How do we, Russlanddeutsch, fix this mess?

How do we, Russlanddeutsch, fix this mess?

And which flag shall we use? I think this one is pretty badass

>post flags for bumps

Other urls found in this thread:

but I also like the simplicity of this one

Do Russian-Germans feel German (since they are ethnic Germans), or do they still feel Russian?

My generation, who grew up here, feel neither. We dont get accepted here and not there

Russlanddeutsche are not welcome here by all these green faggots like the rapefugees and we, even though i never wine about it irl, get discriminated

but we are about 3 million here so we make up a pretty solid portion of the population and can form our own groups

But in my heart I have both countries


>We dont get accepted here

How? You are white, speak German, and most of you have German surnames. How can you be discriminated?

No education, history of crime, their german is questionable, mentally still in russia, as can be seen by the first suggsted flag.
they are basically the same categoty of problems like the turkish immigrants. But they think they are ethnic germans.

Not all got german surnames and some got russian forenames or old german forenames like Heinrich for example which are rare today

sometimes you can hear that they are russian despite we grew here up
I for example speak perfect german but sometimes I roll the R and I got asked several times if I am from Franken (area in north bavaria where people do this to)

also most of us are not cucked like most germans and they dont like this and call us backwards

and there are faggots like who prefer arab muslims instead of ethnic germans

I am probably more german than him because my family lived for ~300 years in pure german settlements and his family got raped by french and russians and dont know whom else

Well they could be blamed for that themselves as well. The Germans ethnically cleansed from Poland were seen as "eastern foreigners" as well for a long time but they completely assimilated in their new places of residence. If Russo-Germans weren't such Putinbots and tried to blend in completely, I don't see how they could ever be discriminated. Do Germans from Transsylvania (they migrated at the same time as Russo-Germans) face the same issues?

post based russian germans here

yeah, met some of these so called russian-germans in a european country, was very surprised because of the bad behavior.

the number of germans from other areas are small as fuck compared to russian germans

when our parent came in early 90s to germany there werent as much goverment moneys like today
and nobody hired foreigner who barely speak the language, so there wereent other ways to get money exept crime

my parents told me that buying a Dönner (cheapest non-selfcooked food about 3 € today) was expensive as fuck for them and was treated like feast day
today all the harzer and arabs run around with iphones...

>Hurr durr my family is so ethnic german, i am even more german than you. Thats why every german can hear my heritage through accent, i pose half naed in front of the russian flag, only buy in russian supermarkets and all my friends are russian or russlanddeutsche.

You can go and fuck yourself. When you had to leave Russia Germany opened it doors for you and you instantly became the most prominent group regarding capital crimes. You are just afraid that the arab gangs take over your turf in berlin.

stay cucked and butthurt

Are Russlanddeutsche based and beat up Turks?

Hirrsurr gov bucks were so much harder to come by before FUCKING HARTZ REFORMS. Again only shifting guilt to the others. Why did no one speak proper german in your family when you showed up? I thought your family lived in a pure german town for 300 fucking years? Eveyone employed foreigners back then for little money.

Why don't you use your unique position to troll people?
Last time i was in US (dec. 2015) i used every opportunity to get into arguments with SJWs and i've been told to "check my privilege" more than once.
It was one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life, telling them that i'm a mongolian snow nigger and don't identify as filthy degenerate white man (while being 6'1 blue eyes/white hair) and i'm very offended by their cultural insensitivity.
Tryyyy it faggot. It's so much fun c:

>start war
>soviet germans get deported and treated like shit because of you
>live in conditions you nigger cant even imagine
>lose war
>soviet union falls
>hurr durrr it soviet geman's fault they arent people i want them to be
what a fagyt kek

Good answer igor gregorovich heinrichs. I am sure germany is waiting for heroes like you.

>I thought your family lived in a pure german town for 300 fucking years?
uneducated retardshows his level of education and erudition lmao

>russian germans are complete victims! They were forced to cooperate with the wehrmscht snd slaughter their countrymen! You evil germans made them do it. Yeah i have the same sympathy i have for them like i have for the ukranian collaborateurs.

