Hungarian get ITT

Hungarian get ITT.

I'm 1/4 Hungarian and I'm meeting some not-overly distant relatives in Szarvas next month. What am I in for? As far as I'm aware, they're very traditional Hungarians (one of my second cousins posted some anti muslim shit, so very right wing).

Lots of spicy food and shitton of drinking
Prepare your liver

My dad makes goulash regularly and I'm british so drinking is a home away from home.

sounds lovely, shame i don't speak magyar.

I'm just here to post this


you better start jelqing otherwise they will be laughing at your small benis


How the fuck is that small town so popular?

"refugees welcome" party

you should be aware that hungarians and poles are eternal brothers, remember this

From what I gathered via ancestry websites, my great grandpa was a deer hunter who's always lived in Békés, I think it's just where they ended up settling.

"refugees welcome?" How much more clearly do we need to say "piss off" before they get the message?

i mean it really is a small town, and still comes around mentioned occassionally here and there.
I even met a qt who lived there (but she turned out too be a slut ofcourse).

>posting anti-muslim shit is very right wing
it's called being rational
they follow a worthless murdering goatfucker

bump for interest

>thinks they are very right wing because they posted some anti muslim shit

>posting anti-muslim shit is very right wing
Dude that's totaly normal here. Wait until they get down the 3rd pálinka and politics come up, Watchout for words like fejbelövés, elgázosítás :DD
They mean headshots, and gassing people. You will have fun.

Hungary is ultra based
Budapest is 10/10 no tourist traps, no mass immigration
Would go again

I think there are tourist traps, but even those are dirt cheap to foreign standards so most tourists don't even realise it.

It's Enji, she does skimpy cosplays to turn on the weebs

10/10 would come again
Also the most educational trip I did
Terror Haza 10/10 and Memento park 10/10
Epic meat feasts. Why u so based?

self reported

I'm glad you enjoyed your time. I don't go out that much, maybe to the majális every now and then.

>one of my second cousins posted some anti muslim shit, so very right wing

Oh boy, even the left and the green wasn't against the fence.
Posting anti-muslim shit is.. kind of normal.
Wait until they start drinking and politics come up, 90% of Sup Forums would jizz their pants, just because of those conversations.

I'm from Szarvas also, so welcome home :DDD

Hungarians are great. Going over there tomorrow to spend xmas with my gfs family. Expect drinking and conservative ppl.

>Watchout for words like fejbelövés, elgázosítás


Welcome, home. Well, the girls will be probably buetifull. The alcoholic drinks isnt piss like in London. Eat a lot and drink.

If your thinking about right wing things, i can tell you we are not racists. Because there are some nations what we dont hate, and the best part is that we even hate eachother too. So we are even more racists than the racists.

The right wing thing is mostly a deffence mechanism. The popular right wing parties try to drift to central.
The other thing is we fear because of the security. You know some western countries didnt learn enough the be wise and know that foreigners and foreigners with other religion is eminent danger.
We dont want to be like France, Germany and Belgium. If we walk on the streets we want to feel that we are secure.

Why do you hate eachoter?

If you talk about politics then don't be surprised if people aren't fans of Orbán. There's some who like him, especially christians but generally he's just elected because there's no one else to choose.

Nálunk ilyen egy átlagos vasárnapi ebéd :DD

Never get into a taxi at night in Budapest, else you are AOK

I took taxis at night before and I know plenty of people who did as well, never heard any problems. Is this a new thing?

Oh I know. My gf has some liberal friends so we keep our power levels hidden with them.

I think my use of "Anti muslim = right wing" is more so because I'm from the UK, where that is the case. To be fair, I'm not surprised people have picked out on that sentence, because I'm sure migrants and islam are an issue in the eastern Europe, so my bad.

Even if the country was right-wing to the point of racism, it wouldn't turn me off desu. It's cultural differences, and that's something I want to learn more of during my week stay. I'm sure any fucking drink takes better than London pisswater, luckily I'm from the countryside, so high vol ciders are more my cup of tea.

