Roman Church

>has a telescope looking for aliens
>named it Lucifer

How is the Roman Catholic Church not the Whore of Babylon

> he doesn't knows what Lucifer means

you can't even see planets outside our solar system with an """"earth based"""" telescope especially if it's not further than 300km from the nearest city

> This sheepfucker doesn't speak latin

i miss pope palpatine

also: do you even latin you faglord?
lux = light, ferre = to bring/carry, ergo lucifer = lightbringer

yeah because what is the harm in naming it after a FALLEN ANGEL WHO BECAME SATAN

Nog suprised.
The cathom
Lic church was infiltrated a long time ago. Now rhey dont care to hide it anymore.
Also what is that photo? Context?
That whole construction is creepy af

Well the new meaning behind this word is somewhat problematic, howeover Lucifer is objectively a good name for such a thing and it was the nickname of Jesus during the early years of christianism

>nickname of Jesus during the early years of christianism
sources needed

>howeover Lucifer is objectively a good name for such a thing and it was the nickname of Jesus during the early years of christianism

Christcucks worship lucifer confirmed.

Come to think of it, it makes a lot more sense for satan to be the one who takes on the form of a human and claims to be god.

Lol..a telescope in the middel of Rome small that its not even all the lightsaround don't know shit about astronomy m8 ;-)

Vatikan is the hidden Dome of Lord KEK

praise KEK and hunt down islam

Bullshit, fuck off Ahmed. Your religion of peace is as bad our worse than the jews.

Lucifer means "light bringer". Usually carry candles in religious processions. Hence the name change to satin.


Pope is a jesuit also

What is that sculpture supposed to be? The souls of the damned dragging a person to hell?

The telescope is literally saying it has seen some shit. Just look at its expression.

Because Lucifer just means "Light Bearer" and no where in the Bible is it associated with Satan.

Oh there's Isaiah 14:12 but if you keep reading to 14:16-20, it literally calls "Lucifer" a man and discusses Kings, and basically is chastising one of those 300-style god-kings (think Xerxes) who mistreated the Jews and thought himself divine. The idea that Angels have enough free will to rebel is a Christmas invention taken from the Greco-Roman Titanomachy or even Norse myths (borrowed from Celtic sources).

TLDR: Protestants never read their Bibles, so they jelly on The Church because they prefer pop-up Christianity. Next up, "Carmina Burana Is Satanic witchcraft - followed by Justin Bieber's Christmas Carols. But first, Vampires - what does the untrained-yokel-we-call-a-pastor say the Bible says about them? Up next!"

>the Whore of Babylon
Well for a start Babylon is not in Italy.

Not that that ever stopped lunatic protestant cultists.

>Babylon is not in Italy.
do you actually know what babylon is

>he doesn't know Jesus had the same title as Lucifer

All religious satanists believe that Lucifer is the true bringer of light and that God & Jesus are trying to get people under their command


>Jesuit astronomers

Code word for Illuminati. Naming their telescope "Lucifer"


Let me guess: south german and north german, in this order.

If you're calling Satan "Lucifer" you are literally honoring and praising him.

Satanists pls go.