Why is this?
I'm black and whites always try to touch my hair
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Literally a nigger urban legend.
No one wants to touch your "hair."
It's something you have that's unusual to us, like gang violence or robbing liquor stores
Why the fuck would anyone touch black hair?
That shit is terrible and nappy as fuck.
It is pretty much the grossest physical thing about black people to me. Right in front of their hippo nostrils and monkey skull.
>tfw black women always want to run their hands through my hair and tell me they wish i wasn't only 5 foot 4 so I could be their private thor sex slave
nappy hair is gross, nobody wants to touch it because you sick fucks never wash it.
Black Americans thinking they are special because of curly hairs when Mediterraneans, slavs and balcans exist
>being around blacks
I'm white (well English-Chilean but whatever) and people always want to touch my hair.
You know what I do? I let people do it and move on with my life because I have better things to do than get upset that people are interested in my hair.
who would ever want to touch nigger hair?
Lol no realistic. Nobody wants to touch niggers, barely even other niggers will touch niggers
They mistake it for a roll of toilette paper or a scrub.
No one will want to touch your hair in Africa. just go back
We want to compare it to our pubes. It has the same wiry curly kind of thing going on.
I've literally NEVER seen someone in person or even anecdotal story of someone asking to touch a black persons hair.
I hear just the opposite. I hear time and time again with whispers when I was in school how ugly and greasy it looked.
I had long hair in high school as a male, and LOADS of women came up to me and wanted to touch my hair (it was better than theirs) and guess what?... I let them... Mostly whites, but several black women (told them No).
This is a meme posed by insecure women cause they know NO ONE wants to touch their ugly greasy pubic head hair. But if they ACT liek people do its seen as glorifying.
"YOur head ugly n greazy, but people actually WANT to touch my hair!"
No... no they don't
>black "people"
>having superior hair
B. Deutsch needs Loomis.
I've never seen this happen, nor have I ever heard a black person complain about this. Maybe it's a problem in the north?
Nigger equivalent of a humble brag.
>Omg why do so many people compliment my niggerdom? Like omg I know we're beautiful KANGS AND QUEENS but omg just be less racist please, you love our blackness too much! Is blackness the most beautiful thing in the world or something? It must be because look at how much you WORSHIP us KANGS and QUEENS.
Here in Brazil black people just go like 'lol k w/e' when you ask to touch their hair.
Same thing for beards.
Why are american negros so full of themselves?
I don't know where this meme came from. I already know what pubes feel like.
Affirmative action
literally never happens.
Same reason why we pet other animals' fur.
slide thread niggers
no one in their right mind would want to touch a nigger
the only reason that whites would touch your hair is to get their shit back since you niggers are always hiding shit in your fro
I have never wanted to touch nigger hair who does little children?
this, weirdest shit ive ever heard
The only place you see the "white people always like to touch nigger hair" meme is from bitchy little cartoons like in the OP
>We want to compare it to our pubes. It has the same wiry curly kind of thing going on.
My fucking pubes is more soft and luxurious then their nappy ass hair.
This except covered in KFC grease.
I have awesome wool-like hair and plenty of people were asking me to touch it when I was younger and I'm white
But then I became a social outcast and people are now afraid to ask me how I am feeling today
Oh I dunno, doesn't look just a little tempting ? :)
It's the other way around.
>be white as fuck
>run away
>get stuck in halfway house
>go to inner-city young life jesus camp
>only non-staff white person there
>first time hundreds of negros had been under the same roof as a white person
>everyone was fascinated by my hair
Uncomfortable af, particularly when they were covered in disgusting burnt oil.
no you fucking melt
it looks like a nigger
one time i toucha dreadlock and holy shit that is disgusting
No, because petting apes outside a fucking zoo is wrong,user.
White people, usually white women, always ask to touch my hair. I always thought it was some weird Caucasian greeting I was unaware of, but idk I let them do it..not a big deal.
For all the people saying "hurt durr nig nogs don't wash their hair", we don't have to wash our hair every day, and if we did it would strip our hair of its natural oils lol enjoy your greasy disgusting hair snow apes
What is a "weave" why do sheboons use them someone redpill me
I was born and raised in a 30% black city in the south and I have never heard of people just randomly wanting to touch black peoples hair.
