This is how I see Sup Forums
nazi - check
religious - check
uneducated bydlo - check
Proof me wrong
>Proof me wrong
nazi- check
religious- not really
uneducated- i hold two degrees
1/3 ivan
We should send niggers and Muslims where you live.
Diversity great until it affects you...
>nazi - check
>religious - check (Praise Kek)
>uneducated bydlo - I have a MA in EE and a BA in ME.
Race war soon brothers.
I think I'm gonna save that whore. Are there moar?
I am guilty of the first two and proud of them ya focking commie faggot,top b8.
We're not religious.
save it my friend, it's yours ;)
i can just dump fascist whores if you want
>nazi - check
Nope hate nazis and commies
>religious - check
Check. Roman Catholic. Deus Vult.
>uneducated bydlo - check
Two undergraduate degrees and a postgraduate
Where is this? And why is the guy in the back wearing a Serbian flag scarf?
this is how I see russiananon
>says cyka bljat alot
>beer is food
>Highest Kreml Youth of Putin faggot award
"Pyccкий мapш" in Moscow. An annual event in November when FSB agent provocateurs take their bydlo Nazi friends for a walk in the city, so that everyone can see what a bunch of subhumans they are.
Serbian flag probably because our nationalists like chetniks.
>uneducated bydlo
Speak english faggot
>Serbian flag probably because our nationalists like chetniks
Correction, our "orthodox" nationalists like chetniks. Our "national-democrats", in sharp contradistinction, like sucking American cock.
Eesti posters are always the best
4 U.
Please do!
if this thread is still up later i will, gotta jet for a bit
>1post by this ID
please ignore the ifunny watermarks they had better res and I haven't gotten around to removing
but i am neither religious, nor a nazi, nor uneducated. you can take your meme imaginations about Sup Forums and stuff them, faggot OP.
>still better than estonians
bah when the russian says something good for once its derailed by faggots
The more Sup Forums, the more pic related. We are talking about years, not months.
eesti beesti
stop being deluded.
this is what i hate about Sup Forums, though this can be applied to humans in general.
good part of you doesnt think.
at all.
its memes memes memes repeated over and over again, believing the propaganda wholeheartedly.
stupid stupid for the three times stupid.
why are Kar98k's the best looking service rifles?
They are so fucking sexy
I love the style of that time like pic related
walter white is back. in nazi form
I hope someone enjoyed :)
>untouched by the shekel-master's marxist propaganda
Feels good man
I imagine Hitler saying "actually... it's not OK".
>stop being deluded
>have gf
>squat 160kg
>doing phd in physics
>read more in the last 3 years about history and philosophy than most do in their life times.
What you have is the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You've done well m8.
>dat piercing in military
yeaaaaaaah no
>i hold two degrees
Call the owner and return them Hanz.
Cheers dears
Also check 'em
gr8 b8 m8 14/88
>lying on the internet
even if not lying there are things like outliers, though you are 99% lying.
okay you are retarded.
Ayy lmoa
Anything else starring this one? It's gorgeous.
>you are 99% lying.
Your life is so shit that you think what I posted is already an exceptional accomplishment, hence I must be lying. Topkek, low effort scum.
Even too stupid to correctly copy-paste.
How about having some higher ambitions in life you subhuman? Or are you female? Because that would explain a lot.
This is how i view posters from russian 2ch including you
liberal cuck - check
degenerate LGBT fag - check
self-hating cuck who hates his own people and his country - check
fedora tipper who thinks he is intellectually superior than religious people - check
The real faces of Sup Forums
it sure is an exceptional achievement, since most humans dont bother with either learning or exercising, as i said youre simply dumb and lying, otherwise its easy to check.
post proof, ill even bother and ask you some questions about physics and you will have set time to reply okay?
and dunning* thanks.
Most Sup Forums users are STEM autists with no further knowledge beyond their field. They never traveled outside their country nor do they speak a 2nd language.
>what are yuropoors on Sup Forums
You could ask thousands of questions about physics a physicist wouldnt be able to answer because the first shit you learn in physics is not to memorize stuff... and of course, the field of physics (basically with any studies) is way broader than what you could actually learn in the given time frame.
I work in low temperature physics developing particle detectors which work close to absolute zero temperature. Usually applied for big particle accerators like the LHC or tevatron, or smaller particle containment facilities at max-planck institutes. The idea is the investigation of atmoic or nuclear transition to "prove" either the theory of Quantumelectrodanymics (so things like higher order corrections incorporating relativistic effects in orbital energies or the lamb shift) or (not what I focus on) simply the standard model of particles.
What I create/devolop in the end are microchip sized particle detectors operated in cryostats permanently reaching operating temperatures of 10-20 Millikelvin.
I see you don't know what real national socialists stand for. Picture related is something they also don't approve of.
>is not to memorize stuff.
of course you have to have basics memorized and i wont ask you anything beyond that since i only have basic uni knowledge, besides you dont have to give exact equation
>you dont have to give exact equation
by that i mean giving descriptive answer yes
Whats wrong with you?
>of course you have to have basics memorized
Yeah you memorize the complete basics regarding "how it works" but you usually never memorize any formulas.
You are usually thought that "you have understood a topic once you can explain it to a non-physicist in easy words"... deriving some other formulas and shit like this is used for excercise sheets during uni time... while today as a post doc is either write papers, sit in front of the computer and do simulation or in my case, stand in a clean room all day producing said microchips.... and of course supervising other bachelor or master students.
i have autism, or do you mean something else?
gotta go to work now, 3pm till 0pm today
>inb4 you are already late
well as i said you dont have to give formulas so what about those questions?
ill post two on a set time and youll have 2 mins to answer
give one quick one, I'm packing my shit
why is RLC called vibrating set
A polish commie in a natzi thread,get the fuck out and get gassed you subhuman fuck.
You don't seem functional. That's all.
Also why are you butt hurt about Kraut? Except for his PhD in physics, everything else is achievable even for average people.
its all about how much you work, study, train.
whenever did i say i am a gommie you bozgorhater?
im a ethno-nationalist although i dont apperciate stupidity and naivete in anything
yes it is, but the point is that barely anyone makes an effort
Ge 3rd semester. Well I'd first have to look up what the direct translation for the "vibrating set" is, but I would assume a "Schwingkreis".
Its a small circuid consisting of a coil (inductor), a capacity (condensator) and a resistor which has a certain resonance frequency. It "swings" because the energy shifts periodically between the magnetic field of the coil/inductor the electic field of the capacity.
As a result, you have a periodically changing pattern of "high voltage" or "high current" at certain points.
wew, you know that, fine ill give the physics phd to you, id also note that AC is needed for that but thats nitpicking
National Socialist
Bachelor's degree
1 out of 3 ain't bad for a slav I guess.
> National Socialist
Not really
Hold a college diploma
Again, 1 out of 3 isn't bad for a untermensch
muh dik
why are german QTs so perfect?
>3pm till 0pm
wow, you're a little bitch, I have to work the average 9 hours a day plus 12 hours on Thursday Friday and Saturday
also it becomes 0:00am,12am or midnight in english.
America First!
I'm none of those things