How many jews actually browse Sup Forums? Seems like 10-15% of all posts are by jews or at least half jews.
It is getting bad enough I think we might have to require DNA testing so we know our board isn't being subverted by sub humans.
How many jews actually browse Sup Forums? Seems like 10-15% of all posts are by jews or at least half jews.
It is getting bad enough I think we might have to require DNA testing so we know our board isn't being subverted by sub humans.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most Trumpfags
The vast majority of this board is Jews
Americans live in a Jewish dominated culture, so even if they themselves have no Jewish blood, they end up acting like Jews because of the culture they live in.
I can't say I'm surprised.
More then we think that's for sure.
Most of the posters are Mossad agents posing as neo-nazis, to prolong the antisemitism agenda.
Sup Forums is basically part of Greater Israel.
This used to bother me as well. But it's a strong investment. JIDF has no idea how badly they fucked up directing other Rothschildren to Sup Forums. An entire generation of young Jews are becoming aware of the problems within their own. Teach them.
25% jew, but still jew cuz grandpa and father could not resist the jewass and converted.
you see you are joking but this is fucking true. there's already tons of evidence that you guys do this jidf shit on all forms of social media.
50% jew here
I can hide it pretty easily desu but it feels good being a part of the Ashkenazi master race
I still have my whole penis though
i have jewish ancestors
Jew here
The actual JIDF and Megaphone have been dead for almost a decade.
I won't deny there's some government-funded Hasbara going on, but they usually only try to pull that shit during wars when the saudi/qatari-owned MSM plasters pics of crying arabs all over the news.
According to Jerusalem Post 75% of American jews voted for Hillary.
It also seems like Israel is getting fed up with American Jews and their degeneracy and are starting to throw them under a bus
Israelis actually contribute a lot better content to this board than fucking leafs do, sad to say.
>Jews aren't encouraged to come to Sup Forums by other Jews (msm included) and tone police the constituents
American Jew here born in Israel.
Voted for Trump and would have gone full tilt Alt-right if it wasn't for stormfaggots autistic obsession with "Its the JOOZE holding me back" nonsense.
Daily reminder for Jews: You are not Semite nor the chosen people.
GTFO Israel. Stop jewing world economy!
>not keeping G-d's covenant with Abraham
Might as well be a worthless goy. I'm more of a Jew than you because my parents let the rabbis slice off my foreskin to use in their infant penis soup.
jews are ok, but (((they))) are not. #notalljews
You say that as if us Ashkenazi secularJews even believe we're gods chosen......or god exists for that matter.
I think Ramzpaul puts it fairly well. No problems with Jews as long as they accept whites can have the same degree of nationalism the Jews have in Israel.
>implying i'd want to let other people know i'm a Sup Forums browser
I think I only ever told one other person and they looked at me funny.
Those who own the media are Jews.
But most Jews have nothing to do with it.
For some reason a lot of these people just can't grasp that. Your run-of-the-mill Shekelberg has nothing to fucking do with all that crap.
It's like how slaves were owned mostly by whites. But most whites didn't own slaves. Same concept.
How do you not understand that the United States is a Constitutional Republic and will never be a white ethnic state like Richard Spencer who lives off of mommies money imagines.
I would fully support Europe remaining European and not letting mudslides in.
However, European Jews who are for all intensive purposes white also belong in their European nation of respective origin.
It is being subverted ever since Donny won the primaries this board has been getting raided
Exactly. Stop spreading lies and using 'muh religion' as a shield.
I consider myself a constitutionalist and support the US way more than Israel. Hence why I remain in the US.
Anyone, regardless of ethnic/religious background who tries to subvert the constitution be it a Jew or faggots like Richard Spencer is a traitor to the republic and should be judged as such.
>all intensive purposes
I hope you're not baiting me burger.
stop cornering Jews and painting everyone of us with a broad stroke and we might not have to hive it up, nigger.
No I did 23&me 99.9% European.
Never paid too much attention to Richard Spencer but yeah I agree.
One thing I will say though is every Jew I've ever met, no matter what his political views, always strongly supports Israel. So it's interesting when one does not.
