Why does everybody hates the french?

Ok, Sup Forums, i think it's common knowledge that most people hold a grudge against us. But why is that?
You will often see in anglo saxon media entire articles insulting France, you will also see their politicians scoring points insulting France. But you won't see in French media or politics the same. Why this one sided hate? Is it just anglo tradition? If so, why does other european countries join in the bants, because of the american soft power?

What exactly is it that we french do so wrong? I can understand why the third world hates us, it's obvious. But why the western world? All i hear are ad hominem such as "coward", "arrogant" etc. But hardly any factual reproach.

Even on Sup Forums we should be more considered, we are the only europpean nation that fought terrorrists in mali with other europpeans doing fuck all, we are the only ones who banned veils in public offices, we are the first who banned the burqa, we closed dozens of mosque... Yet, always the same good old "cheesy surredering monkey rant".

I'm not blaming anyone or saying France is perfect, because it obviously has flaws. I'm just trying to understand.

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I asked about the western world paco.

It's just bants m8 don't worry if shit comes to shove we have got your backs.

Growing up there has always been a permanent level of bants against the French.

You are terrorists in my country.

FUCK Quebec and FUCK French people

Everyone except the muslim is a terrorist in your country even the fire burning down your trees.

Of course, it's a leaf.

So, it's more of a tradition to you?

it's a uk thing from the hundred years war

nobody really cares anymore, it's more ironic than anything nowadays

Give back quebec if you don't want it.


Anyone who actually hates France is retarded or a mudslime, which I guess is redundant.

freedom fries

no hate from me man love respect and peace

You come here in vacation and don't want to speak English, you assume we need to speak your faggot language to beg you for money. Fuck you frenchs

Because you like disgusting oily food while pretending to be based.

Ils sont jaloux comme d'habitude

>anyone who hates the most mudslime infested country in Europe is a Muslim

Argenigger logic.

Because you are rude asshats, who can't get over you aren't the lingua franca anymore

I don't know, lad.

But for example. I was watching some archeology stuff and when ever it came time to debate, the fucking French archeologist/historian was always the one who would try to shout new ideas down. Very frustrating.

Because you have shitty loose sexual moars

As I grew up hearing about frenchies kicking over and spray painting American tomb stones of our soldiers that died liberating your country, or the disdain toward uncultured Americans by your elite...fuck off frenchy, you earned it. Not all of you are bad, but I have no love for your country as a whole.

For the world outside Europe, the only memorable contribution to history from France is losing in war.

Fuck off you anglos burned the parliament in montreal because you are big cry babies

I don't hate France, I know you have the potential to be great again, but it will require making hard choices that many of today's Frenchmen see as anti-French.

If you do not abandon this notion that any and all can be French, you will drown under the brown tides rising in your cities.

Having ancestors from France, I feel a kinship with her people and I want the best for them. If I'm rude to you, it's because I want you to find the anger needed to save your nation.

>Why does everybody hates the french?
Start with speaking english properly


Lots of other reasons.

You should care more about respect. Because we all used to RESPECT you, now no one does.

Because of France we have:

1) liberalism
2) egalitarianism
3) republicanism
4) feminism
5) niggers
6) jews
7) communism
8) degenerate art and architecture

Everything started from you.

It's good enough for everybody to understand me tarlouze.

The french women I have known are diseased sluts. The french men are ratfaced faggots. France is mostly khazar kikes now, your indigenous gentile genes are suppressed and ethnically ostricized by your bignosed majority.

Nobody in here hates France, it's probably an Anglo thing.

Oh and that qt in your pic is probably one of the most beautiful things I've seen.

Il peuvent pas nous blairer parce qu'on est connus pour pas suivre toutes les idées faites par les anglos-saxons,on est leur rival originel

Who hates the french? It would be boring without the frogs. We wind them up, they get all froggy and sulk or sperg out, it's fun. They do the same to us. Sometimes friends sometimes enemy's, it just people being people.

Every french i've ever met was a total asshole that makes Sup Forums look like a social paradise in comparison.

Its the only country where i met more people i dislike than like.

I used to like france, then i met some horrible french girls and a couple of dudes and jesus christs, something is wrong with french people

You stole alsace-lorraine and we hated each other for centuries

Its because of the not too innacurate stereotype of you being pretentious cunts, to be honest.


