How are these memes called?

How are these memes called?


No ideia, bit I have a folder with 60 of them

Well, post them

Actually im wrong.
I have ~100 and the folder is called Ancap memes

On mobile, it takes too much time

Post them!






Honestly about to move to Portugal. Nice weather, good food, nice beaches, too poor to even receive refugees.



Thank you, based codfihserman


it's the thumbs-up smiley sunglasses circleface meme a.k.a. ancap



Too true. It's not like we WANT refugees but we sure as fuck wouldn't mind a bunch of them. They get pissed off at the living conditions we give them, though. Ayyyyyy




Norway has much better living conditions than Portugal, I can't help but question your decision (unless you have relatives here or something)

You can definitely do much worse than our comfy irrelevant little country, though.



>When you're a pretty tolerable guy but want controls on immigration, so the left viciously attack you for being "racist" and you become disillusioned from mainstream political parties and become racist for real





I would move to Norway, at least I wouldn't be poor.


got one for brazil?



That day was great
Also what's with all these doubles:

it's an extension of smuggies


Sudaca Facebook shit

I dont, sorry


Fuckin' A, ozzie

Ancap ball

Kek loves the portuguese
Thats why we won the European cup with a player named Pepe

background Story?

They are called picardias


Last one guys, cant deal with all the stupid captchas

its redUctio you fucking illiterate slobs




Here's a template if anyone wants it

we dont want refugees.
enough gypsies getting gibs

>cant deal with all the stupid captchas
get a pass

Real mvp

He got injured around minute 20 mate
Still kept motivating everyone inside the pitch. A great captain

>infected by carp herpes

Makes me genuinely lol every time

This meme was created in Taringa, an Argentinian site filled with even more autists and virgins than this place

This. Iberians are redpilled on that matter.

Thanks, based Aussie

>buying anything

This one hit my feels desu famalam.

Crack sos groso sabelo!

come norge bro, just dont be a cucked faggot k?

doesn't every country have two taps

le silly ball maymay is what i was told

Thx. Don't say New Zealand has never done anything for the advancement of memes.

Cheers give us a ciggie

Just ask the EU for one

Promise I won't bring my wife's boyfriend.

>enough gypsies getting gibs
Why don't you play instagib with them instead?

bring some codfish instead since soon is Christmas and we love that fucking fish

You're welcome here, brother

An espresso costs 50-70 cents btw

I know a lot of stuff is cheaper, and honestly tastes better. Spent last year's Summer in Portugal. Was honestly pretty hard to leave after all the good stuff I ate there. The people were also surprisingly very friendly


Meme balls

hehehehe mah nigga

Germany used to be so cool




As long as der Juden controlls the lügenpresse no one country can be cool

Everyone who shits on Portugal never came here.
Its a great place to live, comfy as fuck.

Why was the friendliness surprising?

I'm not offended, but genuinly curious


Probably because everyone thinks that we are an uneducated people, rude and brown, almost like gypsies.


Not that I didn't expect friendly people once in a while there, didn't expect so many to be THAT friendly. People would just chat up at the beach with me and some friends, offer us to come play some volleyball with them, grab some drinks. Waiters were also really nice, would chat up a lot with us as well. Overall people there were very social and friendly. Guess I wasn't used to it to that extent here.

Not in Denmark at least. In fact I have always thought it was archaic to have two taps.

Meant for

lived in portugal for the past 2 years, beautiful country.

It's a first world country but with 3'd world prices. I live like a king over there. Damn i wanna go back

>when your neighbors are disturbing refugee integration by hosting Christmas traditions in Berlin and they get mowed down by a truck

I thought that was just Sup Forums

Alright, good to know. Bring me a norwegian wife next time you visit!


only the politicians and mass media propaganda want refugees

Who else



Kek fucking beaners