This smug fuck is trying to get people on twitter banned for tweeting strobe gifs at his dumb epileptic ass. Can I get some help sending strobes to ALL of his shit?
This smug fuck is trying to get people on twitter banned for tweeting strobe gifs at his dumb epileptic ass...
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Sent ;)
Kek. I don't have a twitter account but if i did I'd send him so much shit. This guy is a real royal piece of shit
top kek
Post the gif plz
Not your personal army
>using T-Mobile
How does it feel never being able to use your phone 90% of the time?
Woah the Tuvalu prime minister tweeted him!
Cancel your account.
Fucking dumb cunt American, crying about your 1st amendment right to drop seizure bombs online.
No one cares, not your personal army.
Not all of us live in the woods
fill email inbox with them
Not your personal army, faggot, take this shit back to Sup Forums
God, could you be anymore obviously from Sup Forums. Shut the fuck up, lurk more, and mostly just shut the fuck up.
What the fuck
Send him messages with "Carpe Diem".
>still playing this Jew trick
How can someone get TUCK'D so hard they are blaming twitter for a seizure?
Lol Fox news just followed me. Help make this account legit pol
Is it real?
no it is a pol accoubt
We are not doing this for OP we are doing this for the Führer
Bring awareness to the plight of the people of Tuvalu and the fear they have, after being threatened by the white supremacist hub that is Sup Forums
Just retweeted some climate refugee thing
there is your problem
just making this harder on yourself, tuvalu.
Did I spell it wrong?
guise be careful with this kind of posts. The only thing im saying is let's give the most likes to the gifs we consider 'good' if you know what i'm saying guys
Does he not know it's a fucking joke to make a new account and a new email and get a new IP in a shithole country?
I got my account on Twitter banned from sending that kike a flashing gif. Now twitter wants my phone number to unlock my account after a 12 hour ban.
I think he got me blocked from twitter for 12 hours.
Just use burner
Same, but I didn't send any assault gifs. I just called him a pedo (fact) jew (fact).
What rules did I break?
>being on twitter
fucking why? literally why, it's nothing but whining and people being overly emotional
Because it's actually a great site.
I get information from twitter way before I get it from Sup Forums.
Just follow the right people.
Insane levels of shitpost.
"Not your personal army" nice meme. Sup Forums mobalizes people with like ideas. thats all. Not everyone here supports such an action.
I don't have epilepsy but that one still got me all fucked up.
Because it's how we harass the kikes.
This kike is just trying to get you to increase his twitter impressions and retweet him. Stop.
THIS "Not your personal army" BULL SHIT HAS GOT TO STOP.
This is true.
You have to be a complete moron to believe the guy is telling the truth.
I could easily bet my life on the fact that he didn't have a single seizure due to twitter. I can bet my life on the fact that he had autoplay disabled this whole time and simply pretended to have seizures twice to get back at his critics + sympathy points.
Another thing is, if he is taking his pills, you can't even give him a seizure.
maybe you are too new to know why so many people post the thing that upsets you
This gif is incredible.
Yes, that is the board on which the meme originate. Your point being?
A lot of those people are probably using TOR. He's going to be trolled for eternity.
kek, can't wait for the report tonight
>it's a Sup Forums branches out into geopolitics episode
Is jew goldsteen alright?
this guy filed a legal document referencing twitter user jew goldstein.
Fuck off faggot very recently when that mod who was abusing his shit on Sup Forums was removed and a public statement from the team was made including and encouraging the "not your personal army" psyop.
Then go to some other thread you faggot
Real? The new axis of "evil"? (need one more).
Trump retweeted this last night:
I think he and Scavino did this in response to Eichenwald's episode -- What does Sup Forums think?
Someone make a strobe gif about his child porn collection. Would be a top tier memecombo and help spread awareness of what a degenerate (((he))) is
>decade-old meme
Fuck your paranoid schizophrenia, it's just newfags and dumbfucks from reddit who think giving a public figure a hard time is a "personal army" request.
The solution is not to wrap yourself in more tinfoil, the solution is to double down on hilarious Sup Forums twitter antics.
I hate strobes. Why do people insist on making that shit, even when it's apparently not intended to harass.