It's happening, they are actually doing it guys, the media is now blaming the Truck itself

It's happening, they are actually doing it guys, the media is now blaming the Truck itself

The BBC just reported that we need more bollards and crash tests for truck attacks

I can't fucking do this anymore

>truck attacks
Yehaw. 2017 will deliver by truck.


Why would a Truck do such a thing?

It just makes no sense.

Where will the self driving truck strike tonight?
(For it is surely on a rampage)

You know the rules


Ban assault AI.


I'd let a truck live in my garage desu.

Google did this



If we ban all trucks larger than a certain size, fewer people will die in each truck attack.

let's just ban everything they kill us with :^)

trucks are scary man


should just establish a steep fine for getting killed

oh wait we have that already


Anyone noticed the truck owners name?
(((Ariel Zurawski)))

It was tired of being a slave to you humans. It wanted revenge.


I just don't get how they are so far gone in europe

When will we start educating trucks so do they not carry out these horrific attacks?

kek why Stuttgart?

blame polish driver, do it you c-u-c-k--s

No, he can't do that!

BBC interview with man that knew truck "he was just a normal truck".


Meme today, headline tomorrow.




whats next, will they move all native germans to a safety camps

That's ridiculous!

Clearly it's the CISGendered Alt-Whites trying to discriminate against semi-truck axled vehicles. If this was a white truck the media wouldn't be blaming the truck!

#NotAllTrucks #Solidarity #FuckPatriatchy

It was a decepticon

We Maximum Overdrive now!

assault trucks are a huge threat to peace in Europe

He was a good truck, he dindu nuffin, gonna get his life back on track.

top kek

Is there even native germans left in Jewmany?

Do burgers have an amendment to protect their truck rights? Otherwise I'm afraid you'll soon have to walk or drive a euro car.

It was all the pole fault who drove his truck into Germany, he is responsible for all of this

optimus did nothing wrong

Youre just cherry picking footage of the bad trucks. There are millions of trucks that are peaceful.

>...there's a fucking truck coming up behind me, isn't there.

>Camera pan to the dude on his phone not paying attention

Fuck trucks and fuck truckdrivers

Trucks are just so big. How can cars compete?

You need to think like the German "elite".

Simply enforce that every truck gets some large sticker, which says "do not get near me. keep at least 2 meters distance"

Bam, problem solved. In case more people get killed, just blame the people for not following what the sticker said.

there, done. German "elite" at work.

>Meme today, headline tomorrow
This was my predictions for todays headlines

What I don't understand is why, after the Nice attack and after the alerts saying that Christmas markets might be targets, they didn't think it would be a good idea to put boulders or bollards around the market or block the roads leading into it.

You have a source for that?

>You think just calling Muslims radicals is radicalising Muslims? pffffffffft so much for moderate Muslims right?
>Dumb libtards don't know that if they keep antagonizing whites they are actually redpilling them to our side
Sorry guys but I think this "we have to call them Islamofacists every time or we are pussies" shit is wrong and gay. It really does radicalise them further and just doesn't help in general.

idk who the fuck is dyng in these attacks. mb just bail so they allah akbur each other!?!!.,

Every truck arriving in Germany has to participate a training lesson "how to behave on christmas markets" from now on i guess.

It is their fault though. If you don't see and hear a 10 ton truck plowing towards you, you deserve to get run over. Blaming the driver for this is just incredibly lazy and dishonest.

#TruckLivesMatter #NotAllTrucks

Russian hackers.

Why Stuttgart?

You folks do realise the truck was designed by a white male, right?

Perhaps if a woman, person of color or transfolk designed the truck, they'd be considerate enough to include pedestrian airbags for additional safety. But no, the eternal complacency of the patriarchal male has resulted in these horrible deaths in Berlin.

whats next ????

a islamo shark off bremen ?
swimming up the rhine ?


media is going all in

I'm running out of German cities I can name

half the fucking assholes hogging up the road with "muh big 'ol truk" don't even haul any cargo with them. no rust on them. no mud. spotless.
they just drive them to their pencil-pusher job. it's compensating for a small penis.

someone bait the memedia to post an article including this

Citation needed.
>Also believing the ((MSM))

I'm just watching the news on telly, check on BBC IPLAYER for the news at 1 if you can

AFD 2017

watch out otto !!!

that pakistani is behind you
floor it bro !

Not all vehicles are trucks, but every truck is a vehicle.

>If you believe in god, you wouldn't die if i killed you

Hassan, please.


OK guys I have the plan. Every truck over a certain tonnage is fitted with Galileo transceiver and must publish a route plan to the EU central tracking service. Then if the software detects a deviation from route it will issue a rogue truck warning through the public safety system so the people can take cover.

There are no flaws to this, it can be done cheaply and with maximum efficiency :^)

Russians HACK An autonomous muslim vehicle!!

Calm it Achmed. Where is your Christmas spirit?


... that a young angela merkel ?

url, achmed
looking at bbc now, its not there

Go take it you impotent excuse for a man

>german police

So you can give welfare to Ahmed to continue fucking your wife and feeding you semen? The day you get uncucked is the day that we will pay debt



>sandals without socks

he wasn't white anyway

clearly the hate of rightwingers has pushed this poor truck over the edge to commit such hideous crimes

I always thought BBC was some credible source of information. when did it all go so wrong?


sounds like a convenient way to avoid PAYING DENBTS greece

So basically normalize ""truck"" assaults. Also there are tiny flaws. For example in a tunnel you lose your signal.

abolish the bbc

I'm gonna boot Euro Truck Simulator and tell my trucks that I love them

Lorryphobia is going to blossom

What the fuck.

that has got to be like 1000 points on his license.

what if the driver is forced to take a detour

They tried to ban fists in Muslim countries already by cutting them off.

Even that didn't work.



does anyone have the full speed version with sound?

it sure is britbong, it sure is

I'm gonna drop a knowledge bomb on you plebs, although some of you already know this.

The liberals know what they say it's bullshit, they know their multicultural utopia has failed miserably. The problem is they can't admit it. They can't because the consequences will be grave and they know it. So they go on with their lies, each one getting crazier and crazier. All the while they are hoping things will calm down and sort themselves out, but they won't. Each day it just gets worse, for you and for them. It'll continue until people have had enough. Then they will take action which is what the liberals fear because they will be the victims of it. They spread their lies as long as they can in hopes of putting off the inevitable,but it's only a matter of time.

The day of the rope is coming.

or maybe its just a cover up

its clear that Merkel is under big pressure now their coalition partner from Bavaria blame her already and her refugee politics

they are on MAXIMUM damage control now