>Wind them up, they get all froggy and sulk

The best prank was burning Joan of Arc.

the US government actually performed a psyop on the American public by pushing out tons of negative press on France when they refused to join the Iraq war

remember freedom fries?

I don't hate the French at all. I just like to make fun of you guys sometimes.

Yeah, i was really young but i remember the butthurt in our media.

Because you're an overrated country, with a small productive minority and a huge slab of arrogant loud-mouths who rides their successes
US is a technological power, Germany an industrial one, you're a well-known exporter of perfumes, designer clothes and home appliances, and damn proud of it at that
Your only military relevance in the past decades was to invade some african countries and bomb the shit out of a handful of goat-riding militiamen to protect your billionaire's businesses

The list goes on. You're like the UK, clinging pitifully to a glorious past while you're oblivious of your own slow fade into oblivion and decay. We don't hate you, you're just stupid and obnoxious

>Country with the most virgins
At leats we can fuck someone

French have so little meaningful accomplishments, all they can brag about is being able to have sex with one another.

You are all savages who smell like garlic.

french is no longer french

I like you France.

French Argentines gave us two Nobel Science prizes. We modeled our capital after yours. Your revolutionaries helped in our independence war.

La France est une pierre angulaire de la civilisation occidentale.

Only monarchist cucks hate you.

1)you want Sup Forums being shut down ?
2)not giving amnesty to every son of... Is egalitarianism ?
3)>what is roman republic
4)you are talking about England,napoleon BTFO feminists after the revolution women can vote only from 1944
5) blame The krauts for killing white men in Europe
6)How ?
7)Marx is a french ?
8)>what is german expressionism

Because you're arrogant as fuck and have the most ridiculous delusions of grandeur - and always have had.

The 3 stages of French history:

>Get repeatedly BTFO by the English
>Get repeatedly BTFO by the British
>Get repeatedly BTFO by the Germans

2 Greatest French leaders were an Italian (Napoleone di Buonaparte) and a fucking asylum seeker (De Gaulle - who achieved nothing but was allowed to pretend to be a big guy by Churchill for the sake of diplomacy).

Your military incompetence and cowardice has twice led to Europe's destruction - though I suppose the British should accept some responsibility for being dumb enough to try and save you from yourselves. We should have just sat out both World Wars and let the Germans have you.

French philosophy is and always has been a fucking joke. Christ you're the only people who give the Jews a run for their money in terms of promoting pseudointellectual degeneracy.

Ok, Sup Forums, i think it's common knowledge that most people hold a grudge against us. But why is that?

Here's why, from an English perspective.
>100 years war.
>Literally around 198 years of war between us.
>Helping the US break free
>Surrendering in 2 weeks giving way to the Nazi's to start bombing raids on the UK.

Anything I missed?

Because you are the most overrated and arrogant country of bloody Europe. Marketing for decades about your supposed "culural refinement" which only means overpriced luxury goods and nerdy cuisine, hiding the ugly truth of your smelly cities, your vulgarity and the trash food you indulge yourselves on when you're not going to a fancy restaurant.

>Post a coward faggot that ran over to Anglo kikes

Fuck off Japan, i asked the western world, not some gook island.

Naw, de Gaulle was the best. He fucking hated us, but needed us to get his country back. Fun and games with Charlie and the frogs.

>english education

Is right.

You are easy to wind up.

>hold a grudge
No. People think you're effete and weak. Other popular views are pompous, arrogant, hedonistic, snobbish, gay...

Sorry to say it, Pierre, nobody respects you enough to hold a grudge. Not saying I agree with these views, mind.

You guys have never been told about dunkirk and how you left without telling french command, and fucked off without fighting leaving the french and belgians alone to save your asses?

England is basically the daughter of France, remember Guillaume bongs ?

Also don't confuse Jacobine France since Revolution with the true France that is the sister of Germany, and the elder sister of the Church.

>prefering a surrender monkey

I have nothing against the French personally. It honestly seems like French people hate Britain and anglos in general more than the other way around.

French are generally seen to have loose morals and yet to consider themselves better than everyone else. They seem eternally butthurt that English is the dominant language and anglo culture is the dominant culture in the world.

French people are cool though. My ex was half French.