The only time I've ever heard of someone being approached for that is when my freinds curly red haired mother lived in Singapore for a summer a few people asked.
It's astounding how disgusting your hair is, you know this. At least in your culture there will always be a market for hair dressers and straighteners.
This person should try being white and blond and going to the middle east or africa.........
some people are just like that.
they behave the same manner in the zoo.
Demonic power.
If I wanted to touch their fucking hair, I'd just go buy some from the same place they do.
What the nigger fuck? You literally have to wash your hands with soap if you touch that nappy greasy Velcro birds nest they call hair.
Black people always touched my hair in high school, it's very straight, they were shocked how it always falls back into place and is impossible to braid.
Google is a funny thing.
If you try to google "africans touching white person's hair", you get the opposite result. White people touching a nigger's hair.
If you google "black on white crime", most of the result are along the line of "the myth of black on white crime".
If you try to google Leslie Jones racist tweets, you only get results that describe her as a victim.
I know this could be a result of their algorithms or because the opposite is much more commonly searched for, but I seriously doubt it.
>all i ever want to do when i see a negress is run my hands through its rough course dry mangled mop of head pubes
>this happens so often that it makes them crazy
>s-so sorry
Im a white dude and all the darkie girls wanted to touch my hair when I was in High School.
I'm 6'3 and as bald as Charles Xavier. I'd take your height for your hair, manlet.
>trying to copy Watterson's drawing style
When I was in school growing up many nigger girls would run their hands thru my hair even without asking at least the whites in that comic are asking.
your dreaming wake up
you couldn't pay me to touch rat hair
they do?
I think the hair on most black people look ugly as fuck
they're jealous of the attention blondes get when they go to any shitskin country
Maybe try another less cucked search engine.
I'm white and people touch my hair all the time, apparently it's unusually soft.
I never try to touch black people hair because it's disgusting pubes.
>if we did it would strip our hair of its natural oils lol
Are those the same "natural oils" that attract the maggots?
Take a shower or stop LARPing
Lol @ white racist that probably haven't had an out of workplace social interaction since high school(college for UK boyos).. implying they know what black people experience jokes
This exact scenario happens to blonde people in Japan. Yet white people DON'T get all butthurt and claim microaggressions because we're not perpetual victims.
It's always funny to touch something icky
who the FUCK would want to touch or smell ANYONE's hair??
seems likely but then again, even if someone asked "can i touch your hair" you can just say "no you can't" and that's fucking it REEE
As if I'd ever want to touch any part of a nigger, including that spongy shit they have on the top of their sweaty black heads.
Nigger hair is fucking gross, it always looks so greasy and if they try to style it into something straighter the chemicals they have to use make it smell REALLY weird.
No one wants to touch you. Quit feeling so special.
It's insticntual to want to remove crap from people's hair -- grooming rituals -- and blacks have a tendancy to shove lots of dead shit in their hair as ""weave""
This comic is actually true for some
t. dindu with eternally fondled hair
seriously dude? i guess the grass is always greener
Lies, nobody wants to touch dirty nigger hair. Keep making shit up.
whats wrong with people admiring you and wanting to touch you?
i'd gladly let people feel any part of me
>nigger hair has more natural oils (i.e. grease)
>calling white peoples hair greasy
Also can you inform me as to why your people always smell of body odour and eggs, do you EVER wash?
>americans touch strangers
Maybe by the pussy
Can you please leave Germany? You are not welcome on this continent, third worlder
>attracts the maggots
>posts pic of disgusting wypipo hair as an example
Yeah boyo I'm sorry you can't go two days without washing that greasy shit on your head, stay strong
Its way better than most other tumblr artstyles tho
Niggers always ask to touch my multi-coloured red, white, and brown hair.
You just made me puke.
>live by the grace of whites in unparalleled comfort and security
>wont let them touch your hair
>why ARE blacks so touchy?
My Asian friends always say white people have the best feeling hair.
I sound white on the phone, where's my gibs ?
>they know what black people experience jokes
He don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Maybe you just hang around black people who don't care about hygiene.