Why can't the right wing do economics?

Why can't the right wing do economics?

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economic numbers lag behind economic policies

shocker, I know.

The left might create more jobs but the right makes the rich richer. Checkmate Libtards.

Jewish subversion. They want to push liberalism.


lmfao I wonder what you would claim if it were reversed. Reagan bush lasted 12 years, surely shit should've been better by then

I voted Trump not those faggots. I ain't gotta explain shit

They didn't create the jobs, the economy did, Trump is the only one until now that actually saved jobs by his own hand and without need of institutional power to back him


>They didn't create the jobs, the economy did
You saying that business friendly policy wouldn't help in creating jobs?

Economy laughs at politics

Because the left only expends with short term populist measures and the right wing have to fix this shit every time.

I tend to believe that democrats do a mildly better job at managing the economy compared to republicans as they are more 'liberal' with spending and more inclined to spread the wealth rather than concentrate it. But i also think we tend to elect liberals in times of hope/optimism and conservatives in times of fear/pessimism

The left wing only looks good at economics if you know nothing about economics.

>my speshul politicul party controls business cycles

>business friendly policy
It's called "leave it the fuck alone"

Don't you have a bull to prep or something Trudeau?

wasnt it shown that obama care created more jobs because companies had to pay benefits to full time employees working more than 30 hours/week so they cut hours to 29 or less and just hired more part time employees because it was cheaper than paying for health insurance and shit? is 2 struggling underemployed people better than 1 person unemployed (not necessarily indefinitely) and one person comfortably employed with benefits

alright spain

>Because the left only expends with short term populist measures
>Trump literally giving gibs to carrier to save some piss amount of jobs

>as they are more 'liberal' with spending

This is why we're trillions in debt. Also if you want to see who's better at econ, look at who controls congress.

Just fyi- giving incentives to businesses that keep jobs here and punishing businesses that outsource jobs is not 'leaving it alone'

Government jobs are not real jobs.

why the difference in wealth between south and north korea, then?

7m is dirt cheap to save 1k jobs. And he's not not giving them anything, but letting them keep more of the money they earned.

>sourceless image
Someone call the garbage man, we've got another one.

>give some bennies to a company to keep them from having a tantrum and moving overseas
>save thousands of jobs and their paychecks with tax taken out, directly
>save thousands more jobs indirectly due to local economy recieving thousands of paychecks worth of groceries, car repairs, retail etc and paying tax again and again as the economy perpetuates itself.

its a government expenditure multiplier except instead of spending money directly they just let some other company do it and reap the rewards, also wasnt carrier promised some ridiculously small sum like $8m to save those thousand jobs

What kind of jobs did the left create?

Part time, temporary, 5 hours per week, etc

South Korea has unemployement and North Korea doesn't

eh hem
lets see what a leftist would say
>ur such a low class fool dont you even know correlation is not causation
>I bet you didnt even get your master's degree in bloodletting yet
>i bet you are a racist
>i bet you dont even engage in sodomy
>why are you so low class

Because every time one gets in office the CIA decides its time for the great reset.

>not state capitalism or planned economy
It's like you wanna have factories other than liquor factories.


ITT triggered right wing cucks still in denial that their leaders don't give a flying fuck about them.

Keep choking on that old man GOP cock, you worthless idiots.

what are you even trying to prove with this.

you're reading the graph wrong

Republicans inherited the conditions that brought about the low job levels.

the Democrats took over the conditions that the Republicans created; i.e. conditions that gave rise to lots of jobs.

Fake jobs where we take money out of the treasury to build bridges or create social working foundations don't count, derp.

Lmao I can make fake graphics too
Link to the actual #s?

If you think the government is supposed to assign you a job, try China, Cuba, or North Korea.

All these jobs are illegals.

Because we haven't leaving it alone for quite some time now. And there's literally thousands not leaving it alone policies and trade agreements by the previous administrations. Trump isn't a magician that can leave it alone overnight

democrats ran fannie and freddie, which collapsed, causing the economy meltdown, which caused bush job numbers to be bad at the end of his term.

You asked me about the difference, I told you about their differences in relation to OP's graph

The fact is that if you are north korean, the most probable thing is that you are not unemployed

Thats a very simplistic view my friend. Tax cuts also increase the deficit. And military spending is tremendously expensive. Meanwhile, some government spending can be very productive (although i agree much of it is not).
Also, wtf does who is in Congress have to do with who's better at managing the economy? The republicans in congress absolutely freaked out at the stimulus package that sure seems like it did exactly what is was supposed to do...

Isn't that just because the Democratic presidents have Republican houses usually and vice versa?

Because everyone loses their 70,000$+ engineering job and has to go work full time at the 28,000$ envelope stuffing place. Then their wife had to get a job too.

and republicans controlled congress during many of these democrat presidential terms.

>the president is king of america!

So how does that chart match up with congress?

This desu.

But I don't expect propaganda-fed liberals to understand economics.

Liberals think king nigger is really a king

Its private sector jobs

That's not the point retard, the government isn't there to pick winners and losers and doing the kind of shit Trump is doing with carrier just fucks the market

and tax cuts

There are stretches shown where there have been 12 years of republican presidency

You say that like its a bad thing

Forgot pic related...showing that our current trend towards govt debt was started under reagan, reversed under Clinton and then increased under Bush. The common thread seems to be tax cuts for the rich (and military soending) tend to increase deficits

Source the graph now

Clinton had a Republican Congress who passed the budgets, moron

Gingrich literally had to shut down the government to get Clinton to sign a balanced budget



I meant source the numbers not link to a blog

I believe in the last sentence to your post. But seeing how fucking insane the left is becoming, i'm starting to half doubts in what you last said too.


Good goy, let's distort and make fun of keynesians theories, ((( Mises ))) would be very proud

he did a wonderful job

they source it there

>More jobs =/= richer country

Yeah let's bring a Democrat in and create 6 million 16hr/week part time jobs at $8.00 an hour

Im having trouble believing thise numbers since Carter presided over a massive recession. Show the numbers on a yearly time line instead of deceptively lumping them together

Except for the 1994 'largest tax increase in history' that wasnt at all the largest tax increase in history...but it was aimed entirely at the rich, was passed by dems and made a very fucking huge difference in being able to balance the budget. I agree republicans reigned in spending too. For sure, but its not unilateral action of one party.

And lic related should absolutely disprove this narrative that you can dismiss the economic success of dem presidents because they sometimes have republican congresses...totally bogus.

>giving tax money to bankrupt jew business

whos jewing who here?

>job creation
>always good

a simple example for a simple mind like yours is how tens of thousands of jobs were created in the NHS over the past few decades to 'reduce the workload' on doctors

look at the state it's in now

were reaching levels of shilling that shouldn't even be possible

>Get rid of 100s of manufacturing jobs
>Create 1000s of macdonalds jobs
Ta dah! I just created more jobs then those stupid republicans xDDD

Obama puts 58 million people on food stamp
>H-hey now they are statistically employed


I'm almost certain that doesn't count as private sector employment