SWEDEN YES! White children raped in Malmo

Underage children being raped in middle of a say in Malmo, it gets so nasty that even Police is warning them not to go in Non-White areas

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*in middle of a day

have a (you) liberator-san


The article is sourced. If you don't like Breitbart you can simply go to the sources.

Link me the source

Nice cultural enrichment

Oy vey! If you don't want your women raped by niggers and Muslims, your little girls and boys sodomized by muslims, and your country forcibly converted to Islam... then you're a racist Islamphope.

are these not good sources?


also, your country is not a real democracy because you dont have secret vote

get enriched hans

Yeah Breitbart you fucking faggot they're a better source than CNN claiming there was a truck accident in Berlin yesterday. Keep getting cucked though.

>23 July


I am asking if those are reliable sources of information I don't care about the date


Belongs in the trash can like you.
Oh wait you are from Russia. Looks like you are already in a trash.

>A specialist team of 15 police officers, “with different skills”, has been assembled to investigate the epidemic of sexual assaults against young people.


this, anyone that thinks that it is legitimate news is a mouth breather

fake news.

Liberals shouldn't be allowed to exist.

protect your lolis you spineless turbo cucks ffs

Watch, goy


>literally THE fake news website


>not protecting the lolis
Explain yourself Swedes.

that's literally so disgusting

>"equal parts reality..."
Lol, that's the only part you retards! Enjoy your new reality!

why is no swed answering this question?

>underage children
No shit Sherlock

>yfw sweden will soon have Breencasts, suppression fields for native swedes,drugs in the water and the cuck equivalent of the Combine Overwatch

They are more credible but hardly relevant. Should have made a thread about it when it happened. Besides for all we know the girl was a foreigner, and this place has thought me that it's OK to rape foreigners


>“We do not want to create a rancorous atmosphere among the public but want to tread carefully. The information we have leads in a certain direction, but it is very sensitive and [these are] difficult issues for the vulnerable,” Westford told 24Malmö.


>this place has thought me that it's OK to rape foreigners
you mean Sweden taught you that, I don't think teaching that is healthy for society

Never heard of 23malmö.se But Expressen is one of the third biggest newspapers


If there's one city that needs to be nuked, wiped off the face of the Earth and the land salted so that nothing will ever grow nor live there again, Malmö is it.

Fuck that shithole.

wtf this immediately makes it false

Fun fact, our goverment media has a shill campagin that involves that (((charity)))

>IM Individuell Människohjälp


Is that kid's drawing supposed to be satire. Cause it's really not.

>underage children
As opposed to overage children? That's redundant OP.

How they deal with those childrapists in prisons of sweden? I mean are they so large numbered on prisons that nobody wouldnt even beat them?

Finland they put sniches in same sections than rapists do they got still fucked up in prisons on daily basis



t. redditor who just discovered greentext

Oh no a rape case from last summer shilled by Breitbart we're literally collapsing

>remembers Swedish anons implying muslamic ray guns where quintessentially British

If these "ppl" are in your country in significant numbers kids are getting raped. If you're not hearing about it someone's covering it up.

It's much easier to cover up a larger crime than it is a smaller one. It may sound counter intuitive but larger crimes are usually covered up by government bodies with near unlimited resources and influence.

who is this semen demon?