My dad's side of the family is Jewish. I wasn't raised that way though. It's nice having my brain be such a big guy.
Calm down man, posts like his are a diamond dozen.
I do support Israel just like I support Kurds having their own state and Armenians against the Turks genocide.
It's possible to be nuanced in supporting various groups without placing them over our Republic. I generally support whatever state betters OUR ( as in American) interests abroad.
At this time Israel, Kurdistan and Armenia all benefit US interests.
JIDF has evolved, but the concept is far from dead. Just because they don't realize they are doing JIDF biddings does not mean there is not a concerted effort among Jews to get other Jews to actively and collectively work on their online PR.
That's not including Israel's own military involvement, which likely at times has much crossover.
no fuck you, you shouldn't even be in our country you fucking kike parasite
As a Russian-American Jew, I want to point out one thing:
Most people like me would be on your side. We hate mudslimes more than you because >muh holy land. At the same time, your anti-Semitism scares a lot of people who would be willing to lend you their support - people like Hollywood, big business, and so on.
You may have gotten the God-Emperor elected, but you did it struggling against. Imagine how much more you could accomplish if your ideology was the mainstream one?
Think about it.
Successful and satisfied ones support the establishment. The other ones are supporting the opposition and shitpost here.
t. quarter-jew
Even you commit the error of labeling.
I think the jewish community has to show more clearly its divisions, so everyone can see who are the good jews, if that exist, because I can't see it.
If Israel didn't exist, would you create it?
Black jewish woman here
My preferred pronouns are she, her and schvartze
>Kike Parasite
>served as 11x in ranger battalion for 10 years
> Several deployments for my Republic to both Iraq/Afghanistan
Yeah, HUGE kike parasite.
Stay in mommies basement and demand more chicken Tendies fat fuck
>good jews
Pick one
Incorrect answer
trips of the talmud speaks!
You have to understand what thrusted Israel into existence, the assaults on Jews in Arab states and Europe.
If those events never happened Jews would have never had a reason to create Israel and would have continued being citizens of respective countries.
Are there bad Jews? Yes.
Are there good Jews? Yes.
Same with any group of people.
Why Israel need money from merika?
>Are jews bad? Yes
There are no real Jews on Sup Forums, there are only your typical Khazar babies.
Because it's a secured ally in the region.
INB4 "Muh greatest Ally"
In military terms it is the best ally in the region allowing the US to have a launching pad against other areas.
We also train with Israeli forces in Israel and exchange weapons programs.
Nice try kiddo
No Jews in American SOF
Secular jews are naive as fuck.
You may not believe in religion but those in power do. And they are molding the Earth around it.
>ID: d666MJoe
What did he mean by this?
Weird, my DD214 says differently.
I suppose swamp phase was just a delusion as well as watching people get RFSO'd
>However, European Jews who are for all intensive purposes white also belong in their European nation of respective origin.
They did not originate in Europe. Some of them assimilated, but as a group they prolonged as a segregated foreign entity within European nations. They are not loyal to their host nations. There is absolutely no reason to welcome them here.
My forefathers found this land and settled here more than 10000 years ago. My nation has prolonged for more than any other nation in Europe. Jews have always been banned from the kingdom up until recently. They have no justified place in this society.
It's that attitude right there that will lead to your downfall..
No no no, calm down, Jews, in greater or minor communities, are everywhere. Wanderers.
I understand the market principles that make Jews rich everywhere, but what's the purpose of this that isn't to create a global strong Jewish community? Can't you go to a land and stay in it?
Don't you see that people may get mad if strangers get in their land and start to get rich at their expense?
Also, you didn't answered the question. If you could do something, would Israel exist or not?
>if you're a nationalist you're a shill
good goy
Anyway, most of my FB friends are SJW leftists who would rather act all pacifist instead of supporting Bibi's wars (part of why I come here in the first place).
Jews get rich because we're not retards with our money, it's pretty simple.
You go out and blow $$ on the newest iPhone or clothes ( just like niggers) and then wonder why Jews have nice homes.
