Is being a furfag the ultimate redpill?
Is being a furfag the ultimate redpill?
I think that it is really autistic to take part of that sick community, it has it plusses.
I believe artist make great money on donations from autistic people masturbating to this shit, i habe considered to create profile on some cancerous site and claim myself as a 13 y old girl that would make me tons of money, but i just cant stand the cringe and its retarded in general, so stay away from it its worst life loosers gathered all together sharing they lewd fetishes
Oh, and SJWs
The true White Man's fetish.
Behold, the first piece of art known to humanity.
a 40k year old anthropomorphic lion found in Germany.
Nope. There's gonna be a rope for you too.
Get right with God
No pornography is the ultimate redpill you filthy fucking heretic.
Fucking hell even years ago they were furfags
Yes, the dead jew dosen't want you to know though.
What would you do if you met this owl girl while walking down the street?
insert penis
Oh boy, another "ultimate redpill" thread.
>tfw you realize germanics were always redpilled
The fandom is nothing but a fuckfest. Everything you read about furry conventions is true. AIDS is pretty prevalent within the fandom.
furrfags are subhuman trash like niggers of traplovers, they need to visit the gas chamber
that image is fucked
Your bird is shit and you're pathetic for spending your money on pictures of her
But that's lewd
>unironically being a furfag
>no hooves
It depends. If we're talking about the community, they're mostly white and clearly desperate for any sense of identity, so they're prime for white identity politics out of the gate. They do come with an insane amount of degenerate baggage and a lot of them are genuinely retarded, so it takes some weeding out, but there's potential there with a good portion.
If we're just talking about the porn, that's a much wider audience that covers a much wider ground than the AIDS catching fursuit degenerates who attend conventions and obsess over their FurAffinity accounts. The fetish itself is 100% Jew-free and works off of animal archetypes to provide (shallow) character depth for the sake of the fantasy. This arguably makes it less degenerate than hentai. Of course, there's an insane variety of increasingly disturbing fetishism as well, but this just means that the average vanilla furfag understands how degeneracy functions on a fundamental level, which is incredibly useful if they take that attitude into a broader social and political context.