Ask a turk living in Germany anything
Ask a turk living in Germany anything
with your fucken head rape is probably the only option
German kebab any good?
>Ask a soon to be strung up nigger anything
There fixed it for you :)
I don't even have a question I'm just unimpressed you gave up on your homeland and expect an alien culture not to stab you in the back at a moments chance.
I fuck a lot of german girls. They love turks. German men are all spineless cucks
Its better than kebab in Turkey tbqh
Im probably whiter than you
Why don't you go back to Turkey if you're so proud of your faggot crescent and star? I don't understand why you subhumans (read: Mexicans, nigs, Muslims of all kinds) are so proud of your heritage and put it above the country you live in and get gibs from and then just don't leave when given the chance? Just fuck off back home, shit up your own country.
It's funny that even turks know that all they need to show people to confirm their cockroach status is the two rugs over their eyes they call eyebrows. Uncanny amounts of self awareness, impressed actually.
>German men are all spineless cucks
Can't argue with that ngl
Because I can abuse the welfare system here and generally live a better life. Also german girls are so much easier than turkish ones
Girls dig them
u james franco bro?
Why did you use the face of Mohammed Atta for your shitty bait post? Do you think we're that stupid?
are you a sleeper terrorist cell ready to attack Germany on xmas eve?
You worship, or 'put worth to' all day every day. You're conflating things that shouldn't be. His Glory is where I fallibly 'try' to put worth to. That is love Him and your neighbor.......... Don't hate; you Jew.
your country you are so proud of is a shithole. you cant argue with that.
you could only do everyone else a favor and kill yourself.
No. I love the stupidity of this country. Why would I destroy it?
U w0t m8?
Asiatic filth
gläubiger terk ?
what are you going to do when they decide to gas you all?
Learn to read.
How does it feel that muhamed was the whitest man on earth and your shitskin cant compete?
Do you like gas chambers?
Ja natürlich
They are too cucked to do that
For the Jews yeah. They deserved it
Do you miss your foreskin ?
Wow, a roach in a sewer!
How surprising.
Well user i have bad news for you they wont be used for the Jews anymore.
#Sidenote, no.
Being cut is masterrace and girls love it too
They won't be used again anytime soon
Fucking retarded russian deserved it. Fuck russia
Five years ago you would be right now i'm not so sure.
So are you too much of a coward to Love.
Does pic related trigger you?
>bait thread
Go roleplay somewhere else faggot
wallah bruder zieh ab, mach baba erdo keine schande du landsverräter
why are roaches such shit people?
What's your heritage, user?
>Fucking retarded russian deserved it. Fuck russia
The eternal slav is coming for you, roach
Post pic or nudes of hotest germ-whore you've fucked. Also, what do you think of pizzagate?
James Franco look-alike mos definitely, but hes a jew.
James Franco?
Why should anyone have a question for dead men walking?
no. you fuck german girls because you are a novelty. a tool to make daddy mad and feel progressive. youre a fad
Why do you feel the need to further enforce the stupid stereotypes Sup Forums has towards turkish people? You are a disgrace to your country and people.
Is this triggering to you?
why do you look like a fucking indian?
>these are the people trying to claim they are european/white
nothing to ask, we already know that you are scum
This is a legit question. Their biggest "achievement" the Ottoman empire was a decaying shithole for around 4 centuries. What the fuck is there to be proud of as a roach?
White German cuck LARPer kill yourself.
I truly cannot wait till white cucks are wiped off the earth so the true master race, Chinese can rule. You cuckold cum skins disgust me.
>Ask a TRUCK living in Germany anything
Turks are pretty gross.
Are all Turkish people as ugly as you?
hyvä kysymys veli!
Nothing is gonna happen.
Fuck off and rot in hell
We are good people
Fuck off hans
>a novelty
>in fucking germany
Maybe try leaving the cellar once in a while hans
What stupid stereotypes?
Enjoy your stay wtf
Another timestamp or fake.
post pic of cutest german girl you've fucked, maybe just body?
Also what do you think about pizzagate you fucking twat i asked you a question.
Germans can't protect themselves how are they going to protect you lmao.
Just a reminder that turks are underrepresented in the upper education levels and only semi white girls with the same level of education and intelligence as them. The only thing that is spineless is not being able to just shut the fuck up for 13 years to get a real education. IT'S FREE AS WELL.
Indeed, never heard of a 20th month. We use freedom units here though.
>good people
>post pic of cutest german girl you've fucked
he never did, thats why he cosplays as turkish bull in the first place
Once the right wing party comes in power in the next election, you turkroaches are getting morteined
dude atleast put some effort into it.
I saw that pic 6 hours ago but nigger please.
This filename means you downloaded it here you fag.
I acctually hope you are a nigger or a roach because I refuse to believe that humans can be that stupid.
Where do you live? Let's meet up and I'll beat the shit out of your smug pig face.
Larp detected. Even though Turks are roaches only a larper would claim the kebab in Germany is better than in Turkey. Fail
i thought turks are alright
i guess i was wrong
youre an asshole
Burned Kebab
Why do you fucks always honk all the time, we Euros love our peace and quiet, atleast adjust for fucks sake.
why do you worship a giant black toilet? is this why you're a shitskin?
Is it still consodered living if you were born a Turkroach?
No it's just that it's easy to fake that kind of pic, there's literally tons of fakes like that on /b.
Even native turks hates turkish diaspora, no wonder.
why the hell are you so dark?
hory shieet
Turks are the roach of Asia.
The stereotype of turkish people being brutes that do not respect women, the country they grew up in and are just sex crazed rape monkeys in general. You are putting yourself in the role of some kind of primal retard by enforcing the 'cuck' dichotomy and by doing this you give those that are racist against turks living in Germany more support for their racist ideas. You are hurting your people. Try to reflect a bit, instead of going along with a racist narrative that appeals to you due to your ill concieved macho ideals. Stop being a turd ahmed.
In his defense who gives a fuck about a russian ambassedor visiting an art gallery,
Also there was no blood
Fucking video of assassination reeks of fake news and bullshittery, literally 6th grade video project level.
fuck Russia.
You're the cuck he's talking about.
Merkel will get reelected. Try again
You cant trigger me
At least post a cute girl
t. cuck
Do you sit outside a barbers shop on a plastic chair smoking cheap cigarettes?
Whats this chicks name in the pic again? Shes always in shitty chick flicks etc. PLS SOURCE
Asalamu Alaykum bro, share me with your glorious stories of deflowering and defilement of kraut whores and the raging mad jealousy you got from kraut cucks.
When will you blow yourself up for your 72 raisins?
I got you Lafayette. Just want dude, if real, to not be a coward; and Love.
>At least post a cute girl
Again : post another timestamp or fake.
See op. These are the people whos narrative you are supporting.
>I fuck a lot of german girls. They love turks.
non white Unterschicht bitches =/= german girls
Krysten Ritter
There are ethnic Germans less German looking than you mate. Don't worry.