How long until the EU is abolished? Or is too big to fail?
How long until the EU is abolished? Or is too big to fail?
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It will fall in 2018
It's not too late to join the best union, sean
It will fall in a few months
No thanks Ahmed. I'd rather sovereign countries for everyone. It's shit how Brexit is working out for UK, the UK people voted no yet they're still being told what to do by EU.
I rather have a right/center controlled EU instead of ending it splitting everything up and russia thinks it has a shot.
Do you want a United States of Europe?What started as as an economic union now has a flag, an anthem and put in draft for EU army.
It doesn't matter if the EU is left/right, they'll continue to get more powerful. That's why it needs to go now.
>still being told what to do by the EU
We'll see how you'll be able to refuse the refugees that'll be sent to you by the EU. Ireland isn't even 1/10th as powerful as we are. You lads are fucked. We won't be bailing your ungrateful arses out this time
Yet May is bringing in thousands of refugees as we speak. I'll believe UK has really left the EU when it happens.
Yet when Britain leaves guess where mama merkel will be sending them next? Straight to Dublin, boyo. Dublin is in a queer state but jesus you lads are fucked.
French and German elections next year, if one party that wins holds a referendum that will be the Eu finished
Hillary was supposedly too big to fail
You can see what happened there
Use this same example for the EU. Not so hard to fail now, is it
Fuck this is what I worry about. I've read reports we're taking 40 refugees every two week! There's no opposition parties or even euro-scepticism here.
Lucky Ireland has an escape clause.
Rejoin the UK, Kevin O'Dougherty.
I don't think Ireland really knows how utterly bitter mainland euros are. I'm pretty sure they have thought about flooding you with refugees just because you share a border with us.
You've taken in more refugees than us per capita.
just come back
Hopefully soon. We're pretty fucked considering how braindead most Irish are and the lack of conservative parties. Democracy was a mistake
Also there was even a report out that Ireland would be more worse off than the UK when Brexit happens. kek
EU is already weak and low energy
it is dying
Only cucks want the EU to fail.
>Being agaisn't a multinational liberal union
fucking frogs
I give it 5 years, you probably wont notice immediatly when it falls because Cuck Media will try to hide it.
I don't want EU to collapse, I just want a more right-wing union.
Around 2020 when the Islamic Republics of France and Germany are declared.
t. Juan Cuadrado da silva barbosa phillippe
Your post is incomprehensible. Try to hook off the memes.
>tfw to intelligent to reply to @103721250 bait post
Fuck off eastern faggot. We don't want to be in a union with poor shits like you get fucked by Russia
Ah yes and the (((28 unelected commissioners))) will surely grant you that wont they? Just fuck off you blue pilled faggot.
Funny, it's always Ireland who complains. You guys are basically nigger tier. Get fucked!
No it isn't frog. Being pro-anything that takes power away from your people and your country is being a cuck get run over by a truck frog you people are scum
almost cucked
lost cause
almost cucked
escaped just in time (maybe a little too late)
Sorry but the major EU nations have been cucked.
The EU is there to stay
What is your fucking problem, you are out of the union already
>Nigger tier
We have a higher quality of life than UK never mind your irrelevant poor shithole
WRONG. LOW EFFORT. You know shit about how the EU works.
>Major countries
Name one noteworthy thing Estonia has done. Exactly. I didn't even know you existed until recently
Every major EU country apart from Germany is spending more than it takes in taxes, including mine.
I would guess financial collapse rather than abolished within 5 years.
Know a lot actually. Indoctrination must be working well at france
t. Ahmed al Maseilli
Is that because of the fact since we're still in EU, they'll make it hard for us to go trade agreements with the UK? that's what I've read.
EU needs to go asap.
Never. It is actually quite perfect and will iron out its issues over the course of time. You guys are just silly reactionaries!
You do? Really? At the top of your head, you have less than 60 seconds : Tell me what was the second last European Treaty ; Which landmark case brought forth equivalency for products in member states?
Leprechaun, by major EU nations I meant France, Germany, and Italy.
>Money Stealer talking shit
Multiculturalism has really worked for America hasn't it?
This is relevant how?
>higher quality of life than UK
that is a really bold claim. Sauce?
Umm... eee.... s-skype?
Oh fuck, you do not know about the EU as much as you thought.
>no money bougnoule defending his EU masters
like pottery
He's right crumpet. Also, get used to your inevitable pm.
He will be known as "Corbyn the Magnificent" who will save your country from yokeltl nationalsim!
>tfw you actually like the eu
Fortress Europa when?
go back to algeria
>Cucks trying way too HARD
I fear it will use the euro to cling to life and reduce the quality of living for all the countries involved.
>too big to fail
That only works when you can pump money into something.
If the EU fails, you can't just pay it's debts and continue, it'll be over.
Actually yes, for example I was able to get into Berkeley University in California. Here's me.
Irrelevant information the Eu takes away power from nations fact
top fucking kek
2017 everything is to fucked to can resist more
>I don't know how the EU works
Bruh, you're just WRONG
>Roman Empire, 394 AD
>"Titus, we're too big to fail, right?"
this proves that you guys benefit from EU and it makes no sense to fight it
I agree. I'd like to see a strong united states of Europe that is right wing and against shitskins, rather than no union or current EU
Skype is bretty gud. We are only 1 million people, desu. There are bigger nations that have achieved fuck all.
