Are whites just going to die out without a fight?
Are whites just going to die out without a fight?
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All races will die out if they don't evolve
No whites will fight back. The question is only when and how many continents the steal from other races in retaliation.
Probably. It's out of your control. Larger forces at work. It's okay.
Wait until mid 22nd Century when white folks start a reconquesta.
Probably yes
>Wait until mid 22nd Century
None of us will be alive then. Thanks for nothing.
Nah I think in 50 years once the kikes have self destructively killed most of us and themselves the chinks will let us live on white reservations.
i realized that whites fully deserve it
it was a hard pill to swallow but now im fine with it
when did you realize that its time for white people to step down, admit guilt and let others take over?
Yep, its over for white bois. Notice how there is a stigma in younger whites against marriage and having kids, and yet Pablo and Jamal can pump and dump 20 kids into womyn by the time they're 18.
This race preservation shit is getting old. Why the hell does it matter?
>white reservations
Are we going to drink the American Indians or huff petrol like the abbos?
Most likely.
White people are so full of shame and self hatred. I cant imagine them ever recovering.
t. An ethnic german born and raised in America
We're literally one economic downturn away from seeing some serious shit.
Once comfort goes, so will the tolerance.
The plebs will get drunk, smoke meth and weed and the chinks will breed the smart ones of us to help them develop technology, since they can't innovate, just copy and improve white tech.
Relax guys, soon Russia going to Europe.
Trump won and we still have our guns but europe is cucked and fucked, sorry.
An oddly good and accurate post from a fucking leaf right here.
and a good zero value added post by the burgerstein
Dude whites wouldn't die out at these current levels of population increases / decreases for hundreds of years. And that is assuming nothing is going to be done about it. Stop acting like people are literally slaughtering whites by the millions.
Yes there are policies in place that are fucking over native (white) populations in the West, but people are already standing up to it and saying "No!" Case in point, Trump.
Fuck off, fear mongerer.
Australians are cucked. 200 of them snackbared in Bali and all they do is import more Muslims.
No because whites thrive on their own, reservations would just become cities, which would become larger and larger, them we would fight for independence.
The chinese would be foolish to give us reservations, really
We still have time to educate women.
Educate your daughters and other little girls.
>reservations would just become cities
>fight for independence
Sounds like a good way to get starved out in a matter of days.
You will be the first one to go, fucking leaf. While your numales ade learning how to be plumbers to earn just enough to buy weed and around the world as backpackers pajeet and chan are getting rich in your country and placing themselves in position of power.
Its not like white canadians deserve to survive anyways.
How many whites do you even like? There's hardly any worth fighting for. If you were to fight for them they're liable to stab you in the back.
I don't mind a even mix of people it's when there's too much of one kind of shit skin is when I get grossed out.
No, we will just be outnumbered heavily.
Whites even at an extreme minority (see: Rhodesia) outperform subhumans at an outstanding rate, the only thing that can actually fuck us are other whites. In a situation where a sizable amount of whites are in aware this is a life and death struggle we will absolutely win.
How many children are you planning to have OP?
Keep in mind women in Mali are averaging seven children.
Whites are not going to go extinct. There's too many of them
Abraham, pls stop.
Finally some sense.
3 missed meals from anarchy.
Research the "house of cards" effect in prior civilizations, as discussed by Ronald Wright.
I don't see the point in fighting when I have nothing to gain. I feel no pride for anything or owe anything to anyone.
What the fuck are you even rambling about, Columbia?
Sorry, did I not call for genocide of all non-whites? You're not even white anyway. Go grow some coffee.
It's just Mexicans in the US really. I thought niggers were dying out too?
We just need another pearl harbor so we can have public backing to kill half the fucking planet
They are below replacement birth rate and the Mexican rate drops for subsequent generations born here. The problem is that our immigration policy is not population neutral. That is, we are growing our population through immigration and the immigrants are non-white. If we sealed the borders we could get the demographics to stabilize, but if we keep legal immigration going we will continue to slip towards a minority position.
Meant to reply to
>admit guilt
I can see why you may feel guilty for sitting there and letting refugees overrun your country and rape your women while you cucked pussies sit there and do nothing. You should feel guilty
Of course not!
The pro-immigration leftist traitors are very good at using violence to get their way.
