Condolences to Germany

Germanbros, you have my sympathies for your nation's loss.

This user stands with you.

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Nice trips. Usually I'd blame the germs for bringing this upon themselves but being a christmas market that was attacked I genuinely feel for them. Shit is fucked.


Thanks, man.

We'll see how the bluepilled normies are going to turn that thing around in their head again so no cognitive dissonance remains.

You reap what you sow.

I'd be sympathetic if you hadn't sowed it by force for the rest of us as well. Since you forced us to accept it, I have zero pity and am happy you're being punished for fucking all the rest of us.

Thanks satan.
Unfortunately it was just a matter of time really.

thanks. also nice digits.

btw interestingly nobody is putting a german flag filter over their fb portraits as all of them did with the tricolore when it happened in France... i wonder why...

How did we force you? lol, dont act like greekcunt

Yes, my condolences too Germany

>Usually I'd blame the germs

Americans and jews brainwashed us for 70years its not our fault

Do you really believe any German had a saying in that? Y-yes, because you live in a free democracy and a s-sovereign state, n-not still occupied by 3 foreign enemy forces, s-still without a real peace treaty...

Dont try and pass the blame. You guys should've stood up and defended yourselves. You are a disgrace to your aryan ancestors.

great german cuntry, cant eevn into registering all incoming refugees

because evul demucracy


Pointless crap, Germany is finished. I don't feel bad for them, they deserve it.

It's too tiresome to change it every other day

Tolerance and acceptance of refugees was a German idea. You're the ones who imported two million turks as well making a base for Islam in Europe.

Is Merkel chancellor of your country?

She is.

Are elections horribly corrupt in Germany?

Not that much.

Therefore it came from you, it seems.

Because literally nobody likes you except the Netherlands maybe

Slovenia is with you Germanbros

Nonsense we will liberate Germans and go down in history as heroic race.

This time us Slavs will do the right thing.

>wow, i cant believe theyre being nice to foreign people! fucking germans

Yes, exactly. Britain and France forced you to vote for Merkel.

As a German ancestor (with some Ashkenazi) I must say I'm ashamed to say I come from Germany. I am not ashamed by what it was, the strongest country in the world home to the greatest minds and workers. Instead I am ashamed by what it is, a home of pussies and cuckolds. Germany, but especially the Germans themselves need to assert themselves. Combined, the mind of the Ashkenazi and the strength of the Aryan is unstoppable. Reclaim your country from the subhuman foreigners. Quit being bitches, start being German.

Why are there so many crosses? Christians compensating much?

Hopefully they replace them soon with square thombstones. I can't imagine what it feels like being a minority in Germany and having to look at this every single day.

The whole east is fucking screaming at you these people are cancer and will kill us all.

Britain is screaming against it as well, as of recently.

You see all these countries already dead because of the Islam scourge, crying out for help.

Yeh, nah, bad excuse.

Yeah but our media isn't. Believe it or not but most germans suck at english and don't look at foreign media, especially east european.

There was a meme to that, once, during the SUMMER OF LOVE.

>elections not corrupted
>willingly importing millions of turks
google the hooton plan

Unfortunately, all of this is implemented by the U.S. Administration after WWII.

But nevermind, I agree that most Germans are absolutely brainwashed, braindead, programmed and too comfy/scared to do anything.

No, I meant of the Germancunts. They flash any foreign flag but god beware not their own.

>olerance and acceptance of refugees was a German idea

Also: nothing is stopping you from handling that whole refugee situation better than we do. Stop acting like Tumblr: The Country

This Swedebro does not stand with you.
We NEED people to wake up. And we have the ability, for a few years still!

Yet you get these reminders and squander them on fucking horrid stuff like "Truck Accident" and "Russia probably did it".

Germans help me out.

You owe us money, greekcunt. Stop lying and get a job

When you blamed Greek citizens/voters for cooking the books regarding EU entry or about the Siemens scandal (which we will pay until our grandsons die), you felt righteous. Taste your own poison filth.
Condolences to the Germans. To untermensch like you, I wish a first hand multi-culti experience.

>Mixing symptoms with the cause.

>Are elections horribly corrupt in Germany?
>Not that much.

