The rise of Christianity in China

China will be the largest Christian nation in the coming decade or so.

Post yfw the Chinks will finally remove kebab.

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>tfw the Chinese will be the leaders of the next crusade in Africa and the Middle East

Mohametans haven't seen shit, those guys will be relentless.

Another video discussing the fact that China will become the world's biggest Christian country soon.

It's amazing that these two former communist countries are becoming the most Christian. If you think about it the very essence of communism is to destroy Christianity yet it is in these very countries where Christianity is most flourishing. If this isn't a testament to the power of Christianity then I don't know what is.

Christianity is the best form of culture Humans have ever made.

Not only China but Russia as well. A Chinese-Russian alliance to remove kebab could possibly occur in your lifetime.

Hell yes

Yeah more or less.

And how? The Chinese snuff out religion, no?

No public grandiose displays
That is all
Still technically freedom of religion

Though most Christians in China are half-assing it, do be warned

They do try and suppress it as best as they can that's why there are a lot of underground churches. But it's growing so rapidly that they are unable to stop it.

I think the only logical conclusion to this level of growth in a regime like China is that there will be a unification of Church and State similar to what has happened in Russia with the Orthodox Church. That's the only way they can really control it.

Are the Christians in china orthodox Christian or new age Christian?

china has a bigger muslim population than a christian one, iIrc

The mantle of civilization passed from Rome to the Northern Europeans, and now from them it will pass to the Chinese as we die out

The CCP doesn't care about religion, as long as it serves their ends.

Which is why I don't get why you tards are happy about a projected 4% of China being fad Christians. The CCP chooses the Bishops and Priests and writes their sermons for them. The last time the Chinks tried Christianity it ended in a cult venerating Jesus' younger brother that had absolutely nothing to do with the Bible.

Whatever the tiny Christian minority is going to believe is going to be FAR different from whatever aesthetics you romanticize.

Majority protestant unfortunately

Praise God.

Nah, Europeans has said this before in the past and every time Christianity gets big, it gets crushed. Trust me, Christianity will only get 15% of Chinese people max.

>Mainline protestant with doctrine, priests, and scripture dictated, edited, and decided upon by atheist Communists
Fixed that for you.

>every time Christianity gets big it gets crushed

I'm gonna assume you have no knowledge of history.

>I have no idea what the Taping Rebellion or Nestorianism were
Pot, kettle, black.

Nope. Christianity is a cancer that must be wiped out.

sweet we can join china and russia and liberate europe from the muslims

t. Mohammad

>tfw white people are such a lost cause we're relying on fucking China to take up the banner of Western Civilization and remove kebab

Except that they follow the wrong christianity, they follow some protestant cults instead of based orthodoxy or catholicism

Therefore they will become like Sweden in a few decades

Not cool. Let them keep their own traditions.

They will become like the majority atheist Sweden by becoming more christian?

The question tho is that if that Christianity is Christianity... or """""Christianity"""""". Hard to trust religions now when either many of those leaders are just plants or they turn into some animu-tier Asian cult. Can also be used to turn people into soft-hearted sheeps to be abused.

Is your favorite phrase; "Allahu Akbar:?

Most of these traditions you speak of were irreversibly damaged during the Cultural Revolution and such.

Am I the only one who used to be a militant atheism a few years ago but now want Christianity and other nonviolent religions to succeed everywhere, even though I don't believe in any of it personally?

If you read the scriptures it talks of the land of shinar and the post flood dispersion of people corresponding to asia europe afica and the middle east.

This makes sense


I think soon you two might convert.
I studied scientific psychology at first and then converted to Christianity.

Cheers and be blessed

Kanker een endje op Mo

Is this what the christcucks tell themselves nowadays to cope with the fact their religion is the fastest dying one?

>t-t-the chinese are our friends, they're converting to christianity, t-they're gonna remove kebab for us

The majority of your followers are literally subsaharan African congo niggers. Now you want to add the soulless Chinese into the mix hoping they will continue your failed legacy.

Christianity is the most cucked of the Jew slave religions. It is literally a basic tenet of Christianity to be cucked, it is its natural state. Of the three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism is the manipulative brain, Islam is the savage and backwards fist, and Christianity.. well, that is the bleeding heart.

Even the Christians' most uncucked sect, Orthodoxy, has made it so all their nations are poor shitholes.

Christians are SO cucked that they literally rely on third world shitholes, with actual shitskins and yellow niggers, to do the fighting for them. Because they pride themselves on being the heart of Europe but not the sword.

Turn the other cheek, faggot.

Yawn. These arguments are so old. Yet everywhere I look, Christianity is booming. Putin and Trump are both Christians.

Chinaman you are my greatest ally!

Yes I am sure they truly believe all these great stories in the bible!
They are surely not faking it to pander to the majority of airheads in their constitutions, right?

Jesus is an alpha, who will conquer Sinic culture

There is no evidence whatsoever of them faking it. There is plenty of evidence of them talking about personal conviction.

>we want the kike leadership