India to deport 20 million Muslim immigrants

Who poos in who's loo now Sup Forums?

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Send them to Germany please.

Figuratively taking your country's poo to the loo is a good step forward, Pajeet.

huh, looks like they may become a super power after all with actions like this.

memri TV is the most autistic station ever


>The country itself literally taking a shit

Haha holy shit


It's a win win for everybody

Wew, lad. I could just hear Merkel orgasm from my basment.

must be a muslim poster, germans have no humor

is it only in arabic?

Shit it's true

To Sweden, too. Because Sweden has been very quiet lately.

I came

Coming soon to your local borders

where will the shit go?
i hope it goes in the fucking ocean just like all the other dead bodies and shit that India produces

B-b-b-but leftist and civic nationalists say you can't deport people!

>India gets rid of 20 million muslims
>superpower by 2020
It'll actually fucking happen!

When are you taking your gypsies back?

Yeah, about that...

I think they can legally come back if they want to actually. I know they are officially recognised as a diaspora group.


India figured out how to put the poo in the loo and flush. Well done.


Also holy cow, India is acting based as fuck right now


>tfw you once were a force for good in the world

Fair is fair, 10M to Germany, 10M to Sweden.

That's the map from the tsunami back in 2004. Nice job, Hans.

It's ok for India to do it

But it's not ok for the western world to do it.

Talk about a double standard

b-but deporting 20 million people is impossible logistically....

We think it would be ok for you to do it.

So says the idiot civic nationalists and SJWs

You're still a poo in the loo, just based poos now.

It's okay for the west to do it.

It's only not okay for the west to do it because you let yourself think that

Dude what kind of sick fuck just up and burns a dog like that?

Fucking disgusting

Nukes when?

we have had several murders in every big city almost every day

btw should i get a house in nordnorge or norrbotten??
