Patriarchy BTFO Women are statistically better doctors

>If male doctors were able to do as well as their female counterparts when treating elderly patients in the hospital, they could save 32,000 lives a year, according to a study of 1.5 million hospital visits.
>1.5 mirrion sample sizes

Other urls found in this thread:

So genders are different when women are better?

Yes another poll/study to take seroiusly

It's not a poll, it's a peer reviewed study published in medical journal

Obviously, what are you sexist?

Sounds pretty sexist desu senpai

I remember reading elsewhere that male doctors have a much greater tendency to choose high-risk specializations such as surgery. Perhaps this explains why they lose more patients, not because they are inherently worse but because performing open-heart surgery is more risky than changing granny's bedpan

Yeah no agenda there at all. I am sure when they decided to study how women perform as doctors they did it with no bias at all.

And i never heard of JAMA

>0.5% difference

you really showed the patriarchy

>Washington Post

Great poll great article

That's total bullshit, they are just deforming their poorly made study again.

And another thing.

Shit like this is why people are sexist/racist.

If woman/other racses were as good as men they would not get an advantage in admissions.

But his shitty study will totally sway my choice when i may need brain surgery in the future


>Characteristics of Female and Male Physicians
>During the study periods, 58344 general internists treated at least 1 Medicare beneficiary who was hospitalized with a medical condition (Table 1). Among those, 18751 physicians (32.1%) were female. Female physicians were younger (mean [SD] age, 42.8 [9.4] vs 47.8 [11.4] years), were more likely to have undergone osteopathic training (1577 [8.4%] vs 2770 [7.0%]), and treated fewer patients (131.9 vs 180.5 hospitalizations per year) compared with male physicians. Patient characteristics were similar between those treated by female physicians vs those treated by male physicians, with 1 modest exception: female physicians treated slightly higher proportions of female patients than male physicians did (258091 [62.1%] vs 722038 [60.2%]). We also found that female physicians were more likely to work in large (7460 [41.9%] vs 13628 [35.7%]), nonprofit (13947 [78.2%] vs 28850 [75.6%]), major teaching hospitals (5168 [29.0%] vs 8061 [21.1%]) located in the Northeast region (4746 [26.8%] vs 8574 [22.7%]) compared with male physicians (eTable 2 in the Supplement).

lets have less woman, that treat less patients (meaning they are less likely to make mistakes) that are more qualified to treat this certain type of patient (old people above 65%) and lets claim woman are better than men as a doctor (omitting it only counts for a very specific sub set of patients)

Oh boy, more (((studies)))

>Women perform better than men as care providers
Didn't see that coming.


I actually prefer women doctors for most things, but when it's surgery time or an ER visit I want a white male doctor.

>And i never heard of JAMA
Seriously Sup Forums? I have to wonder how many of you even understand the significance of peer reviewed studies. It's no wonder there are so many people here who don't believe in climate change.

Don't male docs tend to overwork like 30 hours more a week?

>women scientists are better than male scientists, according to women scientists
>peer reviewed by other women scientists as legit

Like I give a shit how a fucking uterus works.

You were BTFO a few posts above.

I am not a doctor so maybe i dont know all the best journals but if they publish this mess they are not a serious publication

Probably an agenda here but I'd believe it since women are natural caregivers and being a doctor requires or at least should require) compassion and a drive to give the best treatment to your patients.

>Posting fake news

>men specialize in high risk areas
>happen to lose more patients

When the peer reviewing body is corrupt, then they let corrupt studies pass.
I don't necessarily disagree with the study because But at least recognize the possibility that peer review is not infallible.

>younger, fresh out of training
>have less amount of work
>work at a teaching/huge hospital

also, you have to keep in mind geriatric care is a dead end, you go there when you don't want to work too hard or when you have no other options.

Females don't want to work too much, unlike men, and you can bet the female doctors are actually good doctor that chose to do this while male doctors are failures that couldn't work anywhere else.

Says a WaPo blogger after reading the summary page of one single study. Crack journalism. Note blogger is female

>when treating elderly patients

Hmmm. Is this example of the so called torturing data, when you torture it enough it will tell you anything, ie when you filter enough the data you will find what you want. Now they found that when you filter to elderly patients, statistically women are better and from this they conclude that women are overall better doctors.

