Why do women want refugees ?

Do they consider them to be better breeding partners / fathers ?

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They want to feel special
Thats it

>media tells you liking refugees is cool!!
>why do women want refugees!?


Women just want to be speciel snowflakes

Is it a matter of virtue-signalling or acting maternally without really realizing the full consequences of their actions?

Do they really want to have refugees as partners or are we being psyop'd? I suspect white women still mostly want white men and the examples we see are artificially amplified to make us think it's a huge problem (but I;m not there so I don't know for sure)

Virtuelle Signalübertragung

Women want to care for beings lesser than them, its why they like babies. They also believe they can change people.

thread, how is this even a question.

Because its easy to manipulate the stupid.

sage hide report /r9k/ cuck threads

even brainwashed liberals realise that arabs are disgusting creatures

I want to slap the shit out of every pro-refugee European woman. They're destroying their homeland in order to look virtuous in the eyes of their peers. It pisses me off.

I can't tell if it's purely the media control there minds, or if there is some unconscious longing for men of different races / cultures. and if there is, are the governments through the media tapping into this for there own ends.

Hans gets it

No it's because they're more susceptable to social trends

They feel the need to do this because this is the only way for them to get mass recognition

Too bad they don't realize those miggers only want to rape and kill

>Why do jews want refugees ?
fixed for ya

I don't think any white women like refugees, all these pro refugees are paid to do so

Do you have any evidence of this?
would be very interesting to see.

>51% White women college graduates vote hillary

>white women want Affirmative action,gender qutoas in workplace

>white women want free shit without actual work

White women are nigger, that's why

yea, i know the jew is behind it, but i was wondering specifically if there is a instinctual drive in women they are manipulating

Given what is known about what Soros and his NGOs want to do, even without direct evidence, I think curryman is probably correct

It's literally just them larping as a "good person". Women do this all the fucking time.

Just yesterday my sister "accidentally" posted about how she just realised that she's so passionate and dedicated to women dealing with domestic violence and wants to volunteer to help them.
"Woops, i meant to send that to my (spic) husband" she's fat btw.

Women are not creatures of reason. Don't try to understand what has no internal logic.

because they are idiots

bigger cock


Another female shit test.

I was waiting for someone to say that

the media portrays refugees as wounded puppies. Women cannot resist wounded puppies. Also they can brag amongst their females that they are the most virtous and are therefore of higher value. Remember,women put on their best clothes and makeup to impress women,not men.

Women have no sense of national loyalty, or any loyalty for that matter.
They "think" with their emotions. By helping sandniggers they feel like they're doing something good without realizing that they're actually ruining their country. That's why they shouldn't be able to vote and should be kept on a short leash.


They see pictures of muslim children frowning so it's time to open up the doors and let everyone in.

This no more no less.

The homosapien evolved to live in small tribes, the female homosapien evolved to breed with the strongest most alpha males, when males from another tribe infiltrate an existing tribe the female mind instinctively assumes that these newly arrived males must be stronger than the tribes existing males & therefore more worthy a choice for reproduction, because otherwise the existing males would have fought them off them rather than let them come in & take over.

The signs read black cock welcome in dirty whore

They want to mother those they see as weak. It's their instinct to take care of infantile entities. Unfortunately they've confused their lack of English as a lack of cognitive ability.

This seems likely

When women see an injured animal they want to take care of it. Guess it gets them off on a sexual level as well.

This x 100000000000


How does it feel for hans to know that somali ahmed is getting more white pussy than he could have ever imagined, and still getting supported by the government for all that?


Survival instinct in women for them to submit to the conqueror, perhaps.

Depending on where they are in their maturity, it is either self-serving virtue-signalling, or they are at the stage where they are starting to care about larger issues, like justice and fairness. Unfortunately their perspective is still too narrow to see the overall costs to society, or that the liberal life that they currently enjoy came about precisely bc certain invaders were kept out.
These young women need a steady schedule of being put over their father's knee with a righteous spanking so that they will shut the fuck up with their stupidity.


Women are stupid amoebas.

They want to feel validated in life, but they can't compete with men. So they have to play a game that men don't. The cucks follow.

Let's be honest guys
Imagine 90% of the refugees were females

I'd wear refugees welcome shirts all day long

This is what i thought, but i need some examples of this happening historically to be certain

Youre welcome goy

Most generally like being nice and don't like thinking about political consequences. "Why can't we all just get along" seems like a legitimate answer. There's no malice to it, just naivety.

Because women just do whatever it's popular with the group.


They are naive and guilt tripped.

