>be Polish
>drive truck
>get stabbed by muslim
>muslim uses your truck to promote the religion of peace in Berlin
Why don't Polish people defend their trucks instead of getting cucked by skinny muslim boys?
Be Polish
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Because government doesn't like us having guns.
So? Fuck the government. Do what you need to do to stay safe.
He was shot, not stabbed.
>get illegal gun
>shoot mudslime
>get 10 years in jail for having gun illegally, carrying it illegally etc.(at least we aren't in Italy - self defence isn't illegal)
That being said I think that Germans have even looser laws when it comes to it. If you use illegal gun in self-defence they will try to sweep it under the rug or so I've heard.
If he even touched that "refugee" he would be looking at 15 years in jail. Damn cucks
>Truck somehow changed color overnight from blue to black
>no pictures of victims
>lots of known crisis actors
>Guy caught alive but only witness (the polish truck driver) killed
Is this a false flag? But who did it? The right wing? The Polish?
he was reportedly shot.
pretty hard to avoid that.
also better if he had a baton or pepperspray.
"Muslim uses this truck to promote the religion of peace" kek'd more than I had to.
Trump is behind it. Same with 9/11. It all fits in the bigger picture.
are you on drugs holland?
>there were plenty witnesses
> the truck is black in the pictures, not blue anywhere.
>there are cellphone videos of victims in laying on the ground and shit
>Truck somehow changed color overnight from blue to black
Completely unexplainable. How could a truck look a darker colour at night?
This was definitely some kind of conspiracy like the moon landing.
Hey, the polish hussars can't be everywhere !
>taking jobs in islamic countries
He kinda asked for it tbf.
>kierowca był Żydem
>also company owner is (((Ariel))) Zurawski
Police caught the wrong guy. Getting caught wasn't part of the plan.
This to be honest.
Fucking poles man.
The driver of the truck picked him up because he was a faggot looking to fuck
self defence is legal but practically all judges are leftist gun-free imbecilles and no matter what you did, if you fire you're going to jail because muh feelings
>named Ariel
>being jew
he is not a Pole. Poles are either Christian, Orthodox, Atheist but ultra nationalists, Lipka Tatars muslimes, and we have 3 buddhists too.
>nazywanie sie proszkiem do prania
Każdy Polak to kryptożyd
how did i not notice that
a spierdalaj
every USA citizen is jewish slave
>Mr Zielinski told TV in Poland that the 25-tonne truck, laden with steel and with its headlights switched off, was hijacked on its way back to Poland.
You mean they stole their cars back?
Poles live for stealing cars.
not in this particular case
also, we do not kill people with them, usually
>disable all muslim trucks
Yeah to be fair Polish immigrants are the better ones.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
This. I'm fucking raging that the (((media))) is saying the polish guy was with the terrorist all along and got shot and killed by the police.
He was fucking dead since the beginning for god fucking sake.
>germans blame terror attack on poland not defending their trucks
>germans invade poland
all means to an end
even a fucking leaf is better than the fucking toothpaste faggot
get flooded, you muzzie lover
Polish people that are not migrants are even better
come visit Kraków some day
Sure it is polands fauld.
At 5:45 we will shoot back!
Looks like the german cuck police have no idea what theyre doing. Captured someone, hav no clue if hes terrorist or not, if driver is on the run? how stupid are these cuks?
I would love to man, looks like a beautiful city. Also Poland seems to be one of the only countries in Europe, that holds onto traditional values.
The driver was shot to death. By the hijacker. This is Europe, only criminals get guns while victims are told to bin that knife.
>is toothpaste on drugs
toothpaste is always on drugs
Poles could not be trusted with guns. Just saying.
Polish drivers are quite cool. Today they paid their respect to the poor guy.
