Brit/pol/ - The Absolute STATE Edition

>12 dead after cannabis-crazed lorry drives into crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin

>Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead on live TV by his own reefer-smoking bodyguard who claimed that Russia's support for the Syrian government drove him to it

>3 dead in shooting near Islamic Centre For Marijuana in Zurich

>Brussels on lockdown as stoned terror police refuse to disclose what they were doing

- - - -

>Vote of No Confidence in Northern Ireland's First Minister fails

>MPs should stop asking Sharia May about Brexit - She has no clue and they’re wasting their time

>UK Government confirms that it sold cluster bombs (considered so dangerous they were banned by an international treaty) to the Saudis

>Labour: Tech Companies need to be more transparent

>Loony Left Corner: Corbynite claims that Tory cuts forced him to shoplift booze from Waitrose; "I am not pretending that I didn’t take that stuff but I was forced into a corner and I was forced to rebel"

>Thread Theme

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hope Not Hate suggests it is considering suing Farage over his 'outrageous' accusation
>"We are aware of a serious and potentially libellous statement made about Hope Not Hate by Nigel Farage on LBC radio this morning.
>"We have no idea on what Mr Farage bases his outrageous comments. Hope Not Hate has a proud history of campaigning against extremism and hatred.
>"We will not be making any further comment until we have had the opportunity to consult with our lawyers."

Why not just Hope that Nige goes away, instead of being so Hateful?

Use this one with new links:

>The Left are hypocrites
It's basically the root of their ideology

Reminder that YKTD is mentally ill and needs help.

What did he even say?

>mentioning him
fucks sake lad you're just encouraging him


What the fuck is their problem

I wish we were in the middle of the Atlantic

>The proposal, part of the digital economy bill, would force internet service providers to block sites hosting content that would not be certified for commercial DVD sale by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

Hold on, wouldn't Sup Forums come under that since it allows webm uploads?

Refugees would still find a way

Tfw you had a Hard Brexit the night before

What would an ideal world look like in Brit/pol/'s opinion? Here's one I made earlier

DP saying the krauts have arrested the wrong man, fucking kek. That'll show you bigots jumping to conclusions, I bet it was an Aryan.

>England is gone
>Ireland is 1 country
Neck yourself ladd

A Right Royal Cock-up this is.

They got the WRONG man!, the real suspect is still at large.

kek, the Germans arrested the wrong bloke. The attacker is still at large. Probably back in Brussels by now.


>England gone
You could just punch a hole in London and the other rape zones surely

>not returning Svalbard to Scotland

Who cares? England is cucked forever. You invented cuckery. UltimoCucks.

Only the Scotts can save you.

>"Well, he would know more about extremists than me, wouldn't he. He backs organisations like Hope Not Hate, who masquerade as being lovely and peaceful, but actually pursue violent and very undemocratic means. I am sorry Mr Cox but it is time that people started to take responsibility for what has happened."

i.e. he dared to question a widow!


who /hairyngross23 fan/ here

the man is honestly an enigma

an enigma of beans, curry & mayo

and my personal favourite:

>keeping the empty bit of Canada only inhabited by eskimos
>allowing all the millions of chinks in Australia to live

Fuck off nonce

1000 years prison

>Nigel Farage accuses Jo Cox's widower of supporting extremism

>Daily Politics not showing that Nige laid flowers for Jo Cox

the thumbnails look bad from just hovering over the links. are they just videos of a guy shitting his pants?

t. nonce

oy vey

>nuclear fart.wmv
>Thumbnail is of shit-stained pants

What do you reckon

>Only the Scotts can save you


>>Labour: Tech Companies need to be more transparent
it's a bit rude referring to her as a shadow just because she's a nigger


American education

>it's another American who talks bollocks and has no idea about British politics post

Why do they have talking on a music radio station?

Shame Grillo isn't on today, Olney needs a roasting.

>Richmond's new MP is literally a Globalist Rat
You can't make this up

>attempting to protect his mentally ill NEET friend's thread, by deflecting the insult rightfully used against himself for fucking 14-year-olds and defending it for weeks on end
The absolute state of some of the regulars here

They don't on the better music-based stations, mainly the pirate ones.

have you got the one with the fat american calling Europe fags and cucks while being swamed with Mexicand and Niggers?

>Only the Scotts can save you.
Go home burger you are drunk

>Sakhalin coloured in yellow

Get off the proxy, Abe.



I'd keep
>England minus London, Leicester, Birmingham, Lancashire and West Yorkshire
>Northern Ireland
>Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland
>Australia, New Zealand
>South Africa
>Japan, South Korea
>Best Korea just for laughs
>USA minus the blue states
>Canada minus Quebec
>maybe the eastern European ex commie bloc for fashy good times

What's your excuse for not bagging a sheep shagger like this?