Any recommendations on where to visit? Apart from the joo camp ofc.

> I dont realy know why others hate eachother. I see a lot of troublesome things.

If we are talking about politics. I can tell you there is a the holythree. Rightwing people hate the liberals, and socialists. And vica versa.

The other thing is the oligarch's, the politicians have their familiars who somehow win bigbusiness from the government.

Ofc we hate the poor and even the wealthy too.

But realy, if you walk here and open your eyes, you probably can tell the ancestors of somebody. So you can have a shot who's were their ancestors. I was shopping on the weekend , i did see a lot of blonde women and the male's were tall, sometimes blond and big. I was at the a swabish city.

Have you ever drank pálinka (48-53%) before?


My nearby Polski Sklep imports Hungarian stuff so I could give it a try. It's like Brandy right?

>tfw home made pálinka
Literally alcohol and water in 1:1 solution.

Prepare for pálinka. Don't drink too much of it for the first time and don't mix it any other alcohol. It fucks up foreigners who drink it for the first time because they are used to less flavoury spirits.

Remember this years Sziget? The authorities went out to random-inspect the taxi services at Sziget and they found that 7 out of 10 cabbies laughter was eeriely resembling those of an african Hyaenidae.

>Bro, drink pálinka. But dont buy it at pubs or at the shop. Always drink homemade.


Laci, ti a nagyi könnyével keveritek hogy ilyen erőtlen?

kek, 70 is the true, but 60 is okey :D

Yeah, no, I don't want to get aids.

Hahaha, hi Gunnar!

It's fucking hungarian moonshine oh fuck


It's legal to make pálinka at home as long as you don't sell it so every grandpa has a distiller and makes it out of everything they find.

Nem tudok gunnar

Yep. The palinkarium is a place of magic.

>above 50%
come on ffs

lol don't wanna be mean but that makes no sense

Overreactions aside, I'm interested to try it out. My extended family are all hunters and run a butchers, so I think I'm going to assume they have a distiller or know someone who does.

oh shit, it would have been hilarious
I know a Norwegian guy with a Hungarian wife who's coming to Hungary for the holidays.

Yeah I realized as I posted. Nem tudOM gunnar. I don't know gunnar.

very very likely

It's pretty hit and miss, the ones they sell at stores taste like water, home made either taste very nice or taste like fucking antifreeze.

Really? I'll look for him when down I'm there

sorry, still not correct
>tfw foreigner will ALWAYS sufffer with objective declination

Nem tudom Gunnar still makes no sense.

Nem ismerem Gunnárt, if you mean Gunnar is a person.

Tudni is knowing, in a sense like let's say you know what happened on 1939.

Ismerni is knowing a person, or being familiar with something. I know Etelka for example.

At least you tried my nigga.

>These fuckers are talking so mutch about pálinka, that i have to drink a cup.

So guys: I drink for your hailth!
And here is a prosit: "Isten,isten!" Learn it.

that doesn't really matter, but if you want to say that you don't know a person named Gunnar then it's nem ismerem Gunnart, nem tudom gunnar doesn't mean anything

>eastern europe
this country had nothing to do w/ eastern europe prior to WW2, and most people here consider it central european (the entire current area of the country lies west from the geographical center of europe), just fyi

CNN, Fox, and all mainstream american media also consistenly categorized it central europe in all reports UNTIL the start of migrant crisis in 2015 september

btw I'm gonna be meeting this Gunnar guy on 28th, we can crash if you want, would be pretty dank to summon all the vikings around kek


Okay how is it then. And tell me why plz ;_; life is suffering

Don't compare it to eastern europe, got it.

I am pretty excited. Been interested in genealogy since my dad never talked about his dad much. I knew he had left Hungary during WW2, but didn't know much about him. Managed to connect with his sister's daughter on facebook and they have invited me over there. I have a son and another babby on the way so I think now's the best time to be an edgy libtard and "find myself".

Also, as I previously said, my dad always made us goulash, but I've honestly not tried any other Hungarian cuisine, any suggestions?