So yes, there will be fighting during the extinction of whites.
yep i hope so
What the shit is that on her inner thigh?
If we continue as we have, then we’re doomed. And the judgment of some higher power on that will be ‘they didn’t even struggle.’ They went to the boxcars with their suitcases and they didn’t even struggle. This is too nightmarish to contemplate. We’re talking about the fate of a whole planet. Why are people so polite? Why are they so patient? Why are they so patient? Why are they so forgiving of gangsterism and betrayal? It’s very difficult to understand.
I believe that it’s because the dominator culture is increasingly more and more sophisticated in its perfection of subliminal mechanisms of control. And I don’t mean anything grandiose and paranoid, I just mean that through press releases and sound bites and the enforced idiocy of television, the drama of a dying world has been turned into a soap opera for most people. And they don’t understand that it’s their story, and they will eat it in the final act if somewhere between here and the final act they don’t stand up on their hind legs and howl.
Umm. Have you seen what its like in countries that arent majority white. No thanks.
Whitie will accept the BBC into his wife
No, they are going to fight aimlessly while we watch and grab their shekels
>That pill was definitely of the blue kind.
For the most part, yes, but if you are white and you make a white family and raise your children to be red pilled you are fighting against the demise of white people.
You fucking what m8.
Do you even see our poltics, the last election was the most hardline right in a long time and it's only going to go further from there.
can't wait.
That is what we call a bandaid
oh no, we will fight for who get his women raped first. well fight to be tolerant enough to let our children be indoctrinated by our public schools. well fight to death over the latest celebrity breakup while we are getting beheaded in our street.
>getting old
Don't go lumping the rest of us Whites in with your failed race, Krautcuck.
The religious ones are doing fine.
The issue is not
>"Whites are dying out"
The real issue is
>"Non-religious groups are dying out"
how come "African genotypes will disproportionately create a majority black individual when mixed with white genotypes"?
mixed people are equally different between their parents. this one drop rule deminishes the white race, and is one of the reasons why white numbers will continually decrease, because we push all half whites and even 1/4 whites to the black team.
Most American blacks aren't even black to begin with. Pure blacks can't grow beards.
>pure blacks can't grow beards.
It's also the reason that the ~200 million American whites are of almost perfectly pure European stock, while the ~40 million blacks are mutts with an average of 25% European admixture.
Mutts are expelled from the white genepool. The faulty nigger, and race mixer, DNA doesn't taint the people. It's thrown out into the cesspool that is the black population. An act of cleansing.
My only real problem with this is ideology does come into play.
Most mixies up to 1/4 I've met still identify as black, and prioritize their identified tribe over the other. While at the same time they're still the out group of that tribe for not passing the brown paper bag test.
Social, political and cultural identity matters.
It will reach a point where we start to fight back, the question is how long we wait and if it will be too late by the time we do.
Honest answer.
The "fight of whites" will solely be relegated to tough internet talk on anonymous message and imageboards.
So yes, in the real world, whites will die out without a fight.
We elected Trump. Pretty sure we are fighting. However, I cant say much about most of our bros in Europe.
Only the weaker ones.
You mean beyond the pure joy of watching the left go nuts? I would have thought that was obvious, but whatever.
that's because of the "one drop rule" you americans have
ffs, people have Obama as the "first black president" when that fucker looks more white than black.
Seriously, only some desperate niggers with serious identity politics would look at Obama and see him as a black person.
Is it not possible that "they're shitskins!" Isn't actually the reason why their country's are shitty?
Dont worry. White people take time to chimp out. We will either die out silently or retake everything we have ever lost and destroy anyone who has ever slighted us.
>Propagandaing this hard
> Portugal
No they aren't. Only cucked liberals who are dying out.
The biggest hurdle for conservative red pilled Americans is the cuckening of their offspring by the masters of white guilt, kikes of Hollywood and academia.
Only the shitty whites
Just like Amerindians, yeah.
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
you will. your just descendants of convicts . nothing of value lost
you are bad goyim
Apparently the answer is yes.
This. Secularism always leads to lower birth rates.
Secularism is anti-white. Religion stimulates population or at least there's a positive correlation which if taken away, birth rates diminish, drastically.
you should know what happens when white people lose it, south african.
By 2050, hispanics will be a majority in the US. The chinks and gooks will soon follow.
White America is fucked.
i guess we'll get to see in 50 years