1) Spanish-Italian
2) Irish
3) Polish
1) German
2) Anglo
3) French
1) Spanish-Italian
2) Irish
3) Polish
1) German
2) Anglo
3) French
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone else
based hans fpbp
are you of german descent?
You do know how similar Irish and British culture is, right? There is barely any difference
no im a serb living in germany (using a proxy)
I'm wondering if you are not a typical american double digits IQ
Do not eat this bait
>1) Spanish-Italian
I'm an Irishman living in England. Stop trying to divide and conquer, slavshit
Spain was the extent of the roman empire up until the 15th century.
>The Irish slave trade began when James VI sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat.
>Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.
>During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers.
>white culture
Do you expect me to hold a grudge against England for what they have done in the past? I don't.
I was just refuting your "identical culture" meme.
Today Spain is nothing but a playground of germans and anglos.
Germany destroyed Spain just like Greece.
You didn't refute anything, yes there was a difference in the 1600s but every British country has been Anglicised.
Spain lose money, Germany lose it's people.
There is little to no difference between Irish culture and English culture. Sure, Ireland has a few things that is exclusive to Ireland and so does Scotland, Wales and England. Overall it is the same. You didn't refute shite. You're just trying to stir shite up because you're still upset about how your shithole country got raped in ww2 and you mongs blame England when it was entirely your own doing.
pick one
fuck off mestizo spaniard rapebabie
We are the only reason some of you look almost white.
Irish-American here. Even though I'm American and never felt or known any of this, there's something in me that makes me not like limey faggots, I don't know what it is but I automatically feel negativity towards tea bags. I like British women though.
I also hate French automatically, but that's just common sense.
That said, I would be cool with Limey bros if they're based. But you faggots have so many cucks in your culture, it's redonkulous.
Literally light skinned niggers.
If you dare work there and be British they go full on chimpout because "We Wuz (who even fucking knows/cares)" and sit around and drink all day.
>Yank reading comprehension
Spain, Greece, Italy and now eastern countries are victims of the eternal german desire for destruction.
German banks win big from Spain bailout
GDP: €0.7 tn
Foreign debt: €1.9 tn
Foreign debt per person: €41,366:
I was making a bigger overall statement about limey faggots,
I hope your goddamn Ireland sinks you shamrock nigger.
Spain isn't white
I have never been to the Irish Republic: the post
The only faggots on here is yanks and you know that full well.
Thanks pablo I assume Anglo includes America because they are a cancer on the world
Modern Greek and Italian
Everything east of Poland
Merkel with her Greek socialist puppet smiling as Germany makes sure Greece stay poor for the next 300 years
Delete your account.
Fuck off traitor. English are fucking scum I don't care if they're white they are filth
neck yourself, muppet.
The Eternal German right there: Merkel spent 10+ billion euros in 2015 to import jihadists but is cutting pensions of old people in Greece
Calm down, Luigi. You're mamma is making your favorite spaghetti today.
Born and bred in England and lived in Ireland over 10 years..very rarely have I encountered any dickheads due to being English..though it has happened a handful of time..having said that I probably would get abuse if I lived in a shit hole housing estate.
Ignorance is generally linked to I can safely assume you live in a dump back in the homeland should get out more and broaden your horizons a bit. Nob heads exist everywhere as verifiable by Sup Forums
I bet you are a german living in Poland
Before the great cuckening?
1) Anglo
2) German
3) Dutch
1) Russian (thanks for letting the USSR happen)
2) Greek
3) Italian
After the Cuckening
1) Russian
2) Finnish
3) Danish
1) Anglo
2) German
3) Swedish
>1) Spanish-Italian
>2) Irish
>3) Polish
None of those are white
1) German
2) Anglo
3) French
>worst cultures are actually the only white cultures on the list
Nein, I'm certainly not a German. And my name is kein Muhammad.
Spanish/Italian, you fuckers are not even white. Your genes are forever changed by the raping Moor muslim invaders.
Spics the fucking lot of you. You are the whining minority faggots in the states, fuck off to BLM, u fucking niggers
Wake up
The Anglo and the German have the same goal. They only care for banking and cheap labor
is it an aryan thing destroy everything?
say the juan with 800 years of muslim rapebabie
Tile my bathroom pole scum
Princess Diana "The Whore" dating a kebab.
Based Elizabeth 2 killed her.
The german just like the anglo hate their own skin
They use kebabs to destroy white countries
>white culture
The anglo women (just like the german women) hates white men and they are whores.
They can't be trusted. Russian women are puritans compared to them
>per person: €41,366
are we talking about public debt?, because it is a comfy debt in my eyes.