Probably too afraid of being racist and too busy licking dirty Muslim buttholes with their tongues like the giant worthless pussies they are
>Be Polish driver just working hard for family
>Get shot
But I thought guns are illegal so it couldnt happen
>Mudslime Refugee uses Truck to run people over and kill them
But i thought they were all Doctors and Lawyers
we would descend into chaos because everytime politician would say something stupid, somebody would shoot him
>tfw the liberals have their grimy paws in everything
>tfw the news just slaps labels on everything now to tell you how to feel even though it has nothing to do with Germany or Poland or whatever else, when it's just another sandnigger chimping out and killing a bunch of people
Thats nice. I really feel the most sorry for that Polish man. Being a trucker is a shit job and probably even more shit in Poland. Getting killed that way is really fucked up.
Why do you need to bring a gun to a knife fight?
Show how big a bunch of pussies the poles are.
turned on my FB feed this morning. Not a single mention of the attacks of yesterday. No SJW with flags on their pic, no one standing with germnay. Id accept fags saying islam is peace at this point.
There was a machete attack in vancouver canada yesterday. Police iced the slime before he got to anyone. Canada has a good history of putting these mofos on ice before they do big damage.
Except you know the time where the guy in Quebec ran down the soldiers. Also the time in Ottawa where he shot the soldier, then made it into the parliament building before getting iced by our Paddy on the inside, Mr. Vickers.
What do you expect? It has become commonplace now. No one is going to show sympathy or empathy because they have been desensitized to radical Islamic terror in Europe. Think about the reaction from Charlie Hebdo; it got the full media treatment including cartoons, flag filters, and candle vigils. Then think of the Nice attack, even less people noticed.
Now we are at the point where it's just "well fuck, another attack happened in Europe". Soon it will barely even make the news. I bet Germans are asking more questions along the lines of "what are we doing to make them do this?", or even "how can we better integrate the refugees?", then anything else.
Continental Europe is going to fall in our lifetime because of this mindset.
That's actually a recipe for fixing the country super fast.
Because last time a pole said he'll defend his trucks he got shit talked by everyone.
Obviously sexhacker Putin did it.
Merkel told them to release the guy, they wouldn't want to offend their masters. The official story will be that polish driver who had been dead for 18 hours prior to this attack, was the one who slammed into those people.
He was so drunk they thought he was dead.
You don't know the script, do you? It's only a "fake attack" with crisis actors, when a white man is the suspect.
When a brown man is behind the gun or the wheel, it's a terroristic islamic attack.
>be American
>walk down the street
>get shot
>Tyrone uses your money to buy some coke
Why don't Americlaps defend their lives instead of giving their money to druggie niggers?
> 60%
You fucking kidding me? Dude put up a hell of a fight. Got stabbed and shot in the end. So much for gun control. Fucking idiot liberals want everyone to be as equally helpless as this poor pollack.
Rest In Peace
That's the price of freedom, you cuck! Getting robbed at gunpoint by a nigger, U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
when the fuck are people going to wake up from this shit already?
member Narutowicz?
how's this even the fault of the polish driver?
Guy was tryna make some money by driving a truck and gets killed by a subhuman, hardly his fault?
1. Someone attacks Al-Ka'ba
2. Muslims worldwide go on a jihad
3. They get politely detained and sent to happiness camps
5. Oy vey
I like this idea, we could go full Wild West here.
38 Million+ Poland has less Muslims then one suburb of Brussels you dummy. That attack happened in Germany so blame them instead for brining all those radical Muslims in.
Are you the same faggot who asked how is this possible that there is no blood this night?
Because she wasn't a virgin, duh.
We have like 25k muslims who for the most part are Polish Tatars, and they're vehemently opposed to bringing refugees in.
Exactly this is not fault of trucker,he was attacked with big knife what could he do?
The better question is why there are Millions of Hajis and Kebabs in Germany in first place?
Polish Tatars are Europeans in the first place. They are part of our tradition and our culture.
No they originally came as invaders, but their number is small so they are not threat.
Still less muslims in all of Poland than there are in Brussels alone.
thanks for reminding me of my grim fate
>They are part of our tradition and our culture
That much is true.
Dzienki kolego. I will take this as a compliment
You're late for work a the refugee sperm bank.
Get sucking!
This based Hungarian is relevant to this thread
Huge hypocrite. He should have helped that other driver. Fuck his nigger hungarian ass. His soul is black.