>We Trumpeteers hear you brother.

>and brexiteers

>One in the same!

>the status quo should never change and all jobs should be kept, even if they're not viable
Fuck off, there is no argument for not allowing the driver to open and close the doors
>Wew its so hard being a conductor, I have to walk up and down the train and open doors every stop
>wtf you want someone else to open the doors? Strike strike strike!

Where's the bloody snow lads? I want a white Christmas for once

Really it depends what sort of stuff you like, there's thousands of pirate stations out there. is a good start, but also

I actually agree with your idea. Just erase the rest of the US

Snow is shit

Eh, do what now?

wake me up

Americans should be banned from brit/pol/

>Snow in December

Fuck off Dickins, it never snows in December.

>¿Guerra de carreras cuando?
I took almost 2 minutes to get this, holly shit

While a man with actual blood on his hands is hailed by these people.

>England is cucked forever. You invented cuckery.
>Only the Scotts can save you.
Daily reminder that Angloland is currently in bondage to Scotland, to whom the little brown inferior race pay tribute and protection money.

Scotland has literally financially and politically enslaved the lesser races in Angloland, whose parliament is held to ransom by Scottish politicians, whilst the Caledonians enjoy their own devolved parliament AND anglo tribute money for the privilege of the greatest Scottish subverters Blair and Brown literally destroying the Anglo race through mass immigration.

How does it feel to have lost yet again to the stronger, smarter, more aggressive northerners?

Who will you call this time to protect you, given that the romans, anglos, and normans, now shitskins, have failed to stop the north?

Weak and pathetic people who are now facing extermination through increased birthrates of the brown peoples Scotland flooded you with.

Eternal Scotia wins again

Driver only operation goes beyond letting the driver close the door. It means not having a guard walking around the train as well.


Reminder that Scots as a people have achieved nothing and will be remembered as the country that based their national identity on a Mel Gibson fictional movie and voted against their own independence


scots couldn't handle the terrain

>no France
>not even Brittany
>Quebec gone
>no fun South Pacific islands
>not saving the Amazon and Antarctica
>no experimental Bolivia

A guard that can do what, bark like a throttled puppy?

Scots can't handle anything, I'd just like to see the maritime borders that would create.

If you love Scotland so much why don't you move back?

[spoiler] He can't move back because he is wanted for noncing [/spoiler]

Lads someone's been in my desk drawer and eaten all the twirls out of my box of heroes

Cheers. Really need to build up my own collection.

2bh I don't mind them asking questions at all, it's when they go off on the deep end and make wild assumptions.

Jo Cox? Who's that?

Hope you've still got the Creme Egg ones left son.

>scotland exists

Butthurt scot detected

Jack FM don't. And they have a much larger playlist.

Does anyone have the Saint Jo Cox copypasta?

Why do Scots think they'll get everything they want with independence? Are they ignoring how the EU are acting in response to brexit? Do those daft haggis slags really think they'll get an easy ride if they leave?

>10 bn deficit
>no currency
>oil reserves split fairly
>all trident jobs vanish
>no defense
>no Barnett formula
>no 'muh Westminster'
>an actual border

1400+ English girls raped by Pakis, and we're the cucks -
Not to mention the wee English girls in the kebab.

Its fucking insane that even when we are trying to be leftist, England is still worse.


She's a degenerate whore.

Never has someone been more right

so why is so much of britain trash

>Little England mentality
>delusions over imperial past and the empire

How do people not understand what "little england" implies?

Check tickets, intervene in unexpected situations (both criminal and safety-wise.) and so on.

My experience with trains has been that one opens the doors for themselves as a passenger and they shut automatically (or at least, the guard shuts them with a single button instead of individually) and the guard is constantly busy en-route walking up and down the train doing various misc. tasks including picking junk off the floor and keeping an eye on everyone.

aye lad but all that is the fault of the english

scot power will somehow magic away these problems ok?

It did in the 90s and early 2000s. Now we're lucky to see any snow at all.

I'll add as well to look into US college radio stations, they rarely talk and are totally unplaylisted.


>This triggers the Brit

Independence now! New call for Scottish separation!

Start worshipping MOLOCH.

>because he is wanted for noncing
YKTD is not mentally ill

Redpill me on Hope not Hate

i know fuck all about them, tell me why Nige was right

>oil reserves split fairly
Scottish waters are already geographically defined (to assign the operating area of SEPA and the like.) and those areas are just as much part of the legal entity of Scotland as Edinburgh is.

(Though if we're flagrantly violating international conventions, can we keep Edinburgh just for laughs?)

It only triggers me because it won't happen, the Scots cower from independence like a slug from salt.

It's just a generic anti-fascist group, gets government funding to send left-wing thugs to threaten various people suspected of Wrongthink like Nigel Farage
