Only countries may post in this thread if they didn't have a terrorist attack in the last 20 years

Only countries may post in this thread if they didn't have a terrorist attack in the last 20 years

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Posting and toasting in the first post best post thread




Germany had no terror attacks

It was all psychopaths that were misguided acting on their own

Easy !
No terrorist attacks here, all staged by russian hackers to ruin Muttis election.

> london 2005
fucking islandcuck



Kurwa mać

9 years isn't too bad right

feels good. but that's because we're irrelevant so it feels bad too.

Fuck, 11 years


Does the Sydney siege count?

fucking damn it

Guess I'm not invited? ...

can i post?

Netherlands had terrorist attack... (bruxelles)


Nah man, you have to count London's mayoral election

This, Germany has just had a few spates of workplace violence and mental health issues

Feels Good Man

Ayy what happened?

2011 massacre

I claim that one



Does 2008 count as a terrorist attack?

I was gonna say me but I just heard an explosion in the distance.

Can any Perthfags confirm?

> 22 december 2016

>no terrorist attack in last 20 years
>who is Pim Fortuyn?

-George W Bush

Dont push your luck, toothpaste.
You never know what Kek might do next.

We kind of hosted one, didn't we?

Why did you make the thread then?


so why is OP posting?


Before Zurich, if it's really a terrorist act, I think the last we had was the murder of the Austrian Empress in 1898

youre not a country


Do you also notice a pattern, that a CIA-organized event in Turkey AND Truck Assault, now in a little better catch than in summer,

now used to hide US elections worldwide and make The Public look somewhere else... ?!

(Considering, that ISIS is a franchise of CIA -- still from Clinton-Petraeus plan, and the summer Turkey coup was ultimatelly not organized by a peaceful Gulen, it is already known that it has been organized by CIA...)

I wouldn't bet that the Turkish policeman shooting Russian ambassador was also an CIA asset...?

Turkey coup was planned in succession of Nice assault to hide it from view, and now they just got inspired and used both to let international public be concerned with something else and not comment Electoral College and Clintons in all TVs worldwide...

OP is a fag
Disregard this post
Also, (((Bush))) did 9/11

Like terrorist will waste time and resources killing Poortuguese niggers.

Eu não lembro disso ter acotnecido, anão. Mas foi terrorista mesmo?

So basically us and Lithuania?

It doesnt even count as an attack

Nice trips

Has Canada had anything more noteworthy than that noble savage who decapitated a guy in a bus?

We had the Sydney Siege

Are you seriously asking if making a poopie counts as a terrorist attack?

triples confirm


We had one guy get shot last year in Ottawa.

surprisingly the violence we have is made by ourselves

Yes, my pic is so obviously not a terrorist attack. You get less because your shitty "country" is so irrelevant and always has been.

does edgy teenager murdering people count as terrorist?




Last Updated: Tuesday, 2 November, 2004, 11:41 GMT

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Gunman kills Dutch film director
Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh
Van Gogh directed TV series and wrote newspaper columns
Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, who made a controversial film about Islamic culture, has been stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam, Dutch police say.

and Slovakia

Stop it.

Haha libsi nyugati szerencsétlen banda


The Greek did one in 2004 but other than that were fine

It was only an accident. Everything is ok.

Ja nou wat een gezellige thread hier jongens.

Kek, don't jinx it faggot

Just missing out on this. Last attack, afaik, was in 1998.

>not taking images found on the internet at face value

Bad goy. I can't find anything about the one on our border with Belarus either.

commonwealth when?

Get sucked ip in a windmill. You've got you're fair share of attacks too bud.

Netherlands had that flight that got shot down by terrorists near Ukraine. That can sort of count for aquafresh peoples.


21 years , only terrorist attack was from the dirty french that got caught

they tried it in Scotland a while ago but we wereny avin any ay that pal

Reporting in

we didn't have a terrorist attack but we are a terrorist attack in progress, so can we post too or?

WTF is going on in Ireland?

Hello my dudes

Not sure if this slav murdering our foreign minister countsć

9/11 was an inside . san bernadino happened hecause somebody said something disparaging about islams so it wasnt terrorism. Uhhhh, that muslim that stabbed a bunch of peple in that mall did it because he didnt like the christmas decorations. See no terrorist attacks.

we had an attempted suicide bombing in stockholm a couple of years ago, we aren't allowed in here

No, airplane crash does not count

IRA you dumb fuck

Absolutely. Now go back your mindlessly slaving away and consuming. Monochrome thirsts for more flesh...

Hello bros

stop posting then

who /comfy/ here?

Officially, we had some "terrorist attacks" from our right-wingers (y'know the 'Magyarok Nyulai' group) so most likely no, we can't.

Sydney Siege was to terrorism what Cronulla Beach was to a race war, i.e. while it may TECHNICALLY have met the criteria, it was half-arsed and ineffectual.

Only one person died tho.

How is this related to terrorist attacks?

do fascists' and anarchists' and communists' and the mafia's attacks count?

Czechia here

h-hello world

We only had two attacks throught our history. Both commited by lefties. One of them called Goldstein. You cannot make this up.

Not if you do it to yourselfs.


Nah they bombed glasgow but no-one noticed since it was a friday night

How you doin?