My (white, german) friend just told me that he wants to get a vasectomy because, and I quote him...

My (white, german) friend just told me that he wants to get a vasectomy because, and I quote him, "Children suck and the world is already overpopulated.".

ok but FPBP

Tell him to khs.

It would be better for everybody, because our cjildren don't have to grow up with his chuckdren.

In the US, a lot of doctors will refuse a vasectomy to young men without kids, in case they change their min later in life. Or at least that's what I hear. My friend recently got a vasectomy, but after having 3 kids.

my ID is almost FREE WEE

True. What's the problem with it?

World is overpopulated and we need to slim down our population. But the embarrassing fact is, the least IQ people still reproduce heavily.

I wouldn't get a surgery to fuck with my body but. Yeah kids suck and I wouldn't want one.

I don't really plan on having kids and I'm white. I want to have fun in my life.

You can just as easily reverse a vasectomy. You know that right?

overpopulation, like hunger and malaria, is an endemic problem, not a global one. If you're in a country like germany, who suffers from sub-replacement fertility, and you have the basic means of having a children, it's your moral and patriotic duty to do so.

Tell him that if he really believes that, he should join you in supporting starvation and sabotaging food aid shipments.

Say things like the overpopulation centers at those parts of the world a crippling the planet's ecosystem and they are taking the Lebensraum of exotic, rare animals that are much more important to nature than humans that only consume. Don't use that word though.

If his mind conditioning kicks in and he asks if you're racist, say that there is no difference what the humans committing overpopulation look like, that we are all worth the same and that because of that, they deserve the same punishment and condemnation for their damage to the natural balance as anyone else, and that if he would let the heart of the overpopulation problem off the hook because they look different than him, he is the racist and is not willing to do what needs to be done for the planet because he is blinded by his mindless exceptionalism.

That should really make him think.

have more kids yourself to make up for the children he won't have
it's win-win for you and the gene pool

The problem with it is that the overpopulation isn't coming from Germany...

Are you guys white?

Suck him off and preserve his semen user. Do it for humankind.

Additional points to be made:

- Say that it's unacceptable to sacrifice any of the people that produce the food for humanity (read between lines as: Europeans), because if the only ones left would be the parasites who only eat but don't grow anything, it would drive us to the stone age

- Say that what China did with the one child policy is a great example to the rest of the world. After this, say that every country has the duty to do the same, and that countries with a low birth rate don't need to be regulated as much as countries with high birth rates.

>But the embarrassing fact is, the least IQ people still reproduce heavily.

Already told that. We need slimming down the population everywhere.

Overpopulated by the wrong peple, yes.

He is right.

The real issue, is that Europeans need to figure out how to live with negative population growth, like the Japs do, instead of importing thrid world workers that dilute their culture.

If Europe hadn't designed their pension system like a fucking Ponzi scheme they could just tell those damn moozies to fuck off. Abolish that shit and you're golden.

It's only a good thing if the guy's friend is low IQ and has decided to stop reproducing because of that fact, and he clearly didn't do it because of that. We need to start making more babies in Europe, high IQ is preferable.

do this op, try to find a woman quickly after it and spit his cum inside her snatch

Start calling him my friend the eunuch. Because that's what he will be, a eunuch.

No, you can't. After a few years, the odds of an actual reversal are extremely slim. Maybe a couple of months after you get it done, you can be restored to full fertility, but the chance gets smaller and smaller the longer your body goes being fixed.

I don't plan to have them either. I need too much time alone to have a spouse and children living with me. Unfortunately, I was born a loner. My family is big and very close, but I'm the odd ball who's never liked spending more than a couple of hours with them. I love my family. They're just more than I can handle for long periods of time. I start to get the overwhelming urge to retreat back to my home and be alone. I can't imagine if that retreat were gone. I'd be a sour motherfucker.

Europe actually needs more children but I guess we are solving that with immigrants instead

I only ever hear this rhetoric espoused by middle class whites. No other demographic seems to think this, and its expression is as uniform as the "I called out a racist at the grocery store, and everyone applauded" meme that liberals love to larp about.

Anyone want to weigh in on why this is the case?

Holy fuck that looks comfy

White reproduction is a Jewish trick. You think they want to inherit a world filled with niggers? Fuck no, how will they leech off of the hardwork of others?

They want us to reproduce at reduced rates whilst destroying any institution that unites us. If we can't beat them on the second point (and we can't, the damage has already been done) I say fuck it - let them enjoy some quality time with their pet coons.

"The world is overpopulated because in third world countries people have 8 children, and then foreign aid ensures they all live despite the fact theyre all unsustainable.

Families in 1st world countries arent even at replacement rate.

Im going to have kids because Id rather the first world expand. Maybe the kids will be the ones to fix the third world, since they have the first world resources to do so."

No, we need to heavily slim down third world and low IQ populations - theyre the ones have 8 kids

High IQ and first world populations are already BELOW REPLACEMENT or at replacement

High IQ and first world is what we want more of, and they arent even having enough kids to be worth consideration for culling/sterilizing.

Show him some IQ and kids by ethnicity stats.
Point that him not having high-IQ kids means more rooms for Ahmed to have low-IQ ones

thing is, first worlds have less people but higher resource use per capita because of our higher standards of living. It's so high infact that it offsets the fact that we have small families.

Affluence + Population - Technology = Disturbance

Thats true, but whats stopping us from teaching the kids we have otherwise?

We dont need the latest iPhone, or the fanciest car. We can walk, or bike places. You dont need a room-full of different, fashionable clothing. You dont need 4 different electronic devices.

Theres a lot of stuff we use and dont need and could be happy without. Id rather we have more kids and live more feasibly.

America itself is 80% overweight, and combining that with food waste if we just all got trimmer and stopped wasting food...Thatd be a massive decrease in consumption.

I do not see a problem, this is just evolution - the weak to do not procreate, while the strong fight for their survival.

>Theres a lot of stuff we use and dont need and could be happy without. Id rather we have more kids and live more feasibly.

To what end? Western society's only aims are hoarding the biggest amount of shekels and having the most hedonistic lifestyle.

Nobody admirers the one's who strife for more transcendental and virtuous pursuits.

He's right. Germans shouldnt repeoduce.

>we need to slim down our population
Bengal would be a good starting point.


He is right, that whole, outbreed them thing is degenerate as shit and is just another ploy to make cheap labor.
What Hans should do is get a gun and mow down at least 20 Mohammads until his failing birth rates stops being an issue.

He has oneitis, he wants his seed in a girl that doesn't want anything to do with him.

Get him outside, have a few drunken nights and line him up with some passable meat.

He'll get better- i know i "saved" a friend from vasectomy last Christmas, who was so fucked in the head that the firendzone/oneitis girl got pregnant by an unknown Joe all while he was orbiting and didn't even smell the cum of her sheets.

Fucking this. Sick of this overpopulation meme. Normies are fucking sheep

I've seen photo of your friend few mounth ago

It's working, the machine is working!

Subhumans are not allowed to post in my thread.

That's one complicated victim mentality you've got there

Then show yourself out Achmed.

So why you break ur own rule?

Tell him it's only over populated with shitskins and that he needs to help do his part for the birth of the new Reich.

Because thats what's best for the world and what ultimately leads to the most happiness.

Western society may have those aims but there are many individuals who want what I want too, and ideas are capable of spreading.

I would admire those people. Hopefully my kids will as well.

>implying your mom isn't half russian considering how WWII went