Please kill all these slavs in Germany... they are all vodka drinking, not working cancer...

>>soviet germans get deported and treated like shit because of you
Oh yeah, they were deported not because of Stalin, but because of Germany :'')

I suppose Kalmyks, Chechens, Tartars were deported because of the war Kalmykia, Chechenia and Tartarstan started

>They were forced to cooperate with the wehrmscht snd slaughter their countrymen!
wtf, what are you even talking about? they didnt cooperate with wehrmacht you eritrean nigger

You can teach language in privat. Especially in closed communities like these. Polnish survived in posen during the years it was forbidden, as did sorbisch in saxony. There are countless examples.


>Are Russlanddeutsche based

most of us are

> and beat up Turks?

we dont start shit for nothing but we also dont accept any shit from other
most of them do hesitate to start shit with us
once an arab was talking shit about me and my friend in the night in the city and i answered him with strong russian accent and his friends started directly to pull him away and calm him down

and turks are not a big problem
arabs are a much bigger problem

my parents generation had to learn russian in school, they understood always german but barely spoke it
also the german of Russlanddeutsche is Altdeutsch and sounds very diffrent.

I do. Most fun is when i say i am from Kyrgyzstan can feel offendet by anti russia and anti muslim shit
this guy is such a massive faggot i really dont know what to say

i didnt say stalingwas a good guy and dindu nufin, just pointed out thet german invasion gave him motive to do this shit

Russlanddeutsche or Wolgadeutsche

the Germans who came from russia
dont you know about the Wolgadeutsche Republik?

No, they did not. Surely not. It was all the germans fault!

yeah but you can't teach tour kids language because they literally mnomad through villages of northern kazakhstan asking for bread 24/7
source is my granny living in northern kazakhstan during the war btw, you know people were trying to survive adn it was top priority, many germans lost their parents when they were children

Turks vote Socialist, Russlanddeutsche vote '''conservative/christian''' (merkel). Just something to keep in mind.
Also keep in mind that merkelparty was our most right-wing party before AfD.

what the fuck are you even talking about?
what happened to you that you are so fucking butthurt?

you claim that soviet gemans cooperated with german army and dont bring any source to prove it lol, stay cucked akhmed

I dont know Russlanddeutschen who votes for Merkel
We all hate her
Most dont vote at all and the few who do, vote AfD

Get used to it. You do not get a sepcial treatment, becuase you think you are "our" scum.
you are no valiant heroes, you are no german nationalists, you are no hard working diasporal ike the siebenbürgener sachsen.
this all just happens n your fucking head.

he probably got beaten by russian speaking germans after trying to act tough kek

your conservatives are so far left that the communist party is considerd to be right-wing

sounds like a joke

Just google ss fremdenlegion, just look at the elites in the finish military, just look at what the german army did ehen the front was closing in on the wolga germans- they resettled them dountless times and forced away the locsl populations.
stop acting like they are fucking innocent.

Yeah i know, lots of them vote AfD now. But 15-20 years ago 80% of them voted CDU.

Just shows that youre good people, not voting for more gibs.

You rapebabies need to fuck off to where you belong


What's next you niggers, "Roachlandsdeutsch" - FUCK OFF

My fucking problrm is that you vatnics are acting tuff and some crusaders of german values, when you are just as crminal as the arab and turkish gangs, but somehow think you would have a right of heritage to act like this.

links/sources please

This faggotry is the answer to Ops qurstion

Russiangermans are germans from pure german settlements who got back in the 90 after goverment incestives.
Other mosg germans like this specimen dont accept them though for not being cucked anough, thus "they are different, lemme better snort up Achmeds cum out of my daughters raped pussy"

>stop acting like they are fucking innocent.
soviet volga germans were innocent soviet citizens who were deported and lost their authonomy.
they didnt colloborate with germna army lel.
> ss fremdenlegion
french foreign legion? why do you try to lie about volga germans bieng realate to this shit lmao
> just look at the elites in the finish military
doesnt matter lmao, not russian and not soviet and not volga germans. doesnt relate at all.
> they resettled them dountless times
yeah thats what communist faggots did
>forced away the locsl populations.
it's hard to understand what you are trying to say, probably because you never spoke any indo-european language as your native one lel

