33% of Berlin Police is Muslim

Reminder that the Berlin Police can't be trusted. 33% of them are (mostly Turkish) Muslims.

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Most of Berlin is Muslim.

Probably. But it's important for the world and o understand that the police in Berlin can't be trusted in this situation.


>fuck muslims they are lazy cunts


>wow he has a job how can we trust them

Which is it?



Do you really think our turk bros would work together with a terrorist killing their german brothers?



putting them in critical roles is a disaster waiting to happen, if it came down to religion or duty, which do you think they'd pick?


fuck you. i hope you die of super A,I.D.s. If i was a terrorist I'd infiltrate the police force as well, rot in hell you paki fuck.

Y-yes? No one considers berlin to be german.

If no job:
Lazy subhuman parasite
>should be executed

If job:
Way too eager - either trying to get in a good position to blow up, or trying to institute sharia
>should be executed

Anything in between I cannot think of right now
>execute just in case

A civil war would be too one-sided otherwise.

>turk bros

t. t*urkroach

Remeber to vote AfD and tell your family and friends to vote AfD.

Most of them are probably good guys who became cops to control their own primitive kind.

> fuck muslims they are crazy cunts
Fixed that for you.

The main problem is that they are muslims.
That does not mean they are not cabale of working hard or even adapt to a forgein society/culture for a short term.
But over time and when their numbers grow, these guys have no say in what form of Islam is practiced.
Maybe some of them even question a few methods/theories from the Koran, but it will never change the religion, because they have no say in this against the word of their god(the koran).
Sooner or later more and more key positions will be filled with rather two faced islamists, who will decive the public while strenghtening their position and influence.
More and more of your old way of life will be lost because of them and you will see how they slowly change your society to an Islamic one.
Should not be a surprise, because their prophet did the same thing, but for leftist they can not harm anybody, because muslims are always the victim and we made them do it.

Eat shit ya cunt.

That was a spaniard though. One day he decided catholicism was not edgy enough anymore, ao he got an undercut, some fresh tatoos and joined the salafists.

links..statistics ?

these fucking one picture 3 sentences threads without links start to piss me off

The Turks can not ensure your safety. Its a bad idea to have a turk as a policemen. Around turks never relax!

Most of Germany is Muslim

So what is german in your definition, white? Places of 90% whites in germany are also the most degenerated, like your typical brit.

Maybe reunifying Germany was a bad idea. Just imagine: GDR still exists, shit economy, but mostly white, a V4 tier nation. All this degeneracy was imported from Western Germany.

No one considers germany to be german anymore you spineless fucks

You aren't even worthy of capitalizing your ethnicity anymore

they can be loud but at least they aren't as loud as a truck running your ass over you fucking idiot

your denial is going to get you killed

Who is going to kill us, IGNORANT faggot?

Hatefilled blind cumdrinker.

This post is 33% مسلمة

They let the terrorist get away tbqh

Who else could deal with shitskins, better than shitskins themselves? there're no more native criminals in Germany anymore, they've been outnumbered already.

>All this degeneracy was imported from Western Germany.
The stupidity on this board knows no bounds. The entire agenda is driven by the left and the neo-liberals like Soros. Merkel is East German, so is president Gauck, so ist Katrin Göring-Eckhart.

This board has become pure garbage.

Turks are Based and White.

>All Muslims get out of our country, this land is ours

>Muslim Turkish police force

What could go wrong?

I've been in Berlin recently. It looks like The Strain.
By day you see mostly white people, turks, some negro but not so many really. Some annoying antifa. You have to resist the urge to firebomb the improvised street shows they make about white privilege or revolting "modern art".

By night the city get flooded by niggers. Thousands of them. Wherever you go you get followed by dozens of floating eyes in the dark. If you're lucky they will try to sell you hash, if not they will try to rob you. The latter experience can be averted if you threaten them first. Doesn't always work tho.
For example, there was this small group of negroes circling a group of white chicks in a club. They break out and come dance with my group, one of them kisses me. Negroes keep staring. One of them ambushes me outside, i kick his ass.

Before i know i'm surrounded by dozens of shitskins. More than 30. A fucking angry mob of niggers in full force against me and my 3 pals, with some antifa with earrings yelling something in hitlerspeak. We start running with a huge ass crowd of niggers chasing us, it looks like a scene from fucking Ace Ventura. We got our ass saved by a police van, the policemen literally opened the door of the van,yelled us to fucking get in and we escaped all together
Germany for fucks sake get your shit together

Yeah, german bro, these ami asscunts are idiots. Your typical redneck kkk inbreed faggot.

Can't trust a Turkish Police officer.

t. Dummer Wessi

>Sachse lästert wieder über den Westen

Idiot gefunden!

You're all just waiting to get kebabed like that Russian ambassador.


Good goy, KKK bad. White Americans are nothing but inbred rednecks.

>mfw it's real


Police is one of few jobs they take with great joy, because it allows them to semi-legally beat people and extort money.


this is some wierd ass pasta

Sounds horrible. Glad I went to Florence instead last year. Though the Africans need to be exterminated with the gypsies.