Did we fall for a Russian Misinformation Campaign?

is this it?
did Sup Forums finally get btfo?

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Do I check the validity of statements presented to me? No, I will blame and hate whoever my government tells me to.

>coast guard intelligence agency

you're so fucking stupid. you're why no one on Sup Forums likes aussie cunts

>The only hacking that took place during the election was tracked back to DHS

>CIA claims that something as serious as Russia influencing the democracy of the US
>Doesn't provide any kind of proof
>Completely ignores it after a few days because of lack of interest from the public

If the hacking was actually legit and CIA/FBI would find evidence of Russia influencing an american election, shit would go down. But it didn't, nothing happened.. which means CIA tried to trick the public (again) to get their candidate elected.
Well CIA, you just got a pro-Trump conservative leading your asses now. Congratz.

>Trusting government institutions

Simpsons image macros > common sense

You forgot your proxy boris

No there was jews of Russia, or satanist jews...

Yeah like back in Vietnam or Iraq.
Why would your government ever lie to you about what other nations do ?
Stop asking questions and start believing, goys ewww guys I mean.

They also said iraq had WMDs

>All that was revealed were true facts about Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the media.

Oh no, voters were able to make an informed decision!

>implying 17 intelligence agencies will agree on anything
>no clear evidence that the election itself was put at risk
>with the recount trump gained more votes, more democrat voting fraud exposed
>hacking linked to DNC emails linked to russia, but no evidence indicates it was a state action
>assange says multiple times that the emails were not from the russian government
>"guys it was totally the russians, look at this article from the washington post that says so"

Why don't they just give us the evidence then? WikiLeaks said their source wasn't Russian, why shouldn't I trust them? They have a pretty good track record.

If the government gives us the evidence I will believe it.

Russia rigged election by exposing democrats rigging the election. That's some super villain plan.

>fall for a Russian Misinformation Campaign
Sup Forums is a Russian misinformation campaign
the whole place is full of useful idiots and genuine shills who's actions destabilise our nations

>muh 17 agencies

This is such a lie

CIA/FBI don't really agree. And congress which is supposed to oversee these intellegence agencies hasn't even been briefed or prsented evidence

All there is in the media is second hand or even third hand sources by anonymous unaccountable people

Even coast guard and department of treasury? wow

Nope we are resisting a CIA misinformation campaign. Not falling for it.

Do you really believe the official story? This reminds me of the 9/11 report all over again. A bunch of lies and hot air from the government to cover up the fact that they more than likely hacked themselves. Or they placed CIA operatives in Russia to covertly hack the DNC to place the blame on the Russian government in order to slander the RNC.

Russia is in control of KGB, not international bolshewist banking (((humans)))

Most old KGB is your friend today if you are not bolshewik scum

Good fucking lord Dazza... Get the fuck off of that PC at the net cafe and stop blowing your Centrelink payments on meth ya fuckin dumb cunt. Your shitposting is terrible and you're making us look like a bunch of fuckin pooftas with your shitty bait.

> I bet this cunt lives in Tazzie with his mum and gets whored to his uncles for ciggies every week.

People who the Russian government pays to hack shit likely broke into the DNC computers it seems. This doesn't mean the Russians paid them to do it although it's likely.

It's literally nothing. They didn't directly fund Trump, they didn't tamper with results (things the West routinely does). They may have helped prove that one faction of the (((Wall Street political party))) is at least as corrupt as the faction that we already knew was.

CIA never liked FBI and vice versa. Wonder why. FBI are a bunch of pussies who chase after fat pedophiles. CIA actually take people out

>releasing authentic emails


You tell him, Steve Irwin

Dont forget the EPA and the department of agriculture!

>Russia Haxorz are a thing!
Brought to you by the same people who gave you "Saddam has WMDs"

By the way.
I have seen no evidence that "muh 17" is true
and no evidence that Russia did anything.

When a government lies to you you don't believe anything they say. There have been so many lies. Time for a purge of the CIA FBI NSA. These should be bastions of truth, not the harbingers of lies.

That's a good meme. How much did you get paid for it?


>"guys it was totally the russians, look at this article from the washington post that says so"
And our gov't intelligence agencies
Is there something you don't get?
Do you just hate american institutions?
I thought we were the best

I elected a man who has promised to ban muslims when saying sich a thing was absolutly haram. Now on the heals of 5 mudslime attacks yesterday, it's clear we made the right choice.

