "audacity" to pathetically rationalize that genocidal maniacs are the "good guys", and think "I should stop shitposting now and avoid this site." Wtf is wrong with people?
>tfw I was already an isolated sexist Islamophobic racist right-leaning libertarian and coming to Sup Forums was finding my home
That's like saying you became fat long before eating "4chit" food, then later you discovered "4chit" and became even more fat because of it.
I wouldn't call "4chit" a nice home meal. It should never be in your home. And especially not to be fed to your kids if you have them.
This. I used to work out a lot but lost interest when I started drinking. Not fat, but going to the gym 4-5 times a week seems boring and pointless. Maybe I'll either pick it back up or get fatter
not that it is important, i actually said the first one to myself.
i even bought whale -sized clothes and accepted my fate.
luckily i have not become an orca. still fat at 167 lbs but not orca. that's all im after.
>167 lbs
How can you be fat with that much weight?
How tall are you?
they are mentally weak and live in a constant state of denial of the obvious. obesity is basically a symptom of mental illness.
>To lose weight you must eat normal portions of healthy food MORE often and work out, 15-30min cardio AND serious effort weights AT LEAST 4 days per week.
As someone who works out 5 days a week and powerlifts, this is absolute horseshit. You have no idea what you're talking about.
It's a combination of things
-Addictions a bitch
-Once you reach a certain point it just gets slipperier and steeper.
- The rising rate of obesity combined with body positive movements means that you don't realise you're fat, well you do it's just everyone else is similar
- Everything is full of sugar, especially stuff that takes less effort to make, so you'll find obesity in western countries more around the lower classes.
- Emotional eating is cyclical, you eat because you feel bad and you feel bad because you're fat.
- Also to contribute, the times I see people the most dickish to fat people is when said fat person is trying to lose weight, so that contributes as well to lack of trying.
>How do fat people become so fucking fat?
It's the spoons. We need to ban those.