Russians and Serbs:

>Russians and Serbs:

"Gavrilo Princip is a national hero, an icon and a revolutionary."

>Also Russians and Serbs

"Roach who killed the ambassador is a terrorist, murderer and a psychopath."

I don't care about neither of them, I just want to see WW3 but Ruskies and Serbs never cease to amaze me.

>"Gavrilo Princip is a national hero, an icon and a revolutionary."

Do they really think that?


awful comparison

Because they told you to fuck off

Because fuck off they are full

I don't think anyone in Russia has ever said so in any point of time, stop projecting shitskin monkey.

whom are you quoting?

Don't generalize.

I'm a Serb and I consider Princip a terrorist, yet I don't consider the roach a terrorist, as what he did was rightful.

>liking Gavrilo Princip
In what universe? Nobody gives a shit about his cause, nobody knows who the fuck the guy is, everyone knows that WW1 got us all fucked. So who are those Russian fans of Gavrilo Princip? You mean commies?

>shooting a foreign dignitary
back to Bosnia

Princip starts WW1 and after that, NWO get the power.

There were 2 threads yesterday about Gavrilo Princip and bunch of serbs and russians praised him like he was some kind of a tibetan monk.

He is Russian, so it's always rightful. You, as a Pole, should understand this concept.

Serbs got almost their entire male population wiped out thanks to that guy in part

That doesn't even make any sense

Those were idiots. The world would be a better place if it weren't for him.

nice source of opinion, fucktard

I don't like Russians but shooting a foreign diplomat, no matter if he's from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh or fucking Albania is wrong.

> Implying there must be a sense

Lets avoid and WW3. Nobody is going to benefit from it

lmfao I know right? are croat's this retarded? then again they think that they're not just converted Serbs.

Yeah, also destroyed your little empire xD

I disagree with you just for being the devil advocate

Don't mind me

Go back to CS and low-budget porn, Igor.

I'm a bosniak muslim studying here and I think Gavrilo had the right to off Franz.

Imagine if Austria was occupied by, lets say Turks, and some manlet austrian kills the sultan. Of course he would be considered a hero.

>Nobody is going to benefit from it

Jews are

They always do

>The world would be a better place if it weren't for him.

The world would be the same because Austro-Hungarians desperately wanted out clay,
and Germans desperately wanted an excuse to destroy Russia before Russians finished their railway system.
Whether Gavrilo Shitsip or some other excuse, nothing would change the imminent.

>Gavrilo princip

Commies are his only fans

Go be fat somewhere else.

Maybe some individuals but the most of them will perish. Like here in France they are not enjoying multiculturalism becuse they are the main victim

Thanks I came here just to post that.

Bosnian diaspora on Studies in Belgrade or Novi Sad.

> war wouldn't happened anyways.

Sup Forums is satire.

>Sup Forums is satire.

there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

Whats wrong with being jewish?

a bullet is coming to germoney

Nothing. It's the same as hate towards cuckolding, I just don't understand. If your wife wants the BBC then you have no right to stop her, its her body after all.

There is nothing wrong about being Jewish if you are being Jewish against the Jews, and Out-Jewing them.

>war wouldn't happened anyways.

Oh it definitely would have, but it's questionable wether it would have escalated like WWI did

pic related nigel goldshekelberg


"I suck cocks"

Deepest shit I've heard in my life.

> war wouldn't escalate.
That's contradictory by the definition of word war.

To beat the jews, you have to become a jew

Gavrilo was a qt before they beat the shit out of him.

I meant that a war in the balkans wouldn't necessarily have ended up involving almost the entire world

But knowing the eternal merchant it would have anyways

We've had a Russian fascist killed French president in the 1930s, no one's praising him

He was quite literally mentally ill.

Gavrilo did nothing wrong. Except shooting the guy's wife too, but he regretted that until the day he died.

Only clueless idiots think that the Sarajevo assassination actually caused WWI.