
In this video, a bunch of dindus in England assult and attempt to steal a young white male's bicycle. Nobody around bothers to help.

Heroic white man truck driver gets out and stops this situation.

My question is: would you help? Have you saved one of your white brothers before? Would you ignore it?

>post stories if you have experienced similar situations


inb4 autistic aaussie gets fpbp
it's my time to shine NOW!!!!

>post stories if you have experienced similar situations

dont even have dindus

Would help if:
>Looks like we could take them
>We are not in my hometown (worrying about revenge constantly)
>There are no other dindus or any ally to dindus around

Talking tough is great but the reality is white men, at least here, rarely to never travel in groups. Maybe after some sports activity or the pub but that is it.

>Comments for this video have been disabled due to the amount of racist remarks. This video was never about colour, it was about the truck driver stepping in to stop the bullies in a 3 on 1 attack. Why can't people see it for what it is rather than the colour they are?

Something about the Nile.

Same here, the few kangs we do have are afraid to go out at night but that's mainly because tracksuit wearing bydlo chavs are the ones who are din'dunnin'nuthing around here

I wouldn't help.

I'd assume it was his fault for ending up in that situation, and that he deserves such misfortune.

I've watched people get robbed before in similar fashion.

Should've beat them up

I would pull a gun on them and tell them to leave.
>Eurocucks can never legally do this.

These monkeys have no shame. Gang up on one kid, take his bike then literally stand there shrugging their shoulders.


>My question is: would you help?

I would take out my glock and shoot them. Do you guys not do this in England?

Im on my phone. What flag is that?

Fuck off you dirty french cunt.

Considering that they fight dirty and in groups, I can understand why some would be put off. Nevertheless Id rather bruises (or worse) than the guilt of doing fuck all but shitpsting on Sup Forums.

Enjoy your niggers, Britbongs. London's starting to look like Chicago. But hey, at least you guys don't have guns!

>obeying laws that are against your interests

lol what a cuck

>My question is: would you help?

Goddamn right I would.

Not often I get a chance to use my Ruger on moving targets.

this would never happen in an eastern european country

there niggers know there place and would get their head stomped on if they acted like this

a gopnik might steal your bike though

So are you saying you have a firearm and would pull it on negroes despite that being illegal in your country? Not bad m8, there might be hope for y'all after all. Also truck driver guy is cool, defends kid from subhumans and doesn't afraid of nothing.

Cool i live in wednesbury, i'm about 2 minutes walk from that bus stop from my home.

Sad how nobody helped.

I got robbed twice near that area , first it was pack of muslims, the second time was a few niggers. I was young at the time 10-13.
One time i got help from a passerby after they noticed i was getting robbed, it was 2 blokes in a scrap man van and they got out of the van and chased them with a bat, fun times. Literally saved me from being assaulted.

estonia, you uneducated fucking chav

>Im on my phone. What flag is that?
British "Education"

I would help if he is from my tribe, doesn't look like a cuck or nu-male and if there is a realistic chance that I'm not get beaten up myself.

It would very likely lead to my death if the police managed to track me down, unless I was prepared to give myself up. It just goes to show how fucked up things have become when death by one of their policy enforcers actually seems like an attractive way out if it meant rejecting their tyranny and dying as a free man.

As long as I'm sure enough that they don't have any knives/guns on them, sure. Blacks always fight in groups but they scare easily, if you can take one of them down the rest usually scatter

t. public school

I'd have jumped at the chance to curbstomp those monkey skulls. ANY FUCKING EXCUSE

Saw a Sainsburys security guard struggling to get rid of some little paki cunt out the back. >Walk on over to him "you need some help?"
>Thiking I'm some kind of liberal do gooder
>"Everything is undercontrol we are asking him to leave the premises"
>"do you want my dog to help?" with a big ass grin on my face
>paki shoots of at speed of 10xmen
security shakes my hand

>mfw I recognize this road

T i p t o n

>some other peice of shit slavland full of white niggers
they are same same to us Kebabanon

Oh how fucking shocking, niggers trying to steal shit that doesn't belong to them.....I'm so fucking shocked..

Thats not a country worth knowing, pal.

Says the guy who also didnt know.