I doubt 50 trolls who sit in Olgino are enough to sway public opinion.

Well.... we did listen to the intelligence agencies after 9/11 and we are still in this mess.

Presenting internal DNC and Clinton campaign emails did nothing more than show the world how the Liberal sausage is made behind the scenes.

Honestly, I foresee every election going forward having similar, if not larger, internal leaks to expose how things really work and who is benefiting. If nothing this election is a great reason for all campaigns to revert internal communications to older less internet accessible forms of communication or prepare to be exposed.

Also, Hillary was a shit candidate and he supporters are literally shit as well.

fucking lol

What exactly are the Russians accused of?

Both obama and assange said wikileaks emails were not from Russians. So what did they do exactly?

trump is the liar, moron
you got played
quit doubling down on being a retard before we all get fucked cause of you and the rest of trump's voters poor choices

The only weapon of mass destruction that was in Iraq was the United States government.

I write every email assuming it could go public.

>that poor trigger discipline
You sure he's a Jihadi?

>Smith-Mund Act
>Not a single report from any of the 17
>CIA discovers hacking, goes to Huff Post and NYT before going to Congress

Nobody believes this shit. Neo-cons and libs working for the globalists have been destroying this country, but now that we have someone else in there, it's a 'Russian misinfo campaign'. GTFO

wew lad

Say it with me,


No, Hillary got BTFO, so Sup Forums won

Same but those morons over at the DNC and Clinton campaign did not and are willing to start war with Russia over it.

On a positive note: the liberals have a conspiracy theory that they are probably going to run on in 2020

>17 different intelligence agencies
Well there's your problem, son.

Are jihadis know or gun safety? Most of them are illiterate goat fuckers

>American Intelligence

One anonymous CIA agent makes a statement that says the Russians MAY have had something to do with it. The Washington Post ran with the article. A few days later the FBI said they were full of shit.

What part of this do you not understand?

kek speaks again.

Putin doesn't lie to his people.

Our government cannot afford to tell the truth.

> No, fellow American citizens, we're not spying on you all.
> Iraq is developing a WMD program, we must invade.
> The Vietnamese attacked us first in Tonkin, we must invade.

Gee why wouldn't anyone trust what the intelligence agencies have to say?


They actually do. They train pretty hard from what I've seen on TV.

>intelligence agencies all agree that the leaked emails influenced voters
>the DNC blames the leaks on Russian hackers
>MSM reports it as "intelligence agencies all agree Russians hacked the elections"
>stupid liberals don't read past the headline

We share a species with these people.

Nah, you are succesfully falling to USA's one.

Did russia hack Hillary Clinton's brain then force her too use a private email server? Did they (((hack))) the contents of her emails?

Did they hack James Comey? He was more influencial than putin in this election.

>Implying CIA dont hack russia

>Implying trump wasn't responsible for his own election victory

Leftists, drop this pathetic coup attempt. We are laughing at you.

fucking this

>the russians hacked the election

>brought to you by the same agency who gave syphilis to niggers, biologically experimented on citizens and tried to learn to mind control people

Yes that's pretty obvious. However pol is not a single person there are a wide variety of opinions. Just russian propaganda works well with neet sheeps who are angry at the whole world simply because they are loosers and can blame their problems on something else.

FBI is for domestic enemies.
CIA operates abroad.

>Honestly, I foresee every election going forward having similar, if not larger, internal leaks to expose how things really work and who is benefiting. If nothing this election is a great reason for all campaigns to revert internal communications to older less internet accessible forms of communication or prepare to be exposed.

And how do you propose we do the whole "less internet thing"? Phones can be tapped, we all know that. Letters are essentially snail mail, so what's left? Encrypted calls?

how could even the most mentally weak person be confused about what's happening

clinton wanted war with russia, incidents point to war with russia, syria is all about war with russia, of course this is the direction we're being steered

the only uncertainty is whether we're supposed to 'understand' that the war with russia is the false narrative, either way the war with ISIS is definitely going to happen

Not all of us you silly fuck.

Our entire population isn't in Melbourne.

>wahhh we want to be allowed to spy on all your emails but when people take my emails it's russian misinformation
Kek fuck you faggot.
Also if you want russia to not fuck with you stop trying to overthrow its ally's government.

