Post your degree/degree you're getting ITT, I'll start

Post your degree/degree you're getting ITT, I'll start

>Cultural studies

Ok, me next

>post initiation and supremacy studies

masters in physics

economics. Is that "Sup Forums aproved" enough?

What was your BA?

Certainly, I tried to get my BA in economics but I suck at math so it was hell for me and I dropped out, did you make it this far without becoming a new-Keynesian giving every Socialist you debate the same answer about muh utility theory?

My proffesors believe in the free market so no. Anyways every socialist i meet can't debate me on capitalism either.
>Maaan but, capitalism is like, evil. maaan.

>Nuclear Energy

Have to add that i live in the most communist part of Spain. So i got lucky with my proffesors. My sister says she is almost considering dropping out necause her proffesor is a socialist.

None becuase I'd rather work for a few years and get some job experience under my belt before wasting 3 years only to be turned down for every job.


BS in physics with minor concentration in math.

Going for ndustrial engineering now
Got my associates in Hvac

maybe you should study something where people are needed, like medicine

I have a BS in math.

This, it's amazing and I didn't even finish my study.

>Muh wealth gap, muh inherited wealth

It's hilarious when they're speaking about a 168 year old political theory like it's still relevant for today's Capitalism, it's almost unfair how easy it is to beat them.

My teacher was a new-Keynesian, he gave us this test done by a group of Marxists who applied our current knowledge of economics on the theories of Karl Marx which become something else entirely and most Marxists eventually became full capitalists.

I plan to eventually. I'm still young and have my life to spend studying. I'd rather make some money now and start a life for myself.

Also uni's are lefty central. I cannot stand the place.

But why.

Look into open universities, you can get a uni degree from home and even combine it with work and pick universities from any country you like.

What did you get/are you getting Hans?


100% serious

>you're getting
I've already got it. Communications and public relations (or Jewish Tricks as I call it).

I'm still testing games as a living though. Fuck being a suit.


Kill me

Homestudy at an open university, you can't be a NEET if you want to fix Europe Sven.

how well are you going to stand the place if you are going to be studying with lefty kids 10 years younger than you?

>lefty kids 10 years
You havent seen the next generation have you? One of the most convservative since prewar times. The lefties have pushed them back to the right. Thank you based gen Z, fixing the gen Y mistakes

Trying to get a M.Sc. in computational mechanics, but it's balls to the wall hard. I'm afraid I've fallen for the STEM "meme" while too dumb for advanced math and tensor shit.

Recently got my BS in computer engineering
Now I can go slave in the Dutch R&D bullshit until I kill myself

To expensive. Also I'm to intelligent too go to college.




I matriculated at the Culinary Institute of America in New York state. USA.

After obtaining a BPS in Culinary Arts with a minor in Nutritional sciences, I transferred into Cornell for their vinticulture and enology program. I have a dual masters in these specific fields.

I work on a winery in New York cultivating grapes for dessert wines like trockenbeerenauslese or eiswein.

I still cook from time to time.

Economics. I was previously going to get mine in Political Science, but I didn't want to end up with a useless meme degree.

PhD in Physics

Civil Engineering

Aryan physics?

Have you found hyperborea yet?

African American Society

Computer science

>not being an electrician


Fair enough. But political philosophy is Godtier if you care about more than making dough

Urban dance w/ a feminist studies minor

I like Math. What do you mean?


>Have you found hyperborea yet?

It's physics, not geography...

I'm doing low temperature physics close to absolute zero, focusing on things relevant for big particle accelerators or particle contrainment devices... so Cern, Max-Planck-Institutes, Tevatron and so on. Won't go further into detail because only we, NASA and 2 or 3 others are doing something similar.

>mfw gender studies

Masters in Biomedical Engineering and I'll probably move on to medicine afterwards.

Yes, planning on becoming an eternal cyborg.

>Being a tradie

maths. I'm in 4th year and have no idea how i even made it this far

BS electrical engineering
MS physics

Cellular engineering

Plant biology and phytopharmacology. Master degree

It was a joke, why are you Germans so bureaucratic and unfunny?

What are you guys trying to prove, what can particle accelerators be used for?

I honestly cannot tell if this is shitposting or not

The American flag would lead me to believe you're serious, because Americans don't do pisstaking, but the fact someone would piss money up the wall for a fucking culinary institute leads me to believe you're just having a laugh

Well played

Trades are always in demand, especially electrical work and plumbing.

I just had to pay a plumber to remove, then install a new septic tank for me. $15,000 right there for emergency service paired with dangerous weather hazard.