How you invest/spend your money is none of my concern.
Yes, Israel should exist. Why is that even a question?
>Oh look! The Jew defends Israel! GOT EM!
Yes, I defend it like I would defend Kurdistans right to exist or Jordans, etc etc etc
I never understood why most Israelis in Israel left/right hate Bibi.
Also, how much traction is "Beit Yahud" having?
>Christianism and Islamism tell their believers that usury is a sin
>Judaism tells jews the exact opposite
Stupid Christians and Muslims.
Ive never been told "usury is good" in my life.
Stop getting your info from stormfaggots who mistranslate Jewish text
Half jew here
I never said that. People that come to a board titled "Politically Incorrect" and try to polotically correct them are shills.
every single day
>Imagine how much more you could accomplish if your ideology was the mainstream one?
Like it used to be before pro-immigration jews pushed through immigration reform in the 1960s?
Before they laid the groundwork of the multicultural ideology, because they themselves didn't want to assimilate into the Christian majority, prior to that?
It's not even limited to America with the 1965 immigration act and the "melting pot", the same exact bullshit was pushed here by a Polish Jew named David Schwartz.
I know most people are retards with money, here is ever worse. My point is that you may get someone mad when doing it in the land they inhabited for more than a thousand years, and they have the RIGHT to throw you out of their land.
But you aren't Semite, you have no right over Israel, all Hebrews where dead, thats what I don't like about Jews.
Stop spreading lies!
Well, I actually expressed myself in a bad way.
But it's good that you are here, cause I've been reading Exodus Rabbah and I'm not sure if that's considered by most jews...
Do you interpret that the Torah tells you to avoid poverty and seek self sufficiency?
We will never give up our nations to outsiders, wether Arab or Jew. They have their own nations to live in.
>I never understood why most Israelis in Israel left/right hate Bibi.
He's buddies with the Haredim (super religious NEETS) for votes, and doesn't work to keep the two-state solution viable due to his relationship with the west bank annexation party The Jewish Home (Bait Yehudi).
That said there's no real alternative to him yet as the left is full of cucks.
Not a true jew till you get snipped
No, he means "all intensive purposes" is not a real phrase. It's "all intents and purposes"
It's not like supporting Israel is a widely accepted politically correct stance.
that's my point that it still happens whether during war or still happens. what do israelis have against south africans on here? i see that you often say you want to filter us, aussies and leafs.
Shalom Sup Forums
Richard Spencer did nothing wrong.
Neither did Kahane, except the part about the gas chambers being real.
It warms my heart to see the Haredim Jew your government out of your hard earned tax shekels. They are my NEET idols.
can't remember bants against south africans. maybe against trevor noah but he doesn't count.
You gotta admit tho our country is pretty shit
Smolani detected.
Many people on the right(myself included) don't like him because he uses his popularity and political power to snub any possible contenders from either side of the political map, and just maintains the status quo while claiming to be 'right wing'. This means that he is basically sticking Israel in a rut, preventing any solution, single state, two-state or otherwise.
I was more referring to the "not all Jews" narrative that's espoused in every thread about Jews.
And I disagree. Try wearing a tshirt that reads "nuke Israel" in a western (Jew-controlled) nation and see what happens.
i just always so you guys saying you wanna filter us and it confuses me. whatever.
yeah it's not great but we are so uninvolved on the world stage that it's strange we get mentioned. try not get shot today bro.
Funny thing is that Jews that Sup Forums hates so much don't even visit synagogue. Zuckerberg is an atheist (I think he's Satanist really) for example.
Correct , and Soros is also atheist + an ardent anti zionist.
>I was more referring to the "not all Jews" narrative that's espoused in every thread about Jews.
Not sure about others, but i'm not gonna try to prove to you that some jews are alright, i don't come here to be coddled.
>Try wearing a tshirt that reads "nuke Israel" in a western (Jew-controlled) nation and see what happens.