>The Japanese struck first, we must take action

The FBI does not generally conduct law enforcement outside the US. So the FBI doesn't really have jurisdiction outside the US. They may work with a foreign nation to apprehend a criminal in that country. Working overseas is not very flexible at all and it all depends on the nation in question.

Yeah trust the (((intelligence agencies))) not to spread misinformation

Yes. Trump is the light... on Putin the angler fish. And you all walked right into his fucking mouth.

>Supposed CIA 'Russian election hacking' assessment
>2nd Hand Report from unnamed media 'sources'
>Leftwing media such as the NYT/WaPo laundering this hearsay and reporting it as fact.

This, my friendly neighborhood shitposters, is the anatomy of MSM fake news and disinformation campaign tactics.

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.


what did the DHS mean by this?

>He didndu nuffin he a good boy

No Hillary was a criminal and a rabid bitch. Most americans wanted her to lose and woukd have voted for a talking monkey over her. Even after all her lies, tricks, elecelection fraud, collusion with the media, and spending 10s of millions Anerica told her and her sexualy deviant husband to fuck off.

You are confusing hiding from the NSA/KGB and sending emails openly discussing shit like sending questions to a candidate (Donna Brazile).

Simply, if you are going to discuss topics that are such a nature that if the public were to find out could lead to your losing of the election... yes, encrypt everything you can and discuss in private with trusted parties.

Is it possible to hide everything you do? No. But you can take steps to not be an idiot.

Honestly, I think all elections should be held completely in the public eye but that is not possible in our system. People will do things that are "bad" and opposition will do their best to find out.


Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators Babies thrown from incubators

They never once denied the validity of the information. All they've done is REEEEEEEEE over the fact that it may been Russians who released the emails. The emails themselves are untampered with and completely legit.

If anything it was a Russian information campaign.

>Trump wins election
>Still claims election was rigged

to what extent is it russia's fault if all they did was expose US politicians? if a whistleblower was the one who released all those emails they would have no angle to attack it but because russia was behind it they can claim propaganda efforts and interference with elections.

what happened to dont shoot the messenger, it isnt like russia fabricated those emails and if they did they would claim that instead.

>only two marginally relevant intel agencies on the list
>forgetting that the FBI disagrees with the conclusion

no i just think a lot of people genually hated trump less than hilary.

It's all denial because Sup Forums has mastered meme magic. The russians, the hackers, they are all the tools used by Kek to manifest in our reality to slay Moloch and his minions


nice proxy cunt


Am I falling for the 17 (((intelligence agencies))) again?

No, I'm smarter than everyone

>17 intelligence agencies infiltrated by kikes


Lasagna said russia wasn't the email hacker and I take his word over some shady (((intelligence agencies))).

"Believe that we're right because we say we're right, even though we haven't provided any verifiable evidence nor any evidence in general to support our claims!"

Yeah, no. Remember the non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Fuck off.

user, we both know he didn't forget.

This is just a shitpost. Sage and move on.

>Forgetting FBI agrees that Russia was behind it, but does not state a motive like the CIA.

>Did we fall for a Russian Misinformation Campaign?

In reality Hillary Clinton is not at all corrupt, not at all sick and ailing and controlled by her aides and she is married to honest and faithful husband Bill, who did not have a habit of jetting to international mafia member Epstein's island to fuck underage prostitutes. Bill Clinton is a man of impeccable morals, for God's sake!

I think the DNC and Hillary should have taken cyber security a little more seriously.


Regardless, the democrats have only themselves to blame.

>tried to learn to mind control people
>implying past tense

Git on my level scrub

Just a small taste

I know about your secret folder. Don't turn you phone off, please.

>trusting intelligence agencies

The top should say "Am I falling for the US misinformation campaign?"

The bottom should say "No, the 17 intelligence agencies are right."

Someone pls fix and post itt and i will luv u 4eva

just present proof then.

>Russia possibly rigged the election by exposing how the DNC actually rigged an election

If Putin wanted to influence our politics, all he had to do was donate to the clinton foundation.

*cough* uranium one *cough*

The shit is just nowhere to be found.
No one will tell me which method russians used to attempt influencing our elections, they only try to claim that it was successful although the CIA never said that.