Wolgadeutsche got deported in the 40s to Kazach desert. My great grandparents lost everything and had nothing in the kazach desert
They didnt cry much victim and build everything by themself again. My grandparents lived than under the best conditions in this region and got high respect by all other ethnicitys
My parents than again came with Nothing to germany (they had 350 Mark and a container with useless shit) when they arrived
now we got 2 houses and 3 good cars an i am studying

tell me who is lazy

my great grandparents worked in labour camps
you are talking shit

15-20 years agou CDU was a respectable party
times change

yeah, most likely


>T. Igor vladimirovich carlsheim
Neither are you in any form "pure bred" germans, nor are you in any form "uncucked". You are just scared that achmed takes away your gibsmedat and drug selling turf.
i would give you a pass, if you were productive members of society, but you simply are not.

>Russiangermans are germans from pure german settlements
they didnt survive you stupid nigger, only in altai region, but the amount of them compared to deported volga germans is so low that it doesnt matter

up until 1941 germans lived in the wolgagerman republic and had absolutly NO contact with russians
all the contact started after 41 and my parents lived in pure german settlements
there were only other deported ethnicitys liek tatars or lesgine around
and they did not mix
mixing started just in the 80's

>They didnt cry much victim and build everything by themself again. My grandparents lived than under the best conditions in this region and got high respect by all other ethnicitys
can prove it, my grandparent and parents told me that germans kept their neighboourhoods the way better than any other ethnic groups in northern kazakhstan after the ww2

>mixing started just in the 80's
for some reason my father grew up in company of few best friends and half of them were 100% ethnic germans. he was born in 1964 btw
russification and assimilation wasnt a meme in big cities

>butthurt ad hominems and basseless assumptions
Im not Russlandeutsch, Krautcuck.
And yes keep patting yourself on the back for being a docile good little goy providing achmed his rape tribute
Russlandeutsche arw the only ones in germany who dont stay around while their friends get attacked by muslims like the "native" cucks.
Face it Sebastian, du bist ein Opfer von Geburt An bis zum Tode

>I'm not Russian, so let me go out my way to prove that I am indeed Russian

The soviet purges of anyone who had an IQ in the triple digits were apparently not a meme.

Sure you have igor, sure you have. Thats why the rate of unemployement and drime is still throuh the roof for russlanddeutsche, but you are the sole excdption with five houses, three cars, a yacht snd a spaceship.

I AM NO RUSSLANDDEUTSCHER, I AM JUST USING THIS AS A PROXY. we, i mean, the russlandeutsche are the only uncucked group and my dad could totaly best up your dad okay!

>hats why the rate of unemployement and drime is still throuh the roof for russlanddeutsche

But they aren't pure. Many married Russians (who are slavicised Ugric-Tartar mongrels) and barely spoke any German.


Stop this fucking meme, you cunt.

Do you also refer to roaches born in Germany as Germans? You probably fucking do.

Not him, but I have better experiences with turks than with any slavs.

And since I am not a retard who judges people by their skin color, I prefer hardwörking turks and arabs more than lazy gibscollecting polacks, r*ssians and other East European garbage.

Russlanddeutsche are ethnic germans from russia
google wolga german republic

did you pull this out of you ass? I do barely know anybody who is unemployed

Do a fucking google search you idiot. Why do you think most of them still live in marzahn and other problembezirke? It goes so far that günter beckstein, an csu expert for domestic security, EXPLICITLY problemised their behavior in the 1998 elections.

>let me tell you about your country
Hey Lakritzniggger will you finally fuck off this thread.
Go back to do irrelevant shit and dont talk like you know shit about germany

>Not him, but I have better experiences with turks than with any slavs.

Where is my goddamn roach spray.

