why don't Sup Forums like Christopher hitchens? just because he's an atheist?
his criticism of islam is absolutely spot on and he just generally tolerated no bullshit
why don't Sup Forums like Christopher hitchens? just because he's an atheist?
his criticism of islam is absolutely spot on and he just generally tolerated no bullshit
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It's just a damn shame he stopped making content. He was a great YouTuber, I don't know why he stopped.
Hitch is great and a must read!
God isn't real
Press F
Because half of Sup Forums likes to RP as Christians, and Hitchens didn't really like religion in general.
That's not to say Hitchens wasn't fucking spot on about the radical left and fundamentalists.
>just because he's an atheist?
pol is a Christian board.
The only force that can defeat islam is Christianity.
He's dead. His arguments are irrelevant to the current timeline.
I really would have liked to hear him speak about what's happening today.
although he's arguing against all faith schools, christian/catholic included, he's doing so from a point of lack of integration in this video
he seems to be spot on about how children of immigrants, specifically middle eastern children, don't integrate into british society
Because the weakening of Christianity is a major contributor to the fall of the west that we're experiencing
looks like the video is gone, here is another upload
fedora tipping neocon who advocated for intervention in libya and supported invasion of iraq. hopefully you and all of his fanboys will meet the same agonizing death for contributing to the decline of your civilization
he'd be calling trump a literal hitler and making the case for bombing assad
Faggot atheist and worst Hitchens.
Fuck off Christ cuck
You literally delude yourself into spooks and spirits. Utter nonsense. I can't imagine how boredline retarded you and all who you associate yourself with must be
He's a liberal jewish briton who spent his life telling everyone what to believe.
Liberalism needs to be rejected even if it is some center or skewed version with a few redpills.
Peter is the better Hitchens brother imho, shame he isn't an atheist like Christopher or I'd have the exact same opinions as him about everything.
Not an argument
You're deluded if you think religion hasn't played a massive part in where the western world is. You don't have to be religious to see the impact and how it has held so much together.
no, the fall of the west creating leftists is what's weakening Christianity. There are atheists out there who see exactly what's going on, and we know how cucked Christians and Catholics are with your pope with a gay foot fetish.
The weakening of Christianity is one of the symptoms, not the cause
It's demonstrably true. Look at how atheists vote, they're virtually Jews.
Atheism is not a religious belief as some on Sup Forums state, but it is a moral sickness.
>fuck off Christcuck.
Oh, you're a fedora. Why are you even on a Christian board?
>There are atheists out there who see exactly what's going on
You are the vast minority. Your anecdotal evidence means nothing compared to the actual stats. Atheists are overwhelmingly left wing and have a below replacement birth rate
Needing some dead kikes to tell you not to spread your anus for cultists is a sign of a cultural problem.
wtf I love born again christians now
He'd swear he's Ian Curtis with the jacket and the fag
>Sup Forums
Wanna know how I know you're a newfag?
See these charts Atheists are statistically majority left wing while christians are statistically majority right wing. You literally cannot argue this
>Euphoria: The post
he later recounted his support for iraq
I'm not saying otherwise, but I'm not saying that it's their lack of belief in Jesus that makes them weak and left. I'm saying it's more likely that their weakness and liberal views make them less likely to believe in Christianity/Catholicism, since they've been brainwashed since birth to see it as the ultimate evil, and it's followers as fools. So instead of looking into it and maybe finding faith or not, they push it away afraid of being ostracized.
The vast majority of atheists are leftist cucks, but this is a chicken or the egg situation. You think the chicken came first with the weakening of Christianity causing leftists, while I think the egg came first and the leftists are crippling Christianity.
he was a chain smoking alcoholic misanthrope who hated everything. Its pretty low to go after someone like Mother Teresa
It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.
For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.
But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.