>not having a mace on you all the time in United Emirates
I wouldn't go so far to say "he was asking for it", but come on - have some common sense.

As a motorcyclist in full gear its not hard to park my bike to the side, get off and murder them with my steel capped boots and knuckleguard gloves. And a massive helmet.

I don't understand why people in Britain allowed the government to take your firearms. The right to bear arms partly originates from Anglo Saxon culture, because the only people who didn't carry weapons were women, children, and slaves. You guys need an NRA in Britain, or you should just disregard the immoral laws which disarmed you.
>From my cold dead hands.

fucking libtards and cowards just sitting there but as soon as a rapefugee gets beaten and thrown in to the meatgrinder they are protesting in the streets. Fucking hate these people.

Estonia is whiter than you.

So fuck off Abdullah Yusuf.

I once got in similar situation where 3 gypsies tried to steal bike from young boy, I was going from pub and was little too drunk so without hesitation I tried to punch one of them in the face and I didn't miss, to my luck and experience, when gypsies are met with force and agression they disperse like fart in american mart even if they outnumber you.
Also fuck those bystanders in that video, that is the main reason why you are getting cucked by these savages, just show them force thats the only language they understand

>go out with gf
>bunch of dindus out of nowhere
>starts sayng disgusting shits towards my gf, about raping her etc
>say nothing and keep walking, actualy at this point I walk faster then gf and I lose her for couple of minitues
>she later break up with me because she though I left her there
well better then getting rekt i guess.

yeh knife them from behind all of them
you think this is the end of it?
no he let them go, they are only going to be more pissed and take it out on the next white kid they get alone.

finish them off ffs or you are just causing more problems

Chicago here, the bikers error is letting said niggers get within arms length. Any dindus that approach me are told to fuck off immediately. Liberal cucks who let the nog get close enough th "ax dem sumfin" are the ones who get their shit stolen.

Yeah, I have and would again.
I'm always carrying in dindu territory. In bongland it would obviously be more dangerous to me because I wouldn't have that as a backup if I got swarmed. But I'd still do it until there were 6 gorillion dindu zombies and I stood no chance.

I can hear them already without sound, as you enter their sphere of anti intellectual babble.

The sounds of animalistic drivel, the bastardization of the English language.


I would normally not jump immediately into physical confrontations, however I know from experience that these people simply cannot understand an intellectual approach.

I'm afraid there might have been another truck massacre if I was behind the wheel.

Swim over here wanker. I'm going to the shooting range later today.

>Have you saved one of your white brothers before?
Sup Forums taught me that Brits are not white

>See a shit skin doing nothing
>White chav starts on him
>Calling him a paki and telling him to go home
>chav swings for him
>Shitskin expertly dodges and counters with a punch to the face
>Help the chav even though he started it
>tfw you helped beat up a shitskin because they defended themselves

is that ice t

Fuck off with your cuck fantasies.

Talcum X

What's the point of having blacks in any country?

They're not. The only people who attack me are Brits and it's always because they can't handle the bantz they try to bring.

Brits are nigger tier

>nigger tier
niggers will attack you for sport when you're not even looking
no bantz needed

At least one of the ones that's tried it on me has a history of doing exactly that

White in skin only, niggers underneatg

>wake up
>niggers STILL haven't been genocided

The funny thing is that a lot of gopniks are in UK now. Basically it's really safe here. My parents leave doors unlocked of their house when I am visiting and they are away somewhere so I could get in. Some more years (10-20 maybe) and soon it will be like 70 years ago - no one bothers to lock the door. Provided of course no shitskins and no massive deportation of gopniks from UK.

>see bunch of niggers chimping in England
>lol must b London
>check description
>hmm never heard of that part of London
>Google it
>it's just a small town of 37,000 in the Midlands
>mfw when I realise the nig nog infestation has spread

No bong is safe

I pushed a drunken muslim guy that was harassing two female teens so they had to wear the veil in the channel that goes trough my city a couple days ago. Does that count?

This tbqh.

>I walk faster then gf and I lose her for couple of minitues
>I walk faster
>lose her for couple of minitues

That's called running while peeing in your pants

>Me and my friend see congolese man beating his congolese negress
>Me and my friend proceed to fuck up congolese man
>Congolese negress gets up and starts hitting us
>Push her away and vow to never help blacks again.

