Sup Forums tries to decipher

post your guesses, and if you think someone else's guess is right, then elaborate on it!

my guess:
>The Tower
division between two worlds. east and west. christian vs. communist. both sides will rise and make a comeback to fight each other. We all know Trump wants to fuck with China. We all know this SJW/PC culture is marxist at the core.

Trump will use the USA to rule globally, and retake the US' role as policemen of the world. Expect more invasions and interventions.

>The World
We see the three branches of government. We see books, paintings, theater and divine books. All on a globe, across all continents. This is about world government, world religion, world education and entertainment. All being globalized.

>The hermit
Definition of "Hermit":
>A person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence; a recluse.
You see the anti TTP signs, streets full of people, broken globe symbolizing anti-globalism. Expect mass protests and uprisings. Rise of a new reclusive mentality, people want to live isolated from everything else. MGTOW fags come to mind, and men hating feminists. End of nuclear family and collectivism.

Nuclear war. Famine/Starvation (like in Venezuela atm). Drought.

>The Magician
Automation of labor. 3D printing bringing a new era of industrial production. VR being used to distract people from their meaningless jobs.

>Wheel of Fortune
Cycle of politicians. Being recycled, two party systems going back and forth. Being elected, and being punished (like the torture wheel).

>The stars
Not sure. May be about the rise of internet celebrities, being idolized as stars (stars as used in the bible). Or us sending settlers to outer space.

Other urls found in this thread:

>May be about the rise of internet celebrities, being idolized as stars (

thats me

Lack details.

this thread is for brainstorming to uncover details. feel free to chip in.

>the world
pyramid connects to mask (deceit,subterfuge, maybe just meaning secretivity?) and the mask connects to painting, art, connected to the mask? i wonder what it means.

also, the wheel of fortune, what is the function of the lightning touching the red dress?

the mask is that of theater. it may mean "acting" / "deceit". Or just the media as it always is deceit. Global media?

>what is the function of the lightning touching the red dress?
it's opposite of the sun. meaning the divide between "good" and "bad".

who cares lmao

are you new?

and what the fuck,
>the world
yellow sun, rays in every direction, blue background
yellow background, red sun, why not blue background and yellow sun, just like in 'the world'
>wheel of fortune
white sun, yellow sky
>The tower
left communism, right there is jesus on the cross, in the middle of the tower there is a christian cross, the tower is struck by a lightning and there are dark clouds but the sky is still blue? mindfucked, how subtle or stupid can one be?

>The Tower
Christian vs Commies, indeed, but the Tower has a Cross, so the Christian lose. But the attack destroying it is not from the Commies, but from Above.


Trump as a Christic figure (Salvador Mundi), the flag is covering the Europe part of the World.

>The hermit

Is not in the crowd but standing with his lantern above them.
+ Earth broken under.

>Wheel of Fortune
Germany, Holland and France...
Lightning again on Germany Merkel.
Vote with an X, to choose them or refuse them?


the first thing that came to mind when I saw that mask was freak show.

>the flag is covering the Europe part of the World.
it is rolled around the head of the north american "dragon".

>Is not in the crowd but standing with his lantern above them.
leading the masses.

>Germany, Holland and France...

>freak show.
yes, or orchestrated events. false flags?

>the tower
there are paper on the door, which are the 95 theses.
''Luther may have also posted the Theses on the door of All Saints' Church, Wittenberg ''

see how the flag under trump resembles a snake? maybe too far fetched?

what is the connection with the yellow background, and blue background? what is the yellow about?

>what is the connection with the yellow background, and blue background? what is the yellow about?
nothing. they're just using two main colors for the illustrations. yellow and blue.

Styx already deciphered it for you.

>yes, or orchestrated events. false flags?

perhaps. I'm not sure what the role of that art and books is, maybe MSM? And those institutions look an awful like like congress or senate and banks. Not sure about the pyramid though.

Rising sun over a nuke cloud over a drought

>with mosquitoes

Well I don't see how the bugs fit in but I think it's pretty clear.

Japan will Nuke California

Why not Luther... but why a Tower?

That ain't the WatchTower, huhu.

And I definitely agree about the snake flag.

I think it's three levels.

branches of government
education, art and media

all being the same across all continents.

>no memes
cover confirmed for normie-tier

yeah, makes sense

>meme magic
are you stupid?

>mfw I realize that all the politicians are all waving goodbye.
>2015 is the last year that any of the guys would be influential.

They fucking called it

i think the tower picture resembles segregation, the communists are on the left, leftists? the idea of thinking it as german church (95-theses) would back it?

>The Hermit
What if the Hermit is not the rise of a new reclusive mentality but a symbol of the current reclusive class, the average internet user.

And from their solitude, signals a beacon for those who will stop globalism.

tdlr: 2017 is the year Sup Forums kills globalism

>not the rise of a new reclusive mentality but a symbol of the current reclusive class, the average internet user.
they're part of the same thing.

>the world

>so obvious it hurts "prophecies"

Anyone who browses Sup Forums could have thought that one up.

But let's be creative

>the tower
islam reform
self explanatory
>the world
>the hermit
you are alone even in crowd
>the magician
it's all illusion
>wheel of fortune
it's the same wheel
>the star
hope that nibiru will crash into us and kill everyone

>0 results

Finally, at least 1 year without happenings.

We are the hermit whose work is to illuminate people

what is this shit and why do you guys care?

someone explain pls

>so obvious it hurts
>islam reform
top kek. stopped reading. the tower literally has a cross on it.