>what is BDS
I dunno if Mossad agents have this much time on their hands??? But I did think Jews posted most of the "get in the oven" posts. Wouldn't want to diminish the victim status as it works to your fact the no1 advantage to being or should I say to "identifying" as Jewish as you just look white to other white PEOPLE until you tell us all your persecuted Jews that is. I've considered converting but it would be easier to change my name to Goldberg or something
I know some Jews are alright. It is not their fault they were brainwashed into believing what many of them believe, encouraging laws against freedom of speech, voting for Hillary, etc. And just as I shouldn't be blamed for my country's crimes against humanity, neither should you be blamed for your country doing things like recruiting terrorists with falsified CIA credentials. The situation is quite complicated.
I'm not sure if there is a language barrier or you are intentionally warping the words in all of my posts.
I partly agree..but only partly
If every Jew was would see black people predominaly in positions of power in the realms of media control and banking etc..obviously people would be 100000 times more racist if that was the case because the rest of us would assume there was a conspiracy.
It's only a minority of the rest of us that eventually noticed that there was a hugely disproportionate amount of Jews in control of I said any other "ethic" group would never be allowed so much power over an other group unless they beat that group in a war..
Jews can do it because they are white mostly and fly under the radar..the bottom line is the rest of us eventually get pissed off when we see, that we are actually controlled by a minority ethic group who serve their own self interest at the cost of others, just as the whites did in South Africa and eventually the blacks started waking up. Get it yet.
It wasn't all South African whites was it! But it was only South African whites who held power and control...and it was the ordinary South African whites who benefited from their ethic group being in control.
top kek
I'm assuming you have white skin and European heritage??? Like most "Jews"..also you lobabky were not born in Israel, like most Jews are not born in Israel..
So why exactly does a white, of European heritage and culture insist on being Jewish? Because if it's a DNA thing, most people can't tell the difference.
If it's a religious thing, most Jews ain't religious and going around "identifying" as a religion is unheard of for most regular people except perhaps mudslimes.
No, most people born in a country identify as a national OF that country not a fucking religion. Also the only people who identify FIRST as an enhic group before their own actual nationality as idiots like AFRICAN AMERICANS (and due to them being an obvious ethicicty because of skin colour they can exactly pass themselves off as white anyway...UNLIKE JEWS who are mostly WHITE anyway)
So the only thing left to identify yourself as "Jewish" is that means anyone who calls themselves Jewish and doesn't proactively the religion and looks white..must have some specific ethic culture that they practice, when in other countries? Uh, not really, because lots of people who call themselves Jews eat bacon etc..
So we can scrub off culture as a reason to "identify" as Jewish. No, the real reason white PEOPLE identify as being Jewish is because it allows them to play the race card, just like blacks do..except where blacks use it to demand hand outs like welfare..the Jews play the same race card in order to gain an advantage to move up and into spheres of influence and power. Basically cheating their way to the top.
Simple as that. Unless a Jew actually practices the religion and culture then they really don't need to identify as Jewish and go around telling every other white personal "I'm Jewish" we don't care and can't tell the difference until you go out of your way to make us aware that your a "persecuted minority". Its a ploy to gain advantage..and that's all it is.
lol no, jew hate trump. They like to falseflag. it in they blood
I'm a Jew, voted Trump, been shitposting in Sup Forums since 2010.
The amount of times I've met white Jews..and within about one minute flat of meeting them they tell me they are Jews...why? It's not like I say culturally or ethnically I'm Irish or catholic..but Jews like to make you aware right off the bat, that they are "a minority" because being a minority is pointless unless other people are aware your a minority..I mean if your just another white person where is the advantage to be had! Even though I keep hearing about white male privilege ..yeah maybe if your a white make Jew
And being a white minority is the best of both can go places without other white people looking at you funny or crowding the street to avoid you..but at the same time you can demand special treatment for being persecuted..and use your minority status as leverage to guilt trip entire nations (Germany) into bending to your will.
Very strange behaviour. Our Jews tell that they are Jews only when they totally trust you even if their name is something like "Israel Meyerson". If you plainly ask they would answer that they are Russian.
Was not creator of Sup Forums moot Jew?