And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.
birth rate is largely irrelevant - it's immigration that needs controlling
if you think a high birth rate will stop politicians throwing open the gates you're deluded
>majority of atheists are leftists cucks
>majority of christians are not leftists cucks
That's really the end of it. The thread is why we don't like Hitchens and that's why. Because driving people away from Christianity makes more leftists cucks. Your chicken egg questioning is meaningless conjecture irrelevant to the thread and would never be able to be demonstrated true or false
morality is the key to the issue though
morality is seen as a principle to be aspired to so leftists seek to let refugees in to show how moral they are
morality is a false god, if we cast it from the pedestal then we could rightfully regard the poor condition of refugees as sickening and undeserving of sympathy
Atheism is the lazy sibling to Communism.
They are not our allies. They are nothing but relativistic nihilists basically. "Nothing matters, stop meditating, we know nothing about astro-theology but we will talk real smart".
I could be talking out of my ass but I think part of that is just that being a Jew sucks. I grew up in a Jewish household and it turned me off of religion because it's quite fucking cultish. Plus, having no foreskin sucks.
You're deluded. A below average birth rate literally means your race is shrinking. That's not irrelevant in the slightest and is an argument used to encourage immigration by many politicians
>majority of christians are not leftists cucks
Because leftism erodes religion, because it shames anyone who dares say they are Christian or Catholic, instead of being oh so progressive as a Muslim. Again, you haven't actually made an argument against what I've said.
You can hate Hitchens for driving people away from Christianity, he did exactly that. But that sort of supports my point, doesn't it? Hitchen's doesn't just exist because of the weak state o the church, but in fact he is part of the reason the church is weakened in the first place.
>tfw recognise the importance in faith and specifically Christianity in holding together our moral values but can't bring myself to have faith in it's ultimate message that there is a God and Jesus was the son of God when there are so many other religions out there including the ones of the past
wtf are you waiting for, Chaim? Go to Israel and collect your free tavor and jewfu
they want to ship in immigrants, the birth rate argument is simply a means to an end
if you think they wouldn't simply find another means to that end then you are fooling yourself
we need to push individual consciousness - objectivism in short
if people see that immigrants will objectively make their lives worse then they will oppose it on individual grounds - there is no compelling argument politicans could make against naked self interest
Hitchens should be /pol's guy he went after NWO, Clintons, and Islam at least a decade before fags on here started.
I think as long as we take the positive teachings of Christianity and accept it as part of the glue that holds society together, there is no real shame in not having faith.
We get mad at Muslims for not integrating, but we have our own leftists born within our borders that aren't integrating to the Christian values that built the country in the first place.
Muslims are an immediate threat, but we have traitors in our midst.
Hitches was cool as fuck, yo.
>stop meditating
Disregarding the fact that Buddhists are often atheists and Sam Harris' podcast is partially devoted to meditation, sure.
>nothing matters
A false if not meaningless statement. Morality doesn't require god. We're both playing by the same standards but you pretend we're not when the question is brought up. Very much reminiscent of postmodernists and progressives.
Also, atheism kills Islam.
Manlet piece of shit
>why don't Sup Forums like Christopher hitchens? just because he's an atheist?
I don't like him, because he defends american intervention in sovereign nations.
Defended attacking Yugoslavia, defended attacking Iraq, promoted attacking Iran and Libya and so on.
Sup Forums loves Hitchens. WTF you on about?
If anything, they feel sorry for him because he didn't have anyone to talk to while getting a blowjob.
>pretty low to go after someone like Mother Teresa
She was pretty terrible though.
Atheism begins with the idea that we can know for sure that there is no supernatural power above our own. This is laughable, of course, one, because it claims to know that a thing does not exist without first knowing all that does exist, and two, because even if you knew every natural thing, you could still not prove the supernatural, that which exists beyond our natural senses, does not exist.
Atheism begins with the assumption that logic is the first thing. It continues by preaching that logic is all that is needed, and faith and belief are obsolete, along with hope and all other virtues derived from them.
Then it proceeds to preach its gospel without any semblance of logic at all.