>article by George Clooney

dropped this smily rag

plus. communism = judaism

hello newfriend



Beat me to it

Anyone want to explain this to me?

okay im seriously interested of the colours in these pictures, please listen to this:

Ruling of dressing under islamic principles:
'' It is permissible to wear red clothes if the red is combined with another colour; it is not permissible to wear plain red''.

The tower: both sides are dressed on red

The hermit: dressed in red

Wheel of fortune: woman dressed in red is being struck by lightning

okay now that i think of it again its crazy, but i post this anyways.



maybe an analogy to the EU crashing down?

Watch this my friends. Styx is at his best when the occult, social change and politics collide.

Dont forget satan the lightbringer in The Hermit. Just like the art cover of stairway to heaven, from ledzepplin

All of these cards could have valid, politically-neutral meanings, but no, they went for the cucklord shit.
>The tower
Very clearly a conflict between Christianity and Communism, possibly including atheistic sentiments. They're fighting over a tower, a point of strategic power, but the tower is being destroyed from above, in an "act of god" ironically. IDK why the fuck they think there's some religious conflict between Christianity and Communism, a better card would've been Islamic terror vs. Western World.

Mean old Mr. Trump is now the boss of the world, watch us judge him.

>The world
Typical everything is connected, artsy cultural stuff.

>The Hermit
>Non-globalists are just old people stuck in the past! Why don't you want to be part of a souless multinational bureaucracy? (Bonus points for the completely tactless death watching over the crowd made up largely of probable pensioners.

Well this one's easy

>The magician
Typical hipster "technology is rad" mentality

>Wheel of fortune
Possibly the only card on this cover with any subtlety or in any way hidden meaning. The wheel spinning suggests that whoever is currently in power is transient, and that with votes will change. With each change comes a new political regime. The contrast between a stormy sky and a sunny day at the top shows how the tide changes with each election.

>The star
I can't see whose faces are here, but I think I recognize Frauke Petry on the left top. It's probably trying to show how at any time fate can choose a certain individual to do whatever task it requires.

>russia will creep towards Istanbul.
>economy will appear to get better then tank.
>finland happening
>some shitty art will rustle Sup Forumss jimmies for about a week
>our greatest ally will begin to paint us as a golem.


>the tower
its the church of wittenberg, there is paper on the door -> 95 theses which was left on the door by martin luther:
''Luther may have also posted the Theses on the door of All Saints' Church, Wittenberg ''

now that we can say its a german church, the people on the left with communist symbolism would mean leftists, right? because on the right there is obviously the christian democratics.
Note that they are wearing red, which is prohibited in islamic culture.


>religious conflict between Christianity and Communism
because communism is jewish

>Typical hipster "technology is rad" mentality
there's a reason he's blinded. this is not a PRO technology message. you're way off on these

The west part of the globe resembles Donald's face. The east resembles a caricature of The Merchant.

Remember last year's issue and people were meme ing about it was going to be correct and they were completely wrong? Really makes me thing

To further go out on a limb, the Turtle might stand in for Pepe, specifically the Pepe the media used when their coverage blew up (the slightly surprised Pepe). The fact it's a turtle and not a frog alludes to the unexpectedness. The Jet next to it might be a symbol of meme magic in allusion to the Les Bains crashing if the arrows next to it are supposed to represent times, which looks like 5minutes and 11 seconds, and 3 minutes and 11 seconds. I don't own the Dark Knight Rises so I can't check if it means anything.


>the Tower has a Cross, so the Christian lose

>islam reform
Never going to happen.

>The Hermit

>Sup Forums elects Donald Trump as POTUS
>Sup Forums saves the world from the Jews and globalism


Remember the layout anons

Is this a Jojo reference?


In a recent video, he claimed something "wasn't funny" and then mentioned how he gets ragged on for saying "it's actually quite funny" all the time.

It was actually quite funny.

That's about it... peace out.

I feel like The World has some aspects of a "golden age" of the arts
Architecture, Engineering, Literature and Paintings
Which is our "goal" (3rd card)

Which one will be Trump's Stand?

hahahha kekmao

The Tower for me is the Flash between the marxist west (left side of the tower) and the orthodox east (right side)

>Gay marriage
>Racial equality

>Traditional Values

Now it may have something to do with the church of Rome becoming so subversive with the new pope, it will clash head on with the Orthodox church


alice is a boy in this picture
(or the artist just suck at drawing faces)
>trannie kids acceptance

ITP we will explore the 1st card.

1 The Tower
The tower represents the destruction of established systems/paradigms by what seems to be an act of God or fate traditionally.

In this image we see the tower itself is representative of organized religion as indicated by the cross above the door and Luther's protest nailed to the door like the Wittenberg cathedral.

In the background you can see the clash between Communism/Atheism vs Christianity indicated by the 2 gathered masses as if arrayed for war beyond the tower.

Breakdown, this Card would indicate the culminating destruction of both atheism and Christianity in a sudden and violent overthrow caused by forces intended to seem above the readers comprehension.

For context please see Albert Pikes 3 world wars conspiracy.


You probably wonder how did I get there

Don't forget The Hanged Man

What was the 2016 cover?

>The Stars

Good Grief

Do we know who the "Stars" are?

His stand is Za Warudo.

However, it evolves into "The Wall" during Part 9.

>Trump will use the USA to rule globally, and retake the US' role as policemen of the world. Expect more invasions and interventions.

You don't know a fucking thing about Trump's policies if you actually believe this nonsense.
One of the pillars of his campaign is putting a stop to that unnecessary bullshit.

I didn't even bother reading the rest of your mindless drivel.