What does Sup Forums think of Charls?


Better than sam

a preddy c00l d00d

Took me a long time to realize that MDE are pretty uninformed and dumb, and the only reason they appear smart is because they take some form of amphetamine to eliminate any trace of self-doubt, tricking me into thinking they know what they're talking about.

That episode of Hyde Wars where they're sitting on the couch shooting the shit made me realize it.

>Took me a long time to realize that MDE are pretty uninformed and dumb
No shit. No one actually think they are smart right?

What are you talking about you cunt? They're just as paranoid and delusional as the rest of Sup Forums.

Sam and nick are funnier

>and the only reason they appear smart is because they take some form of amphetamine to eliminate any trace of self-doubt,

wow is this true lol? sauce?


He the esoteric member of MDE. Sam is the external doctrine, Nick is the moral dogmas, and Charls is the hidden gnosis, preserved for the Elect. Its all very high brow and quite intellectual, you probably just wouldn't understand.

nuh uhhh

Yeah huh, is to.

i would understand no fair uhuhhhh

Getting sick of them DESU

They act like cildren faggots instead of manning up and carrying on with life.

And Sam loves trannies and is a bottom btw

Probably just pissed. They got fucked over afterall. You wouldn't get pissed if jealous inside people took you down?

I'd probably move on and try to pitch my work to other companies

The fucking guys did a stand up shit where Sam described how season 2 would have been.

What the fuck man, that's not ok, they're acting like children.

If you watch his Anthony Fantano interview, I think you'll also get a pretty good idea of what he's about

Been a while so I don't completely remember it, but he's more or less just having a normal conversation, sincere and not so ambiguous. No doubt that pol thinks too highly of him, but he is based and funny

Charles and the majority of MDE just comes across as fucking weird and incredibly unfunny.

It's amateur nonsense, there's no structure to anything. It's like comedy jazz and jazz fucking sucks.

u just don't get it bro

Why would you believe a tripfag in the first place?

nice proxy, charls

>They call me adult drowned
>They call me one dollar extreme
>They call me alt rong
>(They) don't call me anymore
>They call me no health insurance
>They call me the guy that sucks trannies off
>They call me door closed
>They call me cucky MCcuckersan
>They call me a 31 year old unemployable bum
>They call me unfunny
>They call me welfare and foodstamps
>They call me bad back
>They call me oversampled
>They call me blacklisted
>They call me the couch surfer

I want his shirt

on gavin sam said he is a recovering beta so pretty much standard /fit/ / miscer / millenial attempting to uncuck self

he said he became alpha by jujitsu


i guess you don't know what it's like to sit on the couch and shoot the shit.

no he's right
MDE are the exact same college type "art experiment" they constantly make fun of
It's not meta, it's retarded

he still is a beta tho

that fat faggot got bitch tits

million dollar extreme kicks ass

Charls is spiritually aware and is likely a powerful mystic

i'm so attracted to him

He has a very soothing voice.

I liked World Peace because they took it more professionally, everything else is a shitshow-