people are mad at me because i don't care that some russian guy got shot by a turk or about the muslim running over the germans. i don't know any of these people and I don't think i have any reason to care about their death
am i that wrong?
People are mad at me because i don't care that some russian guy got shot by a turk or about the muslim running over the...
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Who cares
shit thread
why is his finger so long?
You probably have mild autism desu
every time he lies it gets longer
tell me something i don't already know
nobody cares about u neither, now seriously one is a terror attack against the russians and the other against the western civilization, is against u and against where u live, if u r not a muslim, should u care about that, ofc
>he thinks anyone posting on Sup Forums has an autism level of less than severe
I don't live anywhere near those place and i refuse to get scared of those terrorists. i'll care when they come for somebody i know, but until then i don't see a reason to
care=/= get scared
live far doesn't make u different, and u should know that u r the enemy 4 them
Of course a gypsy doesn't care about human life.
151 600 people die every day. do you care about every single one of them?
Just blow us up already
Thank god I'm not a full belgian because those people are retarded
>asking your hugbox if your fefees are right
kill yourself
I'm a paramedic. I make sure that number stays that low. I care more about people than your gypsy ass who believes that god gave you the right to steal without remorse.
I got the vid fuckers:
I don't think most people get emotionally upset since they don't know them, it's just important for politics
It just means you're a bad person.
don't know if ur muslim or an autist commie. sure lots of people die starving in Africa and lots of people die in car crash let's put another risk to our lifes and import muslims like not tomorrow cause we need cheap labor and control the near east
not caring about the deaths, fair enough
being so thick you don't care about global incidents or terrorists literally leaking into europe as it walks to oblivion? is a whole other thing
Not to mention that natural death =/= terrorism
i haven't stolen a single thing and are you confusing me with romania on purpose? i know the flag is similar, but even a retard like you should be able to mouse over the flag and read the country
>mouse over
and you're calling other people retards
Posting original pic of the left side.
like, i get that the russian guy that got shot is important, but i don't feel sad over his death. i see it more as an opportunity for russia to attack turkey
and i see the terrorist attack as a good reason for germany to close their borders
Oh wait, not original. It's just amazing how calm he looks behind the back of a man he's going to kill.
OPPO, make your own judgements and fuck all the people around you except your family. People have a habit of judging you based on what you believe and try to change what you think for their own interests. I say FUCK em'. Real friends and family will respect what you believe.
"In computing, a mouseover, mouse hover or hover box is a graphical control element that is activated when the user moves or "hovers" the pointer over its trigger area"
I think you know what i meant with it. hover your cursor over the little flag
"A special usage of mouseover event is a tooltip showing a short description of the GUI object under the pointer."
or should i put into even more simple terms?
when you take your mouse in your hand and move it so that the cursor on your screen overlaps with the flag
yea, i only care about the opinion of people i know, so i don't care too much about those randoms on the internet. but there were so many of them that i was starting to think i might be the only person who didn't care. probably better to see a psych, but this is faster and cheaper
Really going specific huh?
Well, ok, autism fights autism
>In computing, a mouseover, mouse hover or hover box
>moveover, mouse hover or hover box
>grafical element
This is speaking of the element of which you hover over; the element being a mouseover, mouse hover or hover box
Dont be so insensitive.
yes, i realize i named the graphical element, but i thought you would understand
in other words; you were wrong
just look at this monkeyface. this is how the majority of Russians looks like.
i don't feel like arguing about such a stupid thing, so yes. i admit that i was wrong. I meant to say "you should be able to put your mouse over the flag"
or is mouse still too incorrect? because i wouldn't mind saying cursor
>i don't feel like arguing about such a stupid thing
>asks another question which could continue to argument
dense kid, atleast stay logically consistent even if your logic is the equivalent of a potato
Yes you're question pls.
Lol millions of innocent Syrians die every day, 1 Slavic cuck with a non Russian last name dies. If Putin doesn't care why should we. Nothing of value was lost, just some Ukrainian villager.
Saved, cuz it's gonna be rare soon.
lol, ukraine you have let yourself become a puppet of the west. your revolution was started by Soros and escalated into violence bcause snipers shot demonstrators as well as police.
the bants
We are on opposite sides. All my friends on facebook are making fun of europe for the truck thing while I'm worried. Shows how much latin america drifted from the west in last years.
that's pretty edgy desu
Rumor has it, what did the militants of ISIS. If so - it will be very fun. A lot of broken bodies of the terrorists and their children. Very much...
>A Russian and a sandnigger die
Sounds good to me.
Why should i care how you feel about something ? You already got your attention from these other people so fuck off
An ambassador being openly killed is seen as rather bad form.
what was the point of this exchange
He was a big guy
You are not wrong, you are just an asshole.