Are ALL politicians in a democracy not just puppets to the wealthy elite?

You know the truth and still try to weak bait with other shit.

>Democracy is undermined and your vote doesn't matter anyways
>You voted for her, live in a democracy, therefore it is your fault

All this primitive devide and conquer just to point at someone who might have it a bit worse than yourself.

Berlin's a shithole and its inhabitants are almost as bad as Polacks.

Sandnigger picked a right target for once.

Yeah, yeah keep strutting around over "muh denbts" meme
Enjoy the 6 gorillion tolerant muslims that you invited and the hate of the entire EU

>our media

Still your fault then.

Excuse me? It was a German idea. Germans forced it on people. Germans invite them. Merkel roped in everyone to not just shut borders/kill them.

>nothing is stopping you from handling that whole refugee situation better than we do

YOU ARE you insufferable cunt. Whenever a country closes its borders in comes the EU, Germany's little toy club, forcing you to not do that shit, inviting your government for a talk where it says it will fuck up the finances in such a way it'll be better to take the refugees and try to handle them. Look at Hungary, it's fucking dealing with it despite you fucks and it's still being worked at to crash the whole goddamn country.

My condolences, kamaraden. Hungary is with you.

>Nothing is stopping you from handling that refugee situation better than we do(n't).
>Biggest economy bullying smaller countries if they dont behave


>Are ALL politicians in a democracy not just puppets to the wealthy elite?

So what is your excuse for not going up in arms about it then?

Can someone link the picture where some guy pokes germany with a stick?

hahah, which arms? Remember, no weapons for le ebil nazis.

why did you call the migrants to germany? how do you think they get to germany?


Ferkel will be roasted in the 2017 election

Fellow slav here. You are formally invited to join us - Germans need us to save them and their heritage. They can't help it, all sense and reason has been bombed out of their heads. But it's alright - they're still sheepish and always follow consensus, so once the tide turns, the authentic Europa will see a resurgence.

I saw it earlier tonight. Didn't save it. Just wanted to say Ich bin mit Deutschland.

If all you're saying is true what is your excuse for not going into the streets with torches and your free will?

Becaus you would get in prison. And fined 1.000.000EUR. And you're children being taken from you into ((foster care)), where they will be adopted by LOVING ped- I mean parents.
Social isolation. Fired. And so on and so on.

I'm so sorry Germanbros.

If only you'd taken the refugee cock a little bit further down your throats, they might not have had to do this to you.

True. Right now you Slavs are the only ones resisting that red'n'dead temptation.

And this.

Meine Respektieren

No need. Fucking Berlincucks.

>So what is your excuse for not going up in arms about it then?

This is a question you should ask the US since 1913 if you have any understand of history.

So you're too scared to take your freedom because it'd be pretty hard.


Making those ancestors proud.

It's a question I should ask you, right now.

Maybe you don't understand: fighting for sovereignty would mean right now: fighting against the US military.
Be proud, but don't be stupid.

>Still your fault then.

Americans still control us. Germany is not a sovereign country.

It's the same as you whining about germany "forcing refugees unto you". Do something then.
Make your ancestors proud.

Yes, and you should have told all those people to fuck off. I get that it sucks, it get that it's unfair, but egging each other on is what makes us stronger.
Sorry for your loss though.

>egging each other on is what makes us stronger
I thought about that, too. You can't be butthurt on Sup Forums. You really learn to relax around banter.

>It's a question I should ask you, right now.

I would do it if I were living in Bulgaria. But here, the country is still so fucking great that doing this would be futile (because not enough people are behind it) and I would lose to much in a process without any success. Kinda obvious and you continue weak baiting. But I expect nothing less from the 3rd world.

fuck off newfag

the only thing you should feel sympathies for is that germans still havent learned from their mistakes because they are a bunch of idiots


No, fight agains Merkel.

So what you're saying is you're completely enslaved and you're happy with it and won't do anything?


So you care more about your comfort than your freedom and dignity?

How is it that we aren't allowed to take revenge, but some fucking kebab manages to kill a Russian ambassador in a country which has huge issues relationships-wise with Russia?

ETA until Merkel gets assassinated?

New fag? You mean /new/fag? Been here a long long time my nigger.