Holy shit you guys are cucked
Germany has, and will start every world war
Digits confirm.
Germany died in 1945.
What you're looking at is a mere shadow of its former self.
wow checked
you guys need a pogrom, kill a couple thousand muslims and the rest will stop trying to migrate out of fear
animals do this all the time in nature, you'd be killing a few thousand to save millions
And also lose it.
They usually have someone from another country leading their country when shit goes down too.
oh fuggg :DDD
Not really true.
Wilhelm II was German through and through.
I just send them these two videos
Germany already destroyed Europe 3th in less that 100 years, and now did it with out war.
They are unable to do anything, I've been to germany last month and jesus christ, the only people that actually fit the definition of men are based older guys and fellow balkan shits.
the modern german is a product of a country rotten to the core with political correctness, the only way of returning it to normal is by replacing the inhabitants, like how they are already doing
I fucking would but
>no weapons
>no gear
>no HQ
>volunteers are spread thin across all of germany
>a logistic nightmare in these time and days
Imagine this would happen in swiss.
>literally every native swiss owns a fucking StG 58 - issued by the government
>could blaze through the turk ghetto in a single day
>stay independent and claim it was an avalanche accident to the world
Read kraut.
Aw man, how come we only go to war with the shittiest leaders?
the war would have to be with themselves
Very true.
But the government would most likley defend their beloved immigrants, which would end in a zwei frontenkrieg
I agree with you, ffs they seems to be so brainwashed, also, I hardly can find the MAN definition for them. Not sure how the fuck they started those 2 wars with such pussys.
If you guys would have finished what you started in the near/middle east there would be no Problem.
We've been indoctrinated for 70 years and the government is doing against our will, yet you are blaming us for everything that is happening right now
German bitch promoting racial mixing and spraying the sickle-cell disease
Germany is not just falling, Germany wants also to drag other european countries along in its fall.
>and the government is doing against our will
can you not read?
>yet you are blaming us for everything that is happening right now
Because is your fucking fault, even now, with destruction of all Europe, is your fault, including the failing EU crap. We took 40 years of communism in ass because of you dumbfuck.
But the war with sexual emergencies and truck accidents is right in their own country, they don't have to go anywhere.
We are still falling, you already hit the ground.
>yet you blame us for everything
not rising up and fixing your rotten goverment is your fault
As mentioned, we've been indoctrinated for centuries and everyone politically incorrect is sent to court for hate speech.
What exactly do you expect an individual to do in such a cucked country when you get fined for questioning the regime?
>implying Stalin wouldn't have occupied your asses regardless
Bessarabia was just an appetizer.
Wait for trump to take office and then ask for help from the mad dog when the shitskins inevitable start indiscriminately going after the true Germans
lmao, we have
>40 tanks
>800 armoured vehicles
>0 terrorist attacks
you cant start a revolution without people getting hurt in the process
Reminder that 60% of the German posters here are actually Muslims. Germany is that far gone.
Exactly. Some of these countires at least try to somewhat hide their degeneracy. German govt just blatantly does it.
>government is doing against our will, yet you are blaming us for everything that is happening right now
The hypocrisy is real. majority of german posters are shitting on the states for our shit ass government and now you want understanding? You deserve whats coming.
Go to war with what? All of Islam? That would be ridiculous. Not all Muslims are like that.
You have to shill right people in power by not breaking any laws. Apart from starting a rebellion that's the only thing Germans can do.
i think you are confusing germany with america
Those are from our ex-colonies and French Guiana, so they know from birth who are their masters
In Germany, those would be the masters and that makes quite a big difference indeed
>go to fucking war already
You know what happend the last two times when germany went to war?
USA won't be spared now with free for all nukes.
the worst meme about the happening in Berlin is that Merkel can run for office AGAIN
this is total lunacy.
We started a right wing movement called pegida and a new right wing party, but still aren't able to openly speak up in public against globalism/migration without consequences
Germany didn't start the first world war.
>hurr germany 12 people are ded why not go to war lol cucks
In france 262 people died in 360 days and Le Pen will probably still not become pres
But we're the cucks
Germany is now too far gone. We just need to make sure we hold everything else we got
>shittiest leaders
>had adolf
Goood goys, keep fighitng against each other while nigs and halfnigs take over our countries with the help of traitors who sold us out to the glogbalists.
Germany needs to embrace 3d printing in a big way and get some blue prints.
If your government won't produce firearms, you should. Figure it out. Don't ask for permission. Take action.
Bless. I would invite any right-wing military aged true blooded german to Switzerland. To me you are t he true refuges.
>But Switzerland is full
Simple solution. Every german refuge must kill 2 turkroaches or muslims to be admitted.
>Ensures no libcuck germans
>Ensures no overpopulation
Wew lad.
