I just realized someone at my uni is somali - but I've never had a problem with him, he's a good dude
Are Somalis really that bad?
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No, we're not bad at all.
Good for you, let's import more then
In my country, 70% of Somalis is on benefits and doesnt work. The other 30% are mostly on some form of subsidized living, like government subsidized jobs, or they get a shitload of extra gibs to even be able to survive.
They have abismal IQs and will never be competitive in the Dutch workplace.
They chew Qat all day and most of them never even learn to speak the local language well.
I often see them steal in local shops. I don't know what the genius politicians that brought these people here were thinking, I hope they got rich from it but the country is worse off.
>Checks Somalia
>Checks behaviour and 'contribution' of Somalis in Western countries
Yes, Somalis are pretty bad.
I was robbed at gunpoint by two Somalians that were high as fuck in Mankato Minnesota once.
Fuck those niggers.
Well I guess we just all got BTFO'ed
You could have just asked to smoke with them
No my boyfriend and his family are really nice :3
A few of my coworkers are from Uganda. The thing is they are republican and assimilated. Hell, they have jobs.
I liked the women at uni. Fucked a few Somalis and Somalilanders. They called me caato cadaan and I even - almost - had a threesome with two. One hated jareers (niggers) even more than I did. Good times walaalay.
>ITT: Sup Forumslacks learn that not everybody conforms to a stereotype
really activates my almonds
No, some east africans are not sub-saharan negroids, and therefore are technically not niggers
they have an average 70IQ this says it all, and they are retard muslims.
>Look at him, he's peaceful. There's no problem at all!
They were chewing that shit they chew. Khat. No thanks.
I don't know much about them, but I do know that they don't belong in Minnesota or Sweden
A drop of poison in a well is harmless, but if you pour the full bottle then everyone dies.
The same can be said about immigrants.
>In a university with Somalians
christ, the entry requirements must be low.
>oh look it's the daily Jewish not all nonwhites are bad therefore we need mass immigration topic
They're fucking disgusting crime committing pieces of shit that ruin the communities they move to. See: Columbus Ohio. There's a robbery or rape every week and it's ALWAYS a fucking Somali.
>I know a nigger who's not so bad
>that means niggers are good
Yeah, makes sense.
Shitskins as loners or in very spread and low numbers conform to whites and thus are much more likely to fucking behave themselves.
In packs though, in ghettos, they turn back into animals.
>work with Liberian
>girls love him
>always chill af with the other guys
>hangs out with 0 niggers
>even gives the cold shoulder to slave spawn talking about "muh oppression muh reparations muh brother"
Every one in a million
One of my best friends when I was in uni was Somali, she even stopped wearing her hijab and seemed pro trump towards the end. She would also make fun of other somalis with me, so rare case
a rabid dog did not attack me. lets let in a pack of them
Looks like a nice place.
> go to Lidl in London
> Somali housewife and 6 kids try to enter Lidl in the exit door
> To dumb to read the pictogram or "exit"
> Security hand signlas "no no here exit"
> To dumb to understand hand signals and "no"
> Somali squeeze here way at the cashiers and annoys the waiting cue.
> "Here is exit only, love"
> Here kids are to dumb to translate
Yes they are, they are gypsies of africa. Even Every other country in Africa hates somalis, and thats how you know they are bad.
Have some redpill user, it's good for you.
Yes. Theyre shit shit
somalis is the worst dude
Yes you are. Literal Muslim tier scum.
>asking a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet about the character of someone you know in real life
Seriously, jump off a cliff
Somalis making fun of themselves is not unusual
Nah. They're swell. All the great things of blacks and muslims combined in one nifty package. Visit Minneapolis and find out for yourself. It's like Dearborn and Detroit rolled into one.
gross. go die in a tire fire.
>last time a somali was in the news was because he snapped and ran people over in an american college campus
>the only other times somalia is mentioned is when theyre gangraping swedish girls or killing eachother and stealing boats in somalia
I can tell you're a nigger
You have to go back
Work with one in a bar. Great, funny dude. But doesn't suffer from the white male nice guy syndrom. High energy and tells it how it is.
There are good Somalians, there are bad Somalians, is just that they have one of the highest proportion of shit tier people in the world.
There are a few outliers in every group.
In aggregate, Somalis are shit. Average IQ is 68 for fucks sake. Religion is usually Islam.
Both low IQ and Islam are highly correlated with violence, in case you haven't noticed.
>Religion is usually Islam.
nah the country is basically split across the middle 50/50 Muslims/Christians
In Sweden the rate of illiterate adults were 0%, until we started importing Somalians.
That's Ethiopia (60-40).Somalia is 99% and Djibouti is 94%
As a Minnesotan, yes, they are. They are dirty, smelly, can't fucking drive, and always swarm together on the streets looking for people to harass. They are worthless as a workforce because they only work like 5 jobs in the sanctuary shitholes. I've never seen them working a non-fast food job. Yet they're always wearing expensive shit.
Fuck them all.
>but I know a person from group-x and they are great!
It's where they stand on their group's bell curve that is important.
Statistical outliers are just that, outliers. Because exceptions to the rule don't follow the rules, they are exceptions.
Political map, not religion you dumb bong.
Their women are hot as fuck tell me where I can get a qt somali gf
>hurr durr what is map durrfff durf durrr
I met one at the gym once, he was cool, he smelled like a nigger and could not understand what he was saying but he was cool.
He eventually started dating a really cute girl that came to the gym too, they got married and they had 2 kids. Eventually he dissapeared though, she said the local neonazi group killed him but since he is a Somalian nigger noone cares.
BTW i hate the retardedness of local Neonazis, if you were gonna kill him, why did they wait till he ruined her forever by putting a baby inside her?
Shit one of the smartest kids in my class was from Eritrea, wich is basically Somalia with a different name
He is now a officer in the military
>I just realized someone at my uni is somali - but I've never had a problem with him, he's a good dude
Soubds like you don't know him well enough to say fuck all.
In my experience in the UK they are on social security, stupid, prone to stabbing attacks and islam
>He is now a officer in the military
You are done as a nation.