They all look like scum. I don't know.

Kek, you can see the fear in white boi's eyes.

>Comments for this video have been disabled due to the amount of racist remarks. This video was never about colour, it was about the truck driver stepping in to stop the bullies in a 3 on 1 attack. Why can't people see it for what it is rather than the colour they are?

You know. Sometimes I genuinely want think idiots like the faggot who uploaded this vid need to just be executed.

It's the same as denying the holocaust, assuming the holocaust was even real in the first place. Just denying the blatant reality that niggers and mudslimes are fucking scum in the blood as is evidenced endlessly by historical accounts and modern day.

They perpetuate the problem. They are as bad as the fucking shitskins themselves.

>no shitskins
Good luck with that

One time I stopped my car when I saw a young white kid getting his skateboard stolen by a wild nigglet.

I told the kid next time a nigglet tries something like that you hit him with the board.

Yes cause he's dead.

If it's a gang of dindus, no.
If it's a strong dindu, no.
If it's a scrawny dindu, yes.

Im too physically weak to be able to help against a regular dindu or a pack of them. Theres literally nothing I could do. I could get stronger, but even then I could not help.

I would want to. Depending on whats going on

>bike stealing vs getting ass kicked/raped

I might still try to fight, and then consequently get my ass kicked/raped.

But in reality there would not be more ways to help other than calling the cops or trying to get other people to help.

>the future of Europe


>perfect opportunity to skalp some niggers
>use it
a hero
i would have done the same, just with more violence
you can't talk to these niggers, only a fist to the face will make them understand

>This morning on Wood Green Road, #Wednesbury. Attempted theft and assault caught on dash cam.
Wood Green is the absolute WORST area in north london tied with tottenham, absolute fucking shit hole. I used to live near there and I hated it so much, the council estate my friends lived on was fucked with guns and legit mental people everywhere. I got the bus through there the other day and not one white person got on the bus until we were near my area (enfield) and I had fat african ladies on either side of me stinking of their disgusting 'perfume'.

I went to NYU for sports, and a saw plenty of niggotry while I was there.
>early freshman year
>eating outside with a teammate
>a building away, two friendly dindus approach an Asian kid getting his bike out of the rack
>start doin nuffin, bumping and shoving him
>I grew up in a town of 500, so I never learned to mind my own business
>start to get up to tell dindus to fuck off
>Asian grabs one nog's head, bashes it into the brick wall
>jumps on bike before other dindu realizes what happened, and escapes
>nigger didn't twitch once in the 5 minutes before the amberlamps arrived
>left pretty large pool of blood on the ground

Not a story of my heroism, and I probably would have been stabbed or something if my dumb ass had actually interfered, but this reminded me of it.

Fucking niggers. No matter where you go they act like a bunch of feral animals.

Thats western civilization in 2016
Denying what is in front of their eyes
Denying racial element to all this
This is why mass immigration happens, this is why non-whites TARGET whites for victimization
Because they know that people are cucks & race traitors

I would help

Then you might complain about the police arresting you, but thats just a symptom of the same issue, that the politicians/police/judges are all traitors, and that noone will shoot these race traitors

In Russia? Uh...
Alright, here is the deal. Our analogue for your dindus would be muslims from Caucasus region and middle asian immigrants. We have eternally cucked laws regulating self-defense and weapon carry/possession. Essentially, if someone breaks into your household in the middle of the night carrying knifes and you shoot them in the head, you are going to prison for ten to twenty years. If you just harm them, you will be forced to pay reparation to them even if you win the lawsuit (it's 50/50, probably everybody will go to jail).
The thing is - those guys, even the lowest of them, are part of local diasporas. They take care of their own. If they are muslims, they will be most likely shipped to serve their term in their home region and then SUDDENLY disappear somewhere on the road to prison.
On paper they will be serving their term, but in reality they will just "lay low" for a while and then return to Moscow/St. Petersburg/Other Central city,
So... it's complicated question. I don't know. If they were threatening the guy's life i would've probably helped him. Risking imprisonment and death for a bike? Fuck it.