You probably do already

Women are more emotional. Why do you think they cry when you don't accept their opinion.

Because it is in women's nature to be emotionally-driven, and nurturing. It's a side effect of their maternal instinct. Men, on the other hand, tend to be more pragmatic, and willing to ask "How will this affect us in the long run", as their role tended to be that of the protector, both to the family unit, and the "tribe" at large. That's the paternal instinct. As a man, that part of your brain is likely "triggered" when you see outsiders from another tribe coming in, fucking up what your tribe has built, and hurting your fellow members.

>I'd wear refugees welcome shirts all day long
Imagine is socially acceptable for those woman to cut your dick off and if you complain you are labeled as racist. Still want those shirts?

>what do women want

nobody knows

They want dat refugee cock. Get cucked whitey

Honestly I'd love to get pegged by a cute brown girl
So the answer is yes


Then why do so few women racemix?

Women of other races support these things in higher % than white women.

Women are fucked, seriously how do you spread your legs for such an ugly fucker?

Because women are usually good natured without any insight into possible consequences of their naive behaviour.

Imagine you inherited a luxurious hoter. It's a fruit of your ancestors work, they put their sweat and blood so you can have it and continue.

But you want to be 'good', so you lower all prices in your hotel, because the poor should also enjoy it.

Poor people don't spend money, and rich people stopped coming to your hotel, so you earn much less.

In result, you don't have money to keep properly running the place, and it turns into a dirty, chaotic shithole.

So what you do? You blame the rich people, that's leftism 101.

because they have big cocks. That is literally it.

Repressed natural maternal feelings manifesting in political nonsense that they wouldn't care about had they not been convinced they shouldn't have children.

Women are emotion-driven attention seeking creatures, they can't stand feeling sad when the media tells them little Mohammad is getting blown to pieces on a daily basis, completely disregarding all facts and logic about why bringing Mohammads DAD into our country will just result in little Timmy getting ran over by a FUCKING TRUCK!

>Also, they want the BBC because they're whores

They want subconsciously to be beaten up and dominated, or maybe because European men are cucks.

>White women are nigger
This tbqh fampai

This isn't true. Most women find refugees and immigrants disgusting, they just like virtue signalling and getting that warm feeling inside because they think they've done something good, like adopting a puppy.

Women are more F (Feeling) and men are more T (Thinking).

That makes women not only more prone to being manipulated by media outlets, but also unable to measure long-term consequences from doing something harmful.

That's why women are always pushing taboos forward (like in fashion) and that's why they are so prone to keep everything managed by the government (like in child support, no punishment for infidelity).

They are also more likely to sympathize with criminals and advocate for their humanitarian treatment because they think crime is an impulse, not a deliberate decision - because that's how they process the world and their actions.

This. Also explains why women tend to vote for green parties etc.

Women are easily susceptible to guilting by the media and their peers as it becomes the social norm. Women are expected by society to be caring and helpful, so to go against that makes a woman come off as selfish and she loses social acceptability.

Virtue signalling. Women who go the extra step of actually sleeping with niggers and shitskins is merely virtue signalling gone haywire.

I know a chick like this, constantly posts pics of her ugly ass mutts on facebook for that fake approval. I'll give the dad props though, he's still around.

Cunts are dumb

The media has made it cool and trendy to be with a refugee.

women are subhumans

>he's still around

I'm impressed!

Virtue signalling

>shitskin women from a backwards culture

>I'll give the dad props though, he's still around.
What? How is hanging around your slut daughter worthy of props? Unless by props you mean guns, and by giving him props you mean shooting him.

The nonwhiteguy with whom the girl had her mixed race kids.

Ah, I thought mutts referred to the bofriends, my bad.

Women have weaker minds and are more easily influenced by things; such as repetition, peer pressure, pseudo intellectualism.


Over half of white women are whores who will never have a kid.



Reminds me of this

>Demand more rights from native men
>Men oblige you and treat you like a princess
>Sense weakness in native men because they didn't just slap you across the face for making such a ridicoulus demand
>Import men from backwards countries with a more "traditional" view of women
>Enjoy getting fucked by more alpha and exotic men

Women still live in the stone-age on a mental level. They are loyal only to those with a strong will and firm hand.

95% are doing it for the purpose of virtue signaling. They never really have anything to do with refugees apart from defending the on facebook.
Mostly they're students from higher middle class families.
The rest are coal burners.

>tfw we are being killed because we let attention-craving-whores do their thing and nobody dares to stop it

I want to die so bad.

Oh, wait, i probably will thanks to them.

Women are fickle and they like novelty.