But then you're stuck working with the dregs of society who think their football team is the most important thing on the planet, and whose entire conversational repertoire is (insert generic celebrity slag here)'s tits and Polish people undercutting them for jobs

>It was a joke, why are you Germans so bureaucratic and unfunny?


>What are you guys trying to prove, what can particle accelerators be used for?

In earlier times, you have discovered something and then tried to explain that with theory. Over time this changed because experiments become more complicated, hence since around the 1960 we usually theories which need to be proven. If right within a certain margin of error, then the theory is seen as correct. If not, we need a new theory.

Particle accelerators either focus and atomic physics or particle physics, I'm in for the former, i.e. researching for atomic transitions, i.e. electrons hopping from shell to shell seeing what kind of energy is released and comparing this with the earlier theory to prove the theory correct or wrong.

This is fundamental physics which eats lots of money without economic result. The things we find might be relevant in 100-150 years when techonlogy is more advanced.

>But then you're stuck working with the dregs of society who think their football team is the most important thing on the planet, and whose entire conversational repertoire is (insert generic celebrity slag here)'s tits
Honestly, that's better than the pseudo-intellectual shit you get from liberal arts students at times. Dumb they may be, but at least they're honestt.

Biomedical engineering is a joke. Anything you can do, a mechanical or electrical engineer ca do better without carrying the literally useless luggage of biology, anatomy and cell culture knowledge. And if you plan on working with cell cultures, you're going to get btfo by actual biologists.

Biomedical engineering is a fucking meme degree.

AndalucĂ­a or Vallecas/Madrid, maybe?

finishing up my master's in math

Agriculture. Family ranch in Montana. I ride a horse named Fred

well, the biotech labs use them for X-ray spectroscopy to study protein structure.

Not really. My Alma Mater is the reason Le Cordon Bleu is bankrupt and closing all of their campuses world wide. It's the most illustrious and skilled place of learning the culinary arts on the planet.

Chef of the Century Paul Bocuse (RATITOUILLE movie was based on his life, sans the rats) sent his son Jerome there stating there was higher place of learning, not even in his own kitchen.

More certified master Chefs and master pastry Chefs work here than all other culinary schools combined. Also master level sommeliers like Michael Weiss, my mentor.

Foreign dignitaries and royalty from across the planet send their personal chefs to fine tune and refine their acumen there. Foreign matriculation hovers at around 30% of the total student body.

That being said, no...I get paid to grow grapes for very expensive dessert wines and oversee the vinting process.

masters in lst

Chemical Engineering

Do you wear a cowboy hat

>Eastern Asia Studies

Not as full of weaboos as you would expect, but full of commies and cuckservatives

I've thought about it. Probably will happen but it's hard for me

Those fields are necessary. I don't care if they're not scholars or academics as long as they're well versed and skilled in their trade.

Electrical engineering, but probably a meme degree since im in africa

Computer Science

Licentiate in Military History

Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management

My ex-girlfriend started Japan studies, she was a hardlined Socialist within a year.

Math major.


Don't judge too early, i got a well paid job now

Occupation Health & Safety + Environmental Management.

>Political Science with a minor in Philosophy

Linguistics and political history
>we DIA now

This is why we need a major change in European universities. Mine is full of commiefags and libtards

>Cultural studies

Enjoy flipping burgers.


It's nice to see another germanbro not falling for the STEM cuckery

>every socialist i meet can't debate me on capitalism

That's what happens when you hang around idiots.

Infinite growth from finite resources. Bam.

Not even a socialist.

Bachelor's in forestry (gamekeeping). Master's in management of forest ecosystems. Gonna get a Ph.D. someday soon.

Thanks Aus, atleast I will be able to destroy all of you Sup Forumsacks in debate.

Asturias. Here we are the real deal.

BA in Operations and Supply Chain Management, working on my Masters of Divinity

BSc Economics.

Fun fact: Trump also studied Economics at university.

BA in computer science
Machine learning n shit

Working as cashier for 400$/month.

>socialists can't debate me on capitalism
That's because the guys you debated were not real socialists but probably liberal SJWs or SocDems.

I mean "bs" ofc

Shit man, feel sorry for you

Barcelona here. Communists, independentists and many left-wing parties. We need a shoulder to cry on

Bs in industrial engineering

Molecular Science and Technology

Bachelors in history, minor in Japanese because revisionist history is not a skill

Yeah. I don't consider le epic smartest euphoric fedora kid of the bunch, but they were pretty stupid.
Hold me user. To think even old people are hard communists here...

Lawyer, currently preparing for second state exam.

Will try to become a judge once and inprison all the shitskins.


>Holy shit

Do they keep talking about the Civil War?

>Bsc hons nursing
EZ mode degree, nurses are some of the dumbest shits around, please don't trust them with your health.