Shootout vid

Does anyone have the video where the cops shot down the Russian Ambassadors shooter? It was obviously caught on video (pic related), so is it floating around somewhere?

I'm just wondering because looking at the bulletholes in the walls and floor in the still leads me to think that the guy was already on the floor when the cops opened up. They are all waist high or lower.

I'd like to see the video of it.

Other urls found in this thread:

He ran out of bullet time.

You are an American. You should know that you keep shooting until it stops moving.


Well, I'm serious here. From the still it also looks like he has 2 unspent rounds lying next to him and the clip has been taken out of the gun, which is nowhere to be seen.

no he just used dead ringer, hes still out there.

Yea I know that. But the picture is not making any sense when you try to figure out what was going on.

Clip out of the gun? 2 unused bullets next to the body? 6 or so spent casing near the 1st blood spot? All the visible holes low to the ground/on it?

It looks like he was trying to give up to me...

>It looks like he was trying to give up to me...
Turkish security forces weren't going to allow him to give up even if he wanted to as they don't want him revealing who directed him

Well, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

Also it's Turkey for fuck's sake. I'm surprised they didn't rape him afterwards.
Anyway looks like the bottom of the magazine is broken. Bullets probably fell out of it.

That is along the lines of what I was thinking. I was just really hoping the video of the final shootout was posted somewhere that I can't find just to see what was actually going on.

The still sure is suspicious.

>It looks like he was trying to give up to me...
so? shoot him dead. pussy.

God damn it you faggots

He was a mudslime that got killed. Stop living in fantasy land trying to invent conspiracies.

He obviously got shot, then fell, and they kept firing. Wow crazy

There is so much more info you can get from these fuckers while they have a pulse as opposed to later though.

Besides, he wasn't on a rampage. He killed one dude intentionally and then stopped shooting so he could yell a bunch of shit. He wasn't after more blood. So cool your jets, tiger.

>Besides, he wasn't on a rampage. He killed one dude intentionally and then stopped shooting so he could yell a bunch of shit. He wasn't after more blood. So cool your jets, tiger.
Yeah, if you watch the video is very clear that he has the opportunity to shoot a bunch of people and doesn't, instead demonstrating trigger discipline as he yells in Turkish.

>Man dies in Turkey
>Droves of people flock to mutilate the corpse
Seems legit.

This. Those people are animals. He won't go down after one shot. There is more empty casings than bullets he fired at ambassador so he was definitely fighting.
Also there is no cover so he maybe he was trying to stay low. Blood dries quickly so it looks like he slipped. His legs are wounded so he probably wasn't able to stand.

I guess they didn't release the final shootout for a good reason. Someone wanted this dude dead for reasons we will never hear about. And from the looks of things, they lit him up while he was trying to surrender.

lel -> Turks, what a bunch of cool guys

There are 6 or 7 spent casings. He popped 9 off in Mr. Ambassador. Try to keep up.

He was probably crouching behind cover. Also look at the blood, he was shot, then he crawled a few feet, then he was shot some more. We can't tell the direction of incoming fire, so its anyone's guess. What is the official story on how it went down?
Judging by the spring poking out the bottom of the magazine, the gun was hit (but you don't see any injury on his hand)

>He good boy, he didn't do nothing

Thanks more making me double check.

is this the same spot where that happened?
>11 spent
>2 live
Glock 21 confirmed

He was morphing back into cockroach form when they got him.

>We can't tell the direction of incoming fire
Yea you can tell the fire was coming from the bottom right in the pic by looking at the spread on the floor that leads away from the body..

No idea on the official word, nobody is talking about the last bit.

>Judging by the spring poking out the bottom of the magazine
I don't see the gun anywhere. Seems like if the live rounds just fell out along with the clip, the gun would be visible somewhere.

I would shop you a 6th grade graduation pic, but you'll just have to imagine how it would look. I'm too lazy.

The issue I'm having is those blood marks. They don't seem to make sense with the scene. Was he wounded where the most blood is and then dragged his foot as he went back to the wall? There's not even a clear handprint or footprint. Smudges.

It was all staged. Propaganda. Videos were fake. Fake news.

It your own picture you dumb faggot. If you want to write some stupid stories based on it here is one.
He is a fucking terrorist so in order to go to heaven he must die like one.
Go shill your stupid conspiracies somewhere else.

Here is the webm my niggas

heres the video

You've got 5 posts in this thread and haven't said shit.

Kindly fuck off, thx


No that is just him shooting the ambassador. I'm looking for the one of the cops shooting him. Thanks though.

>loose unfired rounds
> mag with floorplate popped off
>clearly torn clothing, right side abdomen
>photo taken from around a corner to the left
>holster appears it might be the kind that has space for a mag just forward of the gun
maybe his spare magazine was struck as he was shot.

i hate those fucking holsters. they're for crossdraw and he was right-handed so he's cleraly a 0/10 operatorless chump

whatever the case, all these motherfuckers need some target practice

well maybe i should have read the op
the entire thing is staged
russian ambassador is dead
but the cop is not

I just explained to you that you are full of shit.

And now you just proved that you argue like a Jew.

even well-trained SWAT police in the US have a typical hit rate of 2/5. they did okay.

that makes more sense
good eye

I'll tell whats actually suspicious about this assassination. The fact that they're showing the Ambassador's dead body everywhere. For years the MSM has gone to great lengths to avoid showing victims of Islamic Terrorist attacks. Yet in this case the Ambassador's dead body is sprawled out on the front page of every news site. Why is that? Is someone gloating here?