Oh and stop important magrebins into your country. You're ruining it. Those people are subhuman scum.

Because you eat Pepe legs, a curse of scorn has been placed upon you.


The Dutch also fought terrorists in Mali nub.

I don't hate the French. Historically you guys have been bros with us and I have no reason to.

It's because you speak nasally and that's annoying to everybody else.

P.s. stop cucking about former colonies and making everything worse.

Damn, that pic. I feel like I just been diagnosed with dietbeties.

Our failed country decided to surrender, and honestly Bismarck should have annexed and germanized us, nothing of value would have been lost.

>guys, I quit the country but I'm not a surrenderer haha

crypto-jew Murdoch thought it would he hilarious to start a whole new generation of hate through his Fox show Married with Children.
Pretty much all of the anti-French memes can be traced back to there.


For the same reason we hate Canadians - They're French.

>be French
>have revolution in own country

Because every time we interact with someone who speaks French they act like hot shit like it's the greatest language/culture in the world, French culture is so cultural! We have so many social freedoms! Did you know we french have a word for a woman like you? Oh that thing? It's OK. It's not from Paris tho."

I'm only visiting your country cause Napoleon and my Norman ansestors.

I like them, but some french sperg kept shitting up a danish thread the other day so now im not so sure.

> Implying there is some sort of different between one another

Both French and Anglo are just mudslime goat fuckers

Pretty sure Italian and Spanish people do the same when they go abroad. I personally had to deal with an Italian woman who asked me her way in Italian in Paris. I told her I could only speak French or English, but she kept speaking Italian to me, as if French and Italian were the same fucking language.

So keep your stereotypes to yourself Giuseppe. It applies to all Southern European countries.

You sound like a girl that need compliments. J'ai grossi hein tu trouves pas ?

>sucking krauts cock
>dude i surrender i am not ordering people to destroy you supply lines haha

I hate France. The non-immigrant French are just fine.

You can say the same about of lot of countries. Most people hate the USA, but just look at Sup Forums. The majority are USA flags and we tend to get along with everyone well enough. Except Canada. But ... well, that's Canada.

Nah you frogs are alright in my book. You've been pretty good at war, and your cultural and historical impact on the world is respectable.

you started the enlightenment (along with geneva) and were basically the first country to start pushing the idea that all men were equal, which led to our current situation, gradually

we've always hated you because you've always been the furthest left, making things worse continually for 300 years

we'll help you kill the subhumans, but don't expect apologies. our cultures need to be reformed. don't feel pride in who you are now. feel pride in who we can become

you were the start of it all,
should of just ate the fucking cake

They do make cute Chinese cartoons.


We suck that French clit though

Don't care about compliments, i asked about reasons.

>But why is that?
Because England has been cucked by France since pretty much year one, so when UK grew more powerful than France they just couldn't let it go and started shitting all over you for centuries. And now that their culture became the global culture, everyone parrots that opinion. You're alright, France, don't have to be so snobbish though. And socialist

Hollywood ((entertainment))

The enlightenment is The reason why your country exist and you have a constitution retard

It's banter. We don't really hate the French.

have you ever considered the fact that DEMOCRACY IS A FUCKING MISTAKE you fucking down syndrome faggot

Krauts were fine whilst Frogs were kiked you mad Abdul ?

Fuck de Gaulle and fuck modern (((France))).

>destroying krauts
Feels good man

I don't think anyone actually hates France, it's more if a running joke in the anglosphere. That said I do hate Paris, and you do not have great free speech laws. Also is it true that DNA testing to establish fatherhood is illegal? But that's pretty much it Henri. France in general is considered high if not top tier in my field (math).

True, and the french cute girl voices are far superior to the screechy asian ones.

*of a running joke.

Le queers

Um I think you killed the Catholic ones and saved the Protestants, how is this a good thing, fool?

it's not a joke. it really is illegal

also, french top at math? are you joking? departments worldwide are dominated by chinese, anglos and russians with like, maybe, maybe A indian guy

>Krauts were fine
Fine krauts are like fine Anglos
They don't exist

And it's also why we have no defense against the muslims hordes or the Mexican menace threatening our nation. Freedom of religion and equality ideology turned out to be a mistake. Our enemies, who don't believe in these things, use it as a weapon against us.