Who do you think you're fooling, Mehmet? I hate slavs and roaches, but you'll never in any context ever see me talk positively about roaches.

You have a perfectly fine flag ready to be used again.

You attempt at humour is poor like its typical of a krautcuck

>googles this basic ass piece of history

Eat shit, my man.

>He doesn't like lakrids

Well now I just know you're a nigger. Go shit in a fez, Omar.

kek, 7 years after the mass immigrations started
it was 18 years ago nigger
18 years

In the last generation, yes because thosw who came were shunned in besr krautcuck traditipn of hating their own kind.
But to be fair. Ethnic german purity is a nazi propaganda meme.
Only bedore the 30year war, where 2/3of the population ,mostly men was killed,germans could be considered pure. It was repopulated with swedes,poles, jews etc.

>Ethnic german purity is a nazi propaganda meme.
wtf negger stop right here and dont post ples

Most russian germans do assimilate. Some even have silly old-fashioned names like "Johann" and "Eugen" (Ivan and Jevgenij) because they wanted to sound german. In fact, even actual russians assimilate eventually. Not so much right now because being german has become synonym to being a cuck. They dislike turks and shitskins because they're neither stupid nor cucked, unlike most germans.
There was a bit of crime in the beginning, just russians being russians. It'll go down to german levels eventually. There's lots of them in military and police too, never heard anything bad.

Lived in Germany and could not stand the "pyccaки" their Russian is terrible and they act like niggers

So this thread is slowly dying
Can I sum up that most here agree that Russlanddeutsche are based beside that one butthurt faggot?

But what can we do to help Germany even more?

>slav untermensch
Oh fuck off cuck. You would be knifdd by youw countrymen, nobody respect traitors
If sou are interested in the matter you can read german history that doesnt start at 1920 and you will indeed find that todays germans are mutts

>ethnically cleansed

calm nigger, why do you call me nazi only because ive challenged your knowledge on ethnogenesis of germans.
are you antropologis or studied how did 30 years war influenced the ethnogenesis of germans as ethnic group? no you arent and you didnt so your memed and threw some pipular stereotypes.

Пиздeц yчи aнглийcкий чyвaк

бля нy нe cтyкaй, тaм бoльшe oпeчaтoк(нeт)(((
cмыcл пoнятeн в лyбoм cлyчae, тeм бoлee я cтyчaл пo клaвишaм в тёмнoй кoмнaтe oчeнь быcтpo, в интepнeтe жe ктo-тo нe пpaв!

Дa лaднo я бoльшe в шyткy этo нaпиcaл ) cyть яceн и я твoю пoзицию пoддepживaю

> ive challenged your knowledge on ethnogenesis of germans
By screaming nigger every post?
And stop it right here, yнтep. We all know you are a nazi, why else would you get so buttmad at the fact todays germans arent pure
Research it for yourself if you like.No Goebbels is not a source

>By screaming nigger every post?
are you offended because of it?
t. snownigger

also define "pure" and give examples of pure ethnic groups negar

Pure=little no no admixture
Now research 30year war
Scope of ethnocide
Involvment of foreigners
Them impregnatimg remaining german women
Polish migration
Jewedness (intermixing with jees(
You will find that today germanicucks are mutt which expplains their totsl self hate and lack of pride for their own blood

give dna studies, we have shitload of professional multiculty faggots pretending to be antropologists here who keep shitting in our heads about tatars and finns "spoiling" our blood. they also claim that russians dont exist kekus. thats why im so skeptical towards claims like yours, if you dont bring dna studies all the shit you mentioned doesnt really matter

You cant compare it ro russians.
While I understand that Russian history was jewed to make it seem like you were inbred mongol rape babies which is complete Bs.
As I said look the history up yourself. Compare genetic makup of germans with other german groups like austrians and swiss.
I didnt mean Germsns ard complete mongrels like kikes claim the russians to be , No. I said calling Germans pure is a joke since it completely violates the defimition of pure

>Romanovs were Russlandeutche in Russia

>This thread of roaches actually defending the existance of KackerlackenDeutsche
Why is our country so fucked?