The failed coup in Turkey is widely suspected to be backed by the CIA, and the assassin is said to have been a member of that coup. And even though Trump won, our current government is still made up of people who're hellbent on War with Russia.

>Yet in this case the Ambassador's dead body is sprawled out on the front page of every news site
Don't they usually do that with political assassinations though?


>with sound

Well-trained swat members boast a 2/5 hit rate? if you shoot 2/5, your not on swat

Ok, but where is the gun, then? That wide shot from a good few feet away and no gun visible in the pic? Surely he went down holding it, right?

But that's the best theory I've heard so far.

I said in another thread how it was weird the first video starts out with gunshots and then stays for the political speech. It was designed to be shock and awe.

That is not the shootout with the police. That's what I'm looking for. I've seen this one. Thanks though.

>Don't they usually do that with political assassinations though?
Show the dead politician? Absolutely not.


>And even though Trump won, our current government is still made up of people who're hellbent on War with Russia.
And that's why this guy is tits up, I'd say.

Probably wont ever see that video

Dramatic version



He and his family, as well as his roommate are members of the Gülen movement - a clandestine cabal created by Zionists whose leader is living in the United States.

The Gülen movement is also linked with the failed coup attempt. The movement is also connected with the Council on Foreign Relations and Soros' Open Society Foundations.

>pol will never have webm's with sound in your lifetime
>4mb limit will never be lifted
why even post?

Dont be a faggot.

>shooter was standing in a different spot than where he finally fell
>gets shot and stumbles back, either bleeding on his own or stepping in the ambassadors blood(we dont know whos blood that is or whos footprint)
>falls to his butt but still has gun in his hand
>still a threat, but now lower, police continue to shoot
>one round connects with the grip of the gun causing the magazine to eject and the the spring and bullets to pop out


What was the embassy guards doing, why weren't they able to shot the guy immediuately when he drew his gun? Isn't it their only job to protect the ambassador? And why a turk policeman would want to assassinate envoys?
When i've heard about this i thought the shooter was an Arab from Syria, maybe an IS fighter.

Already pointed out, but thanks again user


If doing it would profit the site more they would do it.
Capitalism baby. Goldenpass images will be real in our lifetime.


What do you think were his final thoughts Sup Forums?

Its a coincidence...



jesus they suck at aim

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]boop! beep!

Separate jurisdictions usually enter into agreements to share the cost and burden of protection. The fact that he is turkish is not unusual. He may have been the only guard in the room since it was relatively low threat. A properly trained person can pull their gun and get a shot off in less than one second

>one round connects with the grip of the gun causing the magazine to eject and the the spring and bullets to pop out
No damage to his gun hand. No gun to be seen.

And why not release the video? There's more to this. They release a full minute of him yelling but not the final shootout? Heh.

>The movement is also connected with the Council on Foreign Relations and Soros' Open Society Foundations.


this shit is way out of hand
honestly, fuck me
literally every time
i've been trying to tell myself that correlation does not equal causation but im seriously questioning it now


shut it down

shitty glock mag broke after being dropped

Jesus this is ridiculous.
And not the normal kind. The too-good-to-be-true kind. These details are pretty damn convenient, not damning by themselves but obvious to anyone digging for (((connections.)))

This is leader of the think tank "STRATIM", which is connected with CFR and Soros.ınıklıoğlu&oldid=686591552#cite_note-1
>He is affiliated with the Fethullah Gulen movement.[1][2][3][4]

I used an old Wiki entry, because this kike reverted his own page.



The shooter isn't dead. OP's photo is staged. The ambassador however, is dead.

>He and his family, as well as his roommate are members of the Gülen movement

lel, that is what erdogan wants you to believe and you buy it 100%.

I hereby place a Citizens Arrest on all Jews and Turks living in the USA until we get to the bottom of this. Stay where you are!

I quoted Western sources (daily mail, IB times), and I'm against Erdogan btw.

>thats the same shooter

>The failed coup in Turkey is widely suspected to be backed by the CIA, and the assassin is said to have been a member of that coup

Well, it was also said that Erdogan staged it himself. The whole thing was put down way too quickly for a real CIA-backed coup. These coups usually are successful.
So he supports the IS (Turkey was buying oil from IS and kept the border practically open for jihadists to get into IS-contolled territory) and, at the same time, tries to convince Moscow that he's a "good guy, he dindu nuffing".


>I quoted Western sources
= erdogan press release transcript distributed by reuters

absolutely not a Glock


Oh fuck off, JIDF. You Gülen kikes are even worse than Erdogan.

Did anybody else notice 2 of the bullet holes are much larger than the others?

.50 cal, wtf???

Krauts in action

Turkish coup was either staged by Erdogan or a legit coup that Erdogan knew about and ferreted out. If it was a legit CIA coup it would have been 10000x better.

goldenpass to upload stuff with sound is more realistic

KILLS Ambassador
Screams Allahu Ackbar
Gives up

Nice Logic there

God you're such an idiot

Shotgun slug.

The two big holes are from cans of Raid traveling at high velocity OP.

Ah, that would make sense.


post this on /k/



>in burger land where freedom rings

Kys famalam

What did he say wrong again?


We know that you're secretly a leaf.