Post reactions of your countrymen here (social media, news, screencaps, etc.).
Berlin Christmas plough reaction thread
>reactions of your countrymen
I was speaking with my mother about it and she's just so clueless. She kept trying to tell me that she wouldn't care if 100 germans died, because germany saved over a million refugees, so in the end it balanced out.
I ran out the house and told her that I'd never dedicate a first post best post to her again.
All of that was just bollocks, no one found that funny. If it was funny; it wouldn't matter because no one even knows who you are
That is quite accurate. I went on a crawl around Manchester markets and now I can't do it again :(
>british humour
No one I talked to yesterday gave a toss or had even heard about it.
We're all so used to it now terrorists need to step up their game, people just aren't getting into it anymore.
>Post reactions of your countrymen here (social media, news, screencaps, etc.)
I'm more interested in seeing and hearing if people are still falling for the #notallmuslims, #prayforberlin and similar shit. You know, trying to reason this in kikebook, changing their avatars, etc.
Frankly I haven't really seen much of a reaction in Finland. It is all over the news, but people seem to be quite indifferent about it as if it would be the norm now, which is a scary idea. Dunno if it is too early to tell, tho.
Have you ever seen all that shit area near strangeways? Theres definately a couple of jihadi's around there waiting to strike Manc
reactions seem pretty much as usual here on Sup Forums.
>"Europe needs a defensive war, EU as an institution must be destroyed!"
>"plans to destroy national states were around for a long time already..."
>"poor germany, who in his simplemindedless believed that every immigrant is a..."
and this is from the comments section of a normie newspaper.
> reactions of your countrymen
>stop blaiming Merkel, she didnt drive the truck you idiots!
>we are not able to make every place safe, we dont have enough police.
>some evil party *wink* will instrumentalize this for their evil agenda
>beware fakenews.
We have similar rift between news articles and comment sections. Sometimes comments give even more accurate picture of the situation than the article itself.
>tfw anonymous comment section is more trustworthy than articles written by vetted journalists
New Euro Truck Simulator when?
>Get hit by truck
>Die without getting raped
>Consider yourself lucky
Still about a week till Christmas. Patience, Siegfried.
Notallmuslims, blame white men, he was a good boy, etc..
over here on facebook raging pretty hard so far i can see, annyway always that one guy or female beeing tolerant but they get the most angry responses.
dlc soon
I hope they find whoever did it. They must have a massive police undertaking right now in Berlin to find the culprit.
wtf germany
Santa's sleigh has arrived.
poor polish driver
>Bogan banter.
Sad day for trucks worldwide. F
Doesn't get better than this
Berliner who couldn't believe this happened in such a multikult city as his
Only thing I heard on the radio is that one of the doers was Polish.
>1 pole dead
>but 12 germans dead
the polish truckdriver was kidnapped and then shot by the actual perpetrator. thats why the truck is polish too.
haha faen ass
>i am become pizzagate, clicker of pizza images
i havent even been in a pizza thread for a while wtf
that was the joke I told my gf this morning
"no need to cry at least they died without getting raped first"
Do we have a video of the happening?
holy fuck saved
omfg that cyclist who almost gets away before the fucking sign smashes him into the ground like a hammer.
yeah, smashing
Not my countrymen, but...
>Abdul Muhammad, Ferhad Kurdi, Ali Ahmad and 121 others like this.
It's been like this for a while now, so they went from anonymous to Facebook comments, but it didn't help, so they just disabled the comments on articles that aren't about makeup or celebrity news.
KEK manifested on this day
Haha the Eiffel tower has been working overtime this year.
stop it. fake news. old event in france.
> Abdul Muhammad
> Ferhad Kurdi
> Ali Ahmad
>braune Hass
>"Menschen die hässlich zueinander sind"
mich macht dieses 'Toleranz' gelaber dieser scheiß Opfer müde.
Wie oft muss das eigene Volk denn noch bluten bis mann den Mund aufmachen darf?
based blocher
Oh what a great help! Nice one France!
I remember just a few days ago the deer cuck poster implying something like,
>millions of refugees came
>who were supposed to rape and pillage
>absolutely nothing happened
Yeah... nothing happened.
Poor innocent Paki was behind the wheel of the truck, but we now think he was taken hostage by the mean Polish truck driver found dead in the passenger's seat!!
>Nice one France