Ty. I'm still a newb I guess your grammar seems logical but it'll take years for me to get it.

>tfw gf speaks 4 languages but can't teach for shit

I have never seen a single guy who came here after, say he was 20 years old and managed to learn Hungarian at a perfect, or really-really good level. I mean I was able to understand them, but they have messed up the vowel harmony, sentence structure or something like that.

Reason is there is no "rule" you either feel it how the sentence and the words should be set up, or you don't.

Our religional map is way more complex for sure.

as he said, ismer instead of know, but the grammatical error was using -k instead of -m
This is a bit tricky to explain, but I'll try. I guess when there is an object that comes with the verb in the sentence, you use -m, if there isn't, meaning you're talking in general and not specifically about someone or something you use -k at the end of the verb.

I like töltött paprika (stuffed paprika)

My grandpa on my dad's side came from Hungary.

When he came to the USA he became a coal miner in Pennsylvania and was an Island hopper in the Pacific during WW2.

He and his wife, a Czech, raised a family of 8 on a mountainside. She was a housewife who made all her children's clothes and toys by hand. Despite the rough economic life they endured - they did just that: endured.

Much respect for the Hungarian people. Just glad he got out before being fed to the Carpathians

t. gypsy

Would be dank as fuck. But I'm flying back for work on the 28th. Maybe we'll run into eachother tho there aren't many norwegians in the world.

Oh I thought he doesn't know a specific Gunnar, if he means in general, yeah it's nem ismerek Gunnárt (Or Gunnárokat if plural)

Thanks for correcting me.

Fuck me. Maybe I'll not sound like a child by the time I turn 50

Could be that as well desu.

I bet this map was done by one of our fellow countrymates.

Hungary's bit of a meme country tbqh.

How is the city of Pécs? Thinking about visiting family there this summer.

Budapest is not like Oslo, it's a big city you know.

Don't make me send the hunchback after you again.

You can't really taste the fruits above 50%, so thats why we doesn't make it stronger

well, i had 5 HU schoolmates in HS. i trevel to HU multimple times per year.
my impressions are: they are dirty cheap and not to be trusted if u dont know them very well.
and pls avoid any alcohol that is made in HU.every single beer and wine from that country is shit...bud lite is 10 time better.
On other hand they are very passive and laid down...girls are very easy and pack bigger bums then rest of european girls..
hu ppl are short in general so if u r 200cm+ everyone will look at u like u are some freek.

anyway.. you should visit budampest (Zoo and Tropicarium are cool) and of country is shit...flat as holand

ps> food is cheep and they make good horse salamies

Good taste

Bocs de mi így szeretjük. Dél-Dunántúli vagyok és mindenki így issza errefelé

Personally I think it's the 2nd best town in Hungary. Nice historic parts, lots of things to visit, many bars, student town, has its own local beer, good wine cellars and thermal bath places nearby, pretty good overall.
That is for tourism, sadly not many jobs.

>Hungarian get ITT.
>I'm 1/4 Hungarian
Are you an American by any chance?

It's nice and historic but the city itself is pretty small.

Look at my flag you prick.

What self-respecting person would choose to live in the UK until Nige becomes PM unless they're already british?

>We make it harder, and i still feel the fruits in it.
Where are you from? Did anyone tell you that you drink sainted watter? :D

>mfw living near the Tropicarium and tourists constant ask for directions
What's so interesting about sharks and crocodiles, is there no aquarium anywhere else in europe?

If you think Hungary is dirt cheap, what about Serbia?

Haven't gunnar told you that we can smell other norwegians within a 10 mile radius?

>Lives in Serbia
>Hungary is dirt cheap

>Is Slavic
>Says Hungarian girls are very easy.

Ayy lmao vajdasági geci

No. Do you stink from lutefisk or what?

>Ayy lmao vajdasági geci
mekhatam xd

i was obviously joking about you pretending you're hungarian

but since you're not british either

you have to go back

Why is the fuck is your language so completely different from every other country? The bordering countries to Hungary sound nothing like you guys, at all. Are you aliens?