Stop saying "drumpf"

>it was never clever
>it was never funny
>it never caught on
>it was forced to shit

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Triggered plumpfkin detected



It was actually a really clever slogan and it would have worked well - in England.
tfw. current year man btfo by job opportunity.

Believe me, after all this winning there's no room for getting triggered.

t. Ploopmfumf personal cock suckered

>They had to go back to the 17th century to find an insult.


President Donald Drumpf.


Stop copying me.

I'm not supposed to use his real name? What about cheeto faced orangutan?

It's just something retarded Hillaryfags say cause they think it hurts feelings. It doesn't.

Is Trumptard better, little Drumphfkin??

Stop it.

That's some high-quality John Oliver/SNL style humor you've got there Ahmed.

Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on.
I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off.
And there's nothing special or exceptional about me.
You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires.
I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them.
But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars.
The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers..
Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.

This is my favorite copypasta

Your country was supposed to make your enemies fear again but nobody takes your monkey ass Hitler President seriously

How about whiny orange faggot? That any better, OP?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

You won and yet you're still getting triggered.
I'm not even against Trump, but you trumpkins are really pathetic. Almost like SJWs.

Aww did I hurt your feelings by insulting your precious Donald Flomfrumprfrt

upvoted lmao, le epic meme fellow redditor *tips fedora*

Doesn't have as nice a ring to it as Faggot Finn

you just admitted fear

>it was never funny
stop getting assblasted newfriend. It was funny from day one. Hearing liberals reduced to "uh huh huh Drumpf" was music to my ears. not to mention actually getting triggered by this shit actually produces the intended result.

>delet this: the post

Careful, that russian hacker might delete you cuck porn. It will take a lot of time, but he can do it. You saw what the russian hacker did to Clinton.

Pro tip: 90% of the people here who say drumpf are just fishing for replies. Talk to any liberal in the real world about trump and they won't use that dumbass word. They might repeat MSM headlines but they won't use drumpf.

Even with russian hackers romfluffinstumpblimbertompt lost the popular vote

What about Drumpfy though?

Fucking all that

Imagine if your last name was Nolan. But it turns out your relatives changed it on Ellis island from your original surname; Dolan. Then people start calling you Dolan

Well, yeah, isn't that your last name anyway?

Screaming yam is pretty good.
Annoying orange as well.

Nice reverse psychology attempt, but you need to be a bit more subtle.

This x100
Thank God Hillary destroyed officially yesterday now I can stop seeing "Drumpfkins" shitposting as well

t. Drumpf

>calling someone hitler but not being scared of them
Isn't that the fucking point of comparing someone to 1940's small moustache man?

Doesn't change the fact he grabbed her by the pussy.

But the liberals thought it meant something powerful. They thought it was smart, they thought it was funny.

It's always been pathetic.

Literally if people started calling me by an earlier family name, that got changed in history.

It's like... It's not even a joke.

A word that sounds funny.

The small hands thing was better, and when cnn paid a black guy with huge hands to go grab the Dons hands and filmed it. That shit was kinda mean funny.

I think lib indoctrination gives them some brain damage.

Actually, yes. It doesn't try to be clever, is not rooted in a manufactured meme that is based on being ignorant about a point, and doesn't make you sound like a sheep.

55 hour goy, what does this mean?

I always liked Blumpf

by far the silliest

Is he Our Goy?

Don't you know that his grandfather being an immigrant and, changing his name means that Trump can't criticise illegal immigrants? :^)

I still haven't even tried to pronounce it, it always seemed like people were trying to hard to force it.... and I didn't even vote for Trump.

leftists eternally btfo


we dont its ctr but pol is awful at identifying them


One is a celebrity that turned into a woman whose name was Bruce. Lefties got butt hurt about calling him his name because he's he first big celebrity to even become a tranny.

If you Drumpfkins didnt get so triggered when we use Drumpfy's real name maybe we would've stopped doing it. Oh well. ;^)

>falseflagging shillary fags

>be a liberal
>"It's racist and bigoted to use Obama's actual middle name of Hussein"

>be a liberal
>"Nothing wrong with calling Trump by a name designed to poke fun at him"

Why are liberals so hypocritical? Is it because they have such low IQ's?

no liberals claimed that though. You just made that shit up.

>if I pretend to be annoyed at something so stupid people will respond

Please be so kind and don't say the term "No." anymore. That would be remarkably preferable. Thank you for listening!

lol look at all the butthurt shillfags out there. Go ahead! Call him drumpf! Just remember to say it for ALL 8 years ;)

OP fucked up by actually getting triggered.


>no liberals claimed that though

>It is stoked further by the repeated invocation of Obama’s middle name by surrogates introducing McCain and Palin at these rallies. This sleight of hand at once synchronizes with the poisonous Obama-is-a-Muslim e-mail blasts and shifts the brand of terrorism from Ayers’s Vietnam-era variety to the radical Islamic threats of today.

your done posting now.

>no liberals claimed that though


nice grammar, you sound almost like Drumpf himself.

That's the point user. It's making fun of liberals shitty sense of humour.
Just like *sips tea* or literally shaking

I doubt that Trump is even fazed by such a low-energy meme.

At least it makes sense.

fuck you

>ITT: Triggered bloompfocrats

Jokes on you, I got 2 dads

call white people names and the word used becomes stronger! take that googles....

what like 1 got cucked but you know and he knows and your mom knows its the tennis instructor whos your dad?

John Liebowitz eternally blown the fuck out, long live Craig Kilborn.

>8 years

>Sup Forums : Hey CTR
>/CTR/ : What ?
>Sup Forums : eeeiiiggghhh !
>/CTR/ : No, please, nooo
>Sup Forums : yeeeaa...
>/CTR/: no, no no
>Sup Forums: ...earrrsss !!!
>/CTR/: (crying)
>Sup Forums : I love your tears.

You are few and far between homie. I'm from PNW too. I'll be gunning for you when the civil war happens.


Triggered, drumpfshit? I can say Drumpf as much as I want, and I LOVE saying it. Drumpf. Drumpf. It's fucking hilarious. DRUMPF. And the best thing is that Drumpfy and his little Drumpflets like you can't change it. I literally can't believe that Drumpfmerikins elected a big fat racist orange baboon because SJWs and now whine about people saying DRUMPF in their safe space.

Debate me if you dare, drumpfnigger.

Now now, it's not nice calling Obama monkey Hitler. What are you, racist?

This. Blows my mind how leftists don't see the hypocrisy of making fun of someone for having a weird immigrant name.

Disagree. Seeing "drumpf" in a post or thread saves me time I would have spent reading that post or thread.

See? 10 seconds of my life saved.

But I like watching leftshits grovel on the floor to lick up John Oliver's meme cum. Let's me know what they're really about.

Yet it made you create this thread. Another Drumpfkin BTFO!

It's funnier than ever now that Trump has shown that he is not in fact "draining the swamp" and that he rused all the little Drumpfags who refused to be even just a little bit sceptical of him. Drumpf is a joke and always will be.

pic related is having their cake and eating it too

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!


When your argument is shit, you turn to ridiculing the opposition

wow, i didn't know this, i just thought it was their sad out of touch attempt to be funny. this makes it even more delicious.

fuck ur ass