The Bush family is anglo. Look at how easy is for them to destroy the world as long as they can profit
The anglos love to make deals with Saudi Arabia.
Irish are practically the niggers of europe haha
>But you faggots have so many cucks in your culture
>60% White
>Nig nog president
>Outbred by Hispanics
>Entire country controlled by Jews
Please stop calling yourself an "Irish-American" too. You probably have only 1 ancestor from Ireland and have never been to the country, which is quite pathetic.
The differences are marginal on the surface but they are significant all the same.
The Irish are family centric like the Italians
The English are nothing like this..they don't bother with extended family like cousins
Also the English have gotten over stuff like IRA bombings due to being "educated" by the left wing British media like the BBC, C4 news and the guardian..that it was all justified guerilla warfare against the Torys..
That's why you have so many Irish theme pubs cos it's great craic to be Irish blah blah blah because the Irish are really only out to get drunk and have a song and jig etc..
The Irish on the other hand have not and will not ever get over the history of domination "England" has had here. It runs deep, so deep that it's part of the Irish national identity. As I said already I've only rarely had crap over the English accent but I have often felt that cold shoulder shit.
The joke is I am full Irish blood..but they don't give a shit if you've an English accent..not that I actually give a flying fuck...because unlike the English stereotype of the Irish being a great laugh, from my experience they are dull as dishwater and won't even get on a dance floor and be willing to make an arse of themselves, even after 5 pints...if they even drink that the drinking culture here is now a thing of the past largely too..just as in England
>Implying there would be an America if it wasn't for limey faggots
This is why America must be destroyed, liberalism is built into its dna.
Are you guys not convinced the anglos and germans are our misfortune?
Read this comment
it's exactly how the average british thinks about other people
They hate white people. They would sell every white children to the kebabs if they could.
Russian Women just go for rich men, regardless of race. Never seen a Russian woman smile, they are depressing as fuck.
>Never seen a Russian woman smile
Because unlike the anglos they don't smile in sad situations.
Also their version of english is a joke.
I never said they dont smile in sad situations, they just dont smile at all
Nah mate you can sang Russian hotties just with the European citizenship. I have one on the hook and she comes from money, years younger than me and fir as educated in London but had to go back to the motherland due to visa running out etc..
Only downside is she is one of (((((them))))) lol
>moor rape babies
>1) Spanish-Italian
u clearly have never been to England if you think the drinking culture is not there
No brit, your drinking culture is here.
-Greater Germannic
t. Diarmait Mac Murchada
>bix nood
irish good too
uk worst too
Avg Italian
dickhead im from England and go back regularly. The pubs are all dying and closing and the nightclubs are a dead loss these days..half empty if even that full.
Are you sure you fucking live there?
Avg aryan """master race"""
sure thing
I wonder if anyone here tried to read at least one german philosopher.
You litterally need to be a God to read it without falling asleep.
as a spaniard studying law, almost all of this is wrong, exaggerated or false
but all in all, your message is true, our woman are whores, feminist or outright retarded, I know a few who are okay, but 90% of them are pure trash
German ''nobility''
Spanish nobility
Russian kid
Aryan kid
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bollocks? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Irish Culture, and I’ve been involved in numerous festivals promoting Paddywhackery around the Globe, and I have over 300 confirmed souvenir sales. I am trained in Hurley making and I’m the top seller of "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" T-shirts to Amerifats in the entire Northern hemisphere. You are nothing to me but just another quarehawk. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fuckin large-sideburned words. You think you can get away with saying that shite to me over the Internet? Think again, you dirty spa. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Irish Historians across the globe and your IP is being traced right now using potato-satellite technology so you better prepare for the storm, gobshite. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, knacker. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can educate you on Bacon and Cabbage in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with a Powerpoint lecture. Not only am I extensively trained in giving guided tours of the Guinness Brewery, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Mullaghduff Fife & Drum Band and I will use it to its full extent to Riverdance your miserable arse off the face of the continent, you little prick. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your acting the maggot was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue, jaysus the head on ya. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re going to be fucked out of it, you lanky streak of piss. I will shite fury all over you and you'll drown in it. You’re fucking dead, you big gowl. Brits out.
Have you ever done your own historical research, sir, or just gobble out the bullshit they taught you at school to make you feel better about your great-grandpa being a fucking traitor?
My own
Everyone else
Lol well said..
That's not what your immigrant relatives think of us here in italy....
I forgot to include the Dutch as a subtype of germans. They are just as degenerate as average berliner
I'm surprised I've never seen this happen before.
The British people don't feel bad for destroying europe with the germans why should you?