With no logical foundation for morality, Atheists still persist in using words like “good” and “bad”, “should” and “should not”. I would someone who would join Atheism, just as any other religion, would first ask, “What is good?” Or rather, “What should I do?”
The Atheist answer is the most pathetic of all. The logically obvious answer is, “It doesn’t matter what you do. You will die and disappear. So do whatever you want to.” This is the thought that I think most Atheists have.
Of course, the above is simply a recipe for disaster. Moral relativity means what is good for one is not good for all, and so you end up with people who think it’s a good idea to dress up as the Joker and murder people in a theater. So we can’t have that kind of ideology, because it’s simply not good. (Note the logical contradiction here, or rather, the lack of any logic whatsoever in such a statement.)
I scratch my head at the logical inconsistencies one must embrace to be an Atheist. I laugh inside when Atheists violate their own sacred law of logic to preach and argue in the public square. In the end, I pity them as little children. They are simply too immature to really think about what logic really is, and to learn how to apply it in one’s life.
>but in fact he is part of the reason the church is weakened in the first place
he went after islam just as hard and for some reason islam didn't become weaker
the reason hitchens even had an effect on christianity is because its weak in the first place
>following the jewish religion aka "atheism"
>while literally living on, in and for the legacy of Christianity
You are like my retarded edgy teen vegan cousin. An utter waste of carbon
Holy strawman, batman.
>angry christcuck deliberately confuses atheism for nihilism
this is still the only argument you delusional fucks can give. Nothing else. Deep inside you know you are on the stage of children living in fantasy world
>weak in the first place
that's just market forces tho
people only care about pandas because they're endangered
>Deep inside you know you are on the stage of children living in fantasy world
If not the left weakening Christianity, how have they fallen so hard on their own while Islam grows? It's because the leftist ideals poison not only the people who are potential Christians, but the religion itself from the inside like we see with the current Pope.
It's not just like Hitchens brought down Christianity on his own, Christianity has been the whipping post for the leftist media for ages now. Constant jokes and belittlement, the mocking of anyone who dares have those beliefs. Meanwhile, doing the same thing to a Muslim is met with immediate backlash and cries of racism/islamophobia.
Hitchens and those guys get away with it because they attack all religions, but they still got heat for it sometimes when it came to Islam. Go look at guys like Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands who said the same stuff about Muslims not integrating to a nation with a Christian history, and how he was called the next Hitler and assassinated in the streets by a leftist who bought into the lugenpresse lies.
Leftists have been eating away at western faith for decades and for the past 10 years it's been extremely apparent how little people care about the community as a result, caring more about being tolerant of everyone else except your own countrymen.
You have to remember that people like Hitchens got popular because they hit on Christianity a lot, because the leftist media has made it cool to hate on them for the past several decades, and guys like Hitchens jumped on the trend. The weakening of Christianity by the left has been going on for decades now.
we need to embolden criticism of all religion then - not just islam
Why are Atheist usually 50% homosexuals?
Criticism of all religions including atheism, I assume you mean.
Or do you want atheism excused from critisicim?
of course I don't
I believe in absolute freedom of speech
>Christian board
No one who is truly religious would ever come to a place such as this.
Morality isn't false, it's moral relativism that is false. Moral absolutism is key to understanding the red pill. The blue pill lives in a world where morality is amorphous. The red pill sees morality as concrete
He also shitted heavily on the Clinton's before Sup Forums decided they hated the Clinton's.
and the clintons
No its not, Mario. Believing things based on faith is degenerate.
>the Sup Forums meme
Yes, really.
He was a eloquent speaker and writer, but he was an atheist and a marxist. I think the guy had demons that made him to pessimistic about God and society. If he wasn't an alcoholic depressive I think he might have followed the changes his brother Peter made.
one thing ive noticed is republican candidates in america almost ALWAYS pander hard to the religious crowd
its not surprising they marginalize atheist
America has a weird conflation of politics and religion
I can't imagine asking a priest who to vote for myself