Redpill me on anime, Sup Forums

Redpill me on anime, Sup Forums.

Why do you watch them? Why is Trump supporting them?

Do they convey valuable (political) messages? (fairy tales of "this" generation?)

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I hope Germany will creased to exist. At this rate, West Europe is a lost caused. East Europe can still grow and have a chance to live.

I watch cute girls anime as an inspiration of a world I desire to help shape

Where are my fellow /neo-venetians/


anime is good I think! boys and men touch penis so less stress in life and work.

>boys and men touch penis
Sugoi Nihon-kun

>Do they convey valuable (political) messages?
Pic related does.

Anime is mental poison preparing your brain to go down the degeneration rabbit hole. Vid related, it's you Yannick.

This english teacher has the right idea.

>no Martian paradise
Just end it all.

Who gives a fuck. Its just cartoons

>Do they convey valuable (political) messages? (fairy tales of "this" generation?)
If you think of the desire to fuck high school aged girls as a valuable political message, yeah.

If not, no.

watch tengen toppa gurren lagan, then you may free germany

Don't lose fate user
We might start the first colony soon
We might not see neo-venetia but we will die knowing we started it

So yes?

>implying anime and manga are mostly masturbatory material

I need to watch this shit again

Maybe yes, maybe no. Depends on the person.

Anime is good for the mind and soul


Is that melon pan? kek

anime is redpilled

anime is a beta meme

anime is a shit and for degenerates

in my opinion, anime is far superior to western TV because it doesn't have the jew-y hollywood feminist bullshit in it. I can't fucking stand watching western shit since i got redpilled, because all i see is the fucking propoganda that they're shilling alongside their subpar stories.

Meanwhile in anime, there's loads of excellent stories with interesting characters, and practically zero culturally marxist bullshit added in. while some recent series have gotten more sjw to appeal to the western tumblr crowd, I still think anime is a superior means of entertainment than watching western shit. Not to mention the fact that anime is far more self aware and does it's fanservice properly. Western shows do fanservice just as much as jap ones, but its complete garbage and not titilating or cute at all.

As for political messages, it varies. Neon Genesis Evangelion explored some interesting ideas of individualism vs collectivist philosophy, although it was not very political. i guess you could at least say that good anime has both good and bad political messages depending on the creator, whereas western shows are all marxist feminist jewshit.

anime is good

take that back scum

>while some recent series have gotten more sjw to appeal to the western tumblr crowd
No, that's just you seeing things because of your own personal views. Japs don't think the same way westerners do. Just because a show has a female lead, for example, doesn't mean that they're pandering to SJWs and feminists, like SJWs, feminists and cuckservatives on Sup Forums, think. They just pick characters based on the story they want to tell with little-no ulterior motive behind them.

Naga > Lina.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with watching anime.

Honestly anime was really cool when I was a kid but I can't stand it anymore. I still post it sometimes though. But I imagine sitting through anime at this stage in life would just feel depressing.

yep its melon pan

... the animu industry has yet to prove the opposite.

Anime turns people into homosexual pedophiles. Prove me wrong.

Anime is like scooby doo and the flinstones but for men to be honest with you fampaichi.

but lina is perfect in every way
how do you feel about amelia?

people who watch anime are virgin manchildren, if somebody posts anime, discard their opinion as they are parasites

Is this kino?

I watch anime because nobody else is making quality animation any more. Western animators only use shit flash based animation any more.

That said, I absolutely cannot stand stupid shit high school anime.

That's a lot of yayaka

pure kino

A very painful redpill.

There can never be "a lot of yayaka"

you're parasitic paedophiles and need to fucking hang

baka desu senpai


>I watch anime because nobody else is making quality animation any more
You do get a few examples of decent Western animation, but it's mainly straight-to-video movies by DC and Marvel.

It also goes without saying that western 3DCG is top tier.

is that based trigun?


you're the embodiment of failure and a drain on society

no Im not, I work for my money

baka desu senpai

Anime is obviously degenerate...

Let's face it. It is a primitive entertainment that lacks complexity and originality and wastes your time.

Except grendizer, Sailor Moon and Slayers that I watched in elementary. Still for kids. Also, Xellos is the best at everything.


Watch Jojo, space dandy and berzerk

>being a virgin faggot

>is a lost caused
are you drunk or just a dumb nigger/spic?

Well manga and anime gave me Berserk, Death Note, code geass (and naruto which I started as a kid)

So I think it has brought great shows in my live.

Although 80% if not more of this industry is pure shit

Also I will admit I teared up at the end of Basalisk. Life is cruel and humanity has mastered the art.

jajaja kraut rustled.


baka desu senpai

Just watched that like last week. Badass as hell t b h

>Although 80% if not more of this industry is pure shit
The same applies to any industry you can think of.

I watch anime because in real life everyone is selfish and crazy. Innocence doesn't exist.

I need to unplug every now and again to maintain sanity.

anime redpilled me

>Redpill me on anime, Sup Forums.
Because people are retarded.

>Why do you watch them? Why is Trump supporting them?
He isn't. He hates it.

>Do they convey valuable (political) messages? (fairy tales of "this" generation?)
Yes. Racemixing is amazing and looking gay/being a trap is awesome as well.

It's actually incredible how much anime harmed Generation Y. 9/10 the traps out there are weeaboos. Yet Sup Forums loves it.

Am I a weaboo if I like the old Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump and Shin Chan?

compare anime to western media. One pushes leftism, diversity and degeneracy whereas the other has wholesome values and chastity.

>"anime is bad except for the anime that i like"

>most famous manga ever

Yep, such values.

>most animes are focused on romances. Satisfy all kinds of perverted fantasies that even porn doesn't touch.

Much worth.

the weebs here arent actually here to have a sensible discussion, they're just here to spread their cancer to compensate for their lack of a social life


>young, fertile teenage girl marrying an older, successful government worker with strong aspirations, breeding as quickly as they can to produce pure-blooded children for their country
>gets stabbed in the back by an autistic seven-year old child and dies
Really, it's a strong argument for eugenics.