You can torture data enough and you will find something. Clasiscal example is that when they try to see for who to sell some medicine, when they torture data enough you will discover that this medicide will help asian females over 40.

>women really are better at everything, study suggests
>sponsored by huffington post

I hate these studies because it's so damn easy to skew results if you are being sponsored by people who want a specific answer.

There are a million ways they could of done this study to skew it.

>women give better care for elderly patients
Wow, give them noble prize.
Who would have thought that women are better nurses?

>Women better doctors

Well obviously user my mama always gave me a plaster and a kiss when I hurt myself my dad was more the ahh you'll live kind of guy

Ive only ever been misdiagnosed or shit on by female doctors. To the tune i refuse to be seen by them. Its a fucking joke

okay, I took the time to look at the study, it's actually even more retarded than I thought.

Results are pic-related.

They get "statistically significant" results because of the huge sample size (>1 600 000 patients). But as you can see on the figure, the difference is so low you can hardly see it.

So it's "significant"... but not pertinent.

Statistically significant is statistically significant.

If whites are 1.5% better than blacks on anything Sup Forums would jump on it in a heartbeat

> Elderly.
> In Hospital.

Literally who cares, if they're in there in the first place they probably don't have long regardless of how they're treated.

If this was like, women are more empathetic, therefore they're more likely to notice traits and shit in the general diagnosis process then yeah it would probably be worth exploring in more depth, but old people die.

>study miracilously confirms the current political agenda
This is pure bullshit.
Prepare for more studies in bullshit like this
>blacks better lovers than white men study finds
>immigrants are better for economy study suggests
>mixed race kids are more healthy and intelligent study says
>right wing terrorism on the rise study finds

Fake news

>>immigrants are better for economy study suggests

Well to be fair massive supply of slave labor is good for the economy. It's bad for the citizens. But good for the economy.

That has been the trend for a long time thanks to government money to leftists studies.

>Waah waah facts doesn't conform into muh headcannon narratives

You guys are just as bad as the SJWs you hate

considering how shit the medical field is I'm not surprised

>Although the analysis can't prove the gender of the physician was the determining factor, the researchers made multiple efforts to rule out other explanations.

Geee I wonder if this has any bias.


I can explain it I have some inside into how it works. Most female doctors are more risk averse and some even subconsciously know their male counterparts are better on average, this leads to the results of the study. Here is why, hard and more risky cases go to male physicians less risky go to female physicians. High risk cases go wrong more often, than low risk cases. In other words correlation does not equal causality.

>geriatric care is a dead end

kek and checked

>Statistically significant is statistically significant.
I don't deny it's statistically significant, but it's not the only thing that matter.

Besides, here's a gem from the paper:
>We used a multivariable linear probability model30,31 (ie, fitting ordinary least-squares to binary outcomes) as our primary model for computational efficiency and because there were problems with complete or quasi-complete separation in logistic regression models.

"oops, the gold standard method didn't work, so we're going to use something else without giving any explanation as to why it didn't work!"

fake news lol

>Care based person better at taking care of people
That's like saying men are better at killing people and therefore something.

>women are possibly better doctors according to a single flawed research paper
Yes, it's true, women are wonderful rays of light.
>men are better than women at sports

It's hard to believe that this kind of study was done without bias, but even if it was...

Why wouldn't women be better at helping the sick and injured? In my opinion, they are generally more emotionally advanced than men. More women should try to go into healthcare. The only issue I see is that most women don't have the intelligence/dedication to become a doctor.

As an thought experiment, let's say the data was released that women were better doctors using several different metrics. Would anyone actually care?

Too bad there aren't enough women smart enough to become doctors.

post the study then and not some functionality retarded blogger from Washington compost

he was being sarcastic bro he obviously agrees women are better at what they've always done

Daily reminder that if the article its not from:
>'very specific field magazine'

Its fake news.

>Women are better at taking care of people then men.
wew lad
>"Patriarchy BTFO"
apex lel
Yet men are better at everything else such as scientifically and technologically advancing our species.
Hmm, really makes you think.

>white male

wrong choice bub, pick an Asian male. They face the hardest admission standards and have those small dexterous hands.

Indians are statistically the BEST doctors.
Prove me wrong protip you can't

Wait, so are they specifically talking about the elderly or are they talking about everyone?
Yet again, the jews try to trick us by making general statements from very specific statistics.