Not true, for example, Belgium has been able to increase its manufacturing over the past 20 years 5 fold.
You're just a whitey racist cisgendered racist.
Go home Algerian.
Yes it did benefit us but now we have to devote our money to poor shitholes like you. Go fuck yourself we don't need the Eu anymore
Fuck off Achmed you're a retard
What is it with you people and this jew meme? Jews are still reeling from the Holocaust even 70+ years after.
Goddamn you all are lowlifes! I bet you read Breitbart don't you?
>I don't know how they are selected
>Chosen by EACH Member states who are democracies
>The European Parliament gets a veto
>And is democratically elected
You're simply WRONG
Kek what is that thing? A transgender nigger, imagine how much of a victim he feels
>I know shit about a subject BUT I'm going to talk my ass off about it
Isn't Braitbart right press?
Correct. The EU Parliament is elected by the people. apportioned by the people, and runs for the people. The EU Commission is just for advisory purposes!
>Yes it did benefit us but now we have to devote our money to poor shitholes like you. Go fuck yourself we don't need the Eu anymore
We are not a shithole. And the point is that when we get better, we are gonna start paying for countries such as Romania. I know you live on an island country and do not care about Europe, but you guys are doing pretty good, just vote someone who is against shitskins and all is good.
>I know irreverent information about a thing so I win the argument
Fuck off
Too obvious lad.
>implying that has anything to do with the commissioners
Even the left sees through your lies.
Low energy shitpost
People though Hillary in the US was too big to fail. Large powers often have a tenuous hold on the reality of the situation, and maintain control because people simply choose to believe there is no other option and they cant fight.
Europe is not the US, and unless it is what the people want, should not try to emulate the state/ country system of the US.
Yeah. That's me. I even used it in one of my essays. I got an 89% on it. How about you you red haired supremacist? Got any talent?
I know how the EU works. You don't. You should just SHUT UP. OUT OF YOUR DEPTH. LOW ENERGY.
>DOesn't say anything of substance
Those faggots are thickheaded even if the EU fails they will just create a new smaller version instantly
Eastern Euros have ruined the EU. Fuck you.
Free movement of non-subhuman Europeans like Germany, France, Norway, Spain, UK, Ireland etc (memes aside) would've worked.
Instead your shithole nations were added and we got flooded with subhuman slavs and they've fucked our communities, brought more crime, unemployment, made it dirtier etc. You are the worst. YOU are nigger-tier.
Breitbart are racists. I saw a Special CNN report on it. Why don't you go get some REAL news for once?
Ohh you just shitposting? Hmm you're good for a frog
>There are four key institutions of the EU: the European Commission, European Parliament, European Council and the Court of Justice of the EU. Each institution supposedly represents separate interests. The Commission represents the EU, the Parliament represents the people, the Council represents the Governments of each Member State and the Court interprets the law. However, these institutions do not do this in practice, as they all represent large multinationals and an integrationist agenda, as the intention is to create a federal United States of Europe. This new country already has a flag, a Parliament, an anthem, Presidents, currency, a legal system, legal status and a navy - to name just a few.
>The EU Commission is the guardian of the treaties and enforces EU law. More importantly, this means it is the Government of Europe which has the sole right to propose the laws which increasingly encroach on our lives here in Britain.
>The Commission is made up of 28 unelected commissioners, who cannot be held to account. Each commissioner has a specific policy area in which to create laws. The Commission has a President (currently Jean-Claude Juncker); unlike the other 27 commissioners he is personally elected by the European Parliament, however his was the only name on the ballot paper, not exactly democratic. The Commission is advised by the Directorate General, which along with the Commission is heavily lobbied. Once the Commission proposes an EU law, this proposal is taken to the Parliament.
Now fuck off you stupid liberal bastard.
I'm shitposting since you are literally unable to do anything else since you have no qualification to talk about shit on the subject
How about you? Bothered to get over the Catholic hump of self righteousness yet?
Like CNN? wtf?
Dont be a cuck, bro.
Look, you guys in Europe need to start pooling sovereignty in order to compete with the future superpowers of the world. Such as China, India, and most of Africa.
However, these institutions do not do this in practice, as they all represent large multinationals and an integrationist agenda, as the intention is to create a federal United States of Europe. This new country already has a flag, a Parliament, an anthem, Presidents, currency, a legal system, legal status and a navy - to name just a few.
HAHAHAHHAHAHHA. Bro, As I said, NOTHING of substance.
Reading a wikipedia page doesn't make you qualified frog
Fuck off burger there's few people I hate more than you mongrels
Yeah, CNN is one of the better ones. Although the most unbiased are The Atlantic, Salon, Huffington Post, NYTimes erc.
Breitbart is tabloid level shit.
>Reading a wiki page
Projecting much? Oh wait, you didn't even do that.
Actually I studied the EU in a business class im quite certain all you did was listen to the news
Look, you stubborn Irish bastards need to realize that multiculturalism and benign immigration are telling only ways you can survive in a rapidly changing world. Get your ass out of the 20th century.
You studied the EU in a business "class" and YET, YET, you don't know shit about it? Bruh, better brush up.