Yes, you are the cucks. Germany still has a chance. France is already gone.
262 dead people in france bcs muslims and you still welcome them kek
Good joke, I'm not even going to bother Googling pictures of Algerians beating white French on the streets.
To spread the fuckin' truth. Not everyone will send you to a secret "muh goverment" gulag when you say something. Jesus Christ man. Break the Conditioning. Spread the Word. Redpill your Friends.
You know what's the paradox here? We produce in Europe a shitload of firearms, yet, we are not allowed as citizens to own one, with out super uber special permission. You know what happen when regular peoples will get firearms here right? We will sort that shit with out governmental approval, and this is what our governments dont want.
Indeed, the hypocrisy is real. You are the ones that occupied us and made germany what it is right now. Don't forget that murrica is the country with less than 60% whites
France is like Nigeria now, who the fuck you think will ban niggers and islam in France this days??
I believe you. Surely, you can figure out a way to smuggle some out of the factories.
Refugee flood is USA's and NATO's doing, letting them in while holding refugees welcome signs is your fault.
Why don't we start memeing that all right-wing Germans should move to Switzerland and do it ASAP, and leave Germany to the cucks to deal with?
> Armed and aggressive German men
> In Switzerland
No thank you. We are full. Just ship them some weapons over the Bodensee and be done with it.
Found the turkroach.
Too fight against Germany, it's to fight against our own destruction and that's just the way it is now
This is what america tried to do in Syria and those weapons went to ISIS. No. I disagree with this solution. Weapons will enter muzzie hands.
> Armed and aggressive German men
This makes me think you are some romand cuck. We are allowing in albanians and turk trash and shit skins nonstop. Yet you want to close the door on good nationalists? Foolish.
I will accept any german willing to kill shitskins
> Cuck for Germans
Call me all you want, people have died to keep [[[[[them]]]]]] and their gay sandnigger rape fantasies out of here.
Interesting.. we had killing shitskins for centuries, yet, we did not got credit for that from west.
everyone talking shit about immigration, consider that european countries and America colonizing fucking asian and african countries led to civil wars within those countries. That's all on you. Stop whining about it and accept the fucking consequences.
All the brave German men died in WW1 & WW2. What you see now is the offspring of the cowards and the deserters. It explains a lot.
>Create tense situation so that population does not see the country transforming into a full police state, but thinks heavily armored police is just everyday life now
>Going to war over your own plan working in full swing
Silly American.
I'm from Aargau and I don't want these people here. There are enough G*rmans, T*rks, Niggers and A*bos here, we don't need even more. They have to all go back, starting today.
Nah, I'm good son. Enjoy your literal war on christmas though.
just kidding today
>Simple solution. Every german refuge must kill 2 turkroaches or muslims to be admitted.
Why frontier swiss so bad at math? Is your blood mixed?
>France is already gone
Don"t be too sure about that
Listen nigger i know Switzerland isn't known for their great minds, but if they have to kill 2 turkroaches/muslims to get into the country, they aren't german cucks, they're german nationals.
t. 49%
55% white LMAO
>We took 40 years of communism in ass
The hell is up with you Romanians and taking things in the ass?
Can't we do it ourselves? Why do we need to import the germans to do our jobs? Oh wait, that's what we're doing for the last 15 years.
That's happening all over germany already, but stating your opinion in a conversation with friends is not that effective when you know that people are being fined or fired for speaking up against globalism/migration and news spreading propaganda 24/7
Why can't they kill 5 and stay in Germany. They are much more useful there, also we can send them ours to dispose of. All you propose is ethnically replace Swiss people. Why.
>Switzerland isn't known for their great minds
rare, y/n?
>a female leader
Yeah nah ur cucked m8
You know what will WWIII? Russians will attempt to save Europe. They have a reason for being in close contact with Right Wing Parties and movements all over Europe. They will provide us with the necessary equipment to start a civil war, well knowing that they can take advantage of the ensuing chaos, mark my words.
>you still welcome them
You've been spotted Ahmed
The girl who is kissing refugees, is a german girl in case you haven't noticed
Hitler destroyed a thousand years of Germanic civilization and expansion in Eastern Europe. He was retarded and makes a bad folk hero. Also NEETsoc is a retarded system of government.
> What is artificially depressing wages
Time to rolll up our sleeves then. Only 1/5 is needed anyway, the rest are nigger tier welfare leeches.
Sure we can. But it hardly hurts to replace 2 turkroachs with 1 good german.
i propose ethnically replace turks and albaians with german. do not be dense eidensoft
Isn't that what we want, though?
>lived, studied, and worked in switzerland entire productive life.
Ok guy
Switzerland had great scientists.
Einstein is not one of them.
Never heard of any of those niggers, did any of them even get a sandwich named after them?
The world at large disagrees with you. Fag