>female doctor

Oh, I just linked to him because I agreed with him.
I see how I made that potentially confusing though.

they talk about elderly above 65 years in hospital care that die within 30 days after bing admitted to said hospital.

Its a niche of a niche and in that female doctors are only 0.5% better.

imbecile. Indians are far superior doctors.

>women make better doctors
>yes goyim put your life in the hands of a woman who only has a job because of affirmative action legislation

They're unhygienic

they are intellectuals

archive the link or fuck off you kike

they keep a few 90 year old fucks alive a few years longer?

That's well within the margin of error.
So there's no statistically significant difference.

I feel safer in the care of an Asian male doctor than anything else. That goes the same for dentists.

The article says they controlled for that by looking solely at "hospitalists".

The radically lower efficiency noted by is probably a more important flaw.

>treating elderly patients

I understand the situation then.
Female doctors constantly resuscitate these old people so that they die on somebody elses shift. They dont want the blemish on their record of somebody dying. So they will bring these people who are suffering back to life tens of times, just so they can die on the night shift.

Meanwhile a male doctor will see that being brought to life is only letting these people live in agony, so he lets them pass naturally.

Men invent Watson AI, which outperforms any doctor by a huge margin.

>Washington post


How were these stats compiled?

We're all the women internists and the males surgeons?

Males make up the majority of trauma surgeons. In fact trauma surgery is nearly exclusively male. If they chose all surgeons then it would be skewed by the fact that women perform more elective surgery while trauma surgery is performed by men.

I don't trust this at all.

They're also very hard to understand. That must lead to wrong diagnosis and mistreatment when they're in foreign countries and trying to tell the nurses what to do.

Gender isn't just a social construct? Interesting.

In the name of equality though I'll happily take my chances with the inferior doctors, others can keep the superior stock.




Sorry, I don't want any poo in me.

Go ahead and cite a "fact" that is actually accurate that fits the above narat I've and I'll send you $100 through PP.

>appealing to authority

kill yourself


Treating people on death bed.

From what i've seen of female doctors they tend to have a chip on their shoulder. It's really a trend I see amongst women in positions of authority in general; cops, beurocrats, video game server admins etc.

>elderly patients
So the female doctors are just overqualified care workers then.


Treating elderly is a woman's job. Men doctors will not waste the same amount of resources that could be better put to use saving children, teens, and working adults.


I had a look around

the female hospitalists treated 73% or so of the male's patient numbers.

for the internal medicine hospitalists in the us, women earn about 88% of what men do.

So there is a substantial efficiency gap.

Coincidentally patient load is one of the few physician characteristics not adjusted for.

It makes sense that different institutions have different trade offs between efficiency and mortality and getting the correct gender mix for your institution is part of that.

My main fear is that here in aus this could be used as an excuse to push for a massive female majority in medicine for our public healthcare system then write a blank cheque. 60% of my class is female anyway so what does it matter.

>If male doctors were able to do as well as their female counterparts when treating elderly patients in the hospital, they could save 32,000 lives a year, according to a study of 1.5 million hospital visits.
>when treating elderly patients in the hospital
>treating elderly patients

I actually find female doctors a lot better as general practitioners though if I need brain surgery or something I'd want a male doctor.

Best for getting a septic infection maybe.

Too bad they all switch to part time by 37/38 so had male been given her spot in medical school more people would be getting helped.

>Primary doctor is an office that has two doctors who alternate days that they're there
>A man and a woman
>The man always takes his time to explain everything to me
>The woman throws pills at me
>Woman eventually leaves
>Replaced with another woman
>New woman throws pills at me
>Woman eventually leaves
>Replaced with another woman
>New woman throws pills at me
>Woman eventually leaves
>Replaced with another woman
>New woman throws pills at me
>Can only ever get appointments with these women because everyone wants to see the man and he's booked for the next 8 months



>and OP never posted again after he realized his assertion was wrong

The only woman doctor that I know personally, used her script pad to write illegal prescriptions for Oct and other narcotics to fuel her families drug addiction, so it wouldn't do interested her pocket too much. By family I mean her two sons and daughter.

equality == women superiority
diversity == white geneocide

get on with the new dictionary senpai

Let's do the same study with race.

I fucking dare them.

when the only thing you are good at is caring for old cunts you probably have advantage

>Study conducted by Herschel Shekelstein