Liberals have suddenly discovered the virtues of the Second Amendment. We live in exciting times.
Liberals have suddenly discovered the virtues of the Second Amendment. We live in exciting times
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>TFW Trump single-handedly erased anti-gun sentiment in US
4D non linear chess underwater
This really isn't going to end well...
I'm all for gun ownership but if you give a gun to an undisciplined panicky reactionary child someones bound to get hurt. Imagine all the examples we've seen of insane anti-trump protesters but now they have guns
Societies never collapse.
Shit never hits the fan.
Nobody in a collapsed society ever gets robbed by armed gangs which an assault rifle could defend against.
Guns are pointless. Maybe if we lived in a universe ruled by entropy, guns would be useful in certain niche situations. But as denizens of a flawless world where no bad things ever occur, we're guaranteed to be 100% safe.
I want leftists to become panicky violent bizarro-survivalists. I want the new civil war to happen after we seize power, it will be a fucking slaughter.
/k/ said guns will be on sale in January. I'm a leftist and I plan to stock up.
If I get killed in a civil war, so be it. But it's only fair that the bullets fly both ways.
>Leftists buy guns
>shoot guns
>enjoy guns
>8 years go by
>Elizabeth Warren v. Republican
>She talks about gunz like hillary
>loses a heavily armed north-east
Sounds good to me
I thought the mentally ill weren't allowed to own guns
Trump is memefolding the quantum foam at this point.
Half the dumb shit they do fucks over other liberals because the dumb cunts won't leave their safty zones and won't go outside LA or whatever shit hole they come from.
All this will do is make liberals kill liberals and add to big city crime rate.
This is the catalyst for Liberals to finally understand why the second amendment is important. Not only that, they will understand why we own guns, that shooting guns at the range is fun, and maybe it could lead to some better understanding as a whole...
Who am I kidding? They'll just be a bunch of triggered cucks with guns.
the easiest way I've found to turn liberal chicks has been to take them shooting.
Have you seen those left wing retards? They riot and burn the streets and attack people in the streets.
In a society that already has guns you can't take away guns. Cuz then only criminals have guns "not like they will obey the law"
You wanted a race war, Sup Forums. Now you'll at least get a civil war. Be glad, you asked for this. Also as a leftist scum, I'd rather fight for you fascists rather than the modern """left""". Exiting times.
Keep telling the white Liberals that you don't get as many white children if you mix race.
That will either red pill them or they will devolve deeper into their white guilt complex. I can understand working class white Democrats. I do not recognize the right to life of white, anti whites. Those types want all whites to either mix race or die out.
>Now you'll at least get a civil war. Be glad, you asked for this.
Exactly. The neo-doomsayer position was that Trump winning would make pol boring and the end of habbedigs, but I scoffed at that, because it'll probably make the modern left return to its terrorist roots. We'll have mass habbedigs.
>amerilard in charge of understanding sarcasm
This, every anti-gunner becomes pro-gun the moment they make a smiling face on the target paper.
2nd American civil war would give many happenings.
I love watching anti-gunz and foreigners handle guns for the first time.
>I'm all for gun ownership but if you give a gun to an undisciplined panicky reactionary child someones bound to get hurt
That's the same shit leftists have been saying about gun owners for years. The 2nd amendment cuts both ways,
I placed an order for a CZ 75B a couple days ago, conservatives tell me it's a redpilled gun
Then we have legitimate reason to take away their voting rights and imprison them. They live in mostly liberal cities and liberal areas and will shoot mostly liberals. Sure there will be some fallout but you can't bake a cake without breaking a few eggs. That's the worst case scenario. Best case scenario, we at least come together on the issue of gun control.
>take away their voting rights
Wait, don't you have to sign up for selective service to vote?
Why not just start a meme where they refuse to "die for Trump" and remove their right to vote in elections?
This. I even let my lefty friends shoot my "evil" AR-15 and by the end of the first magazine they're loving I, don't know what all the fuss was about, and are asking me how to get one.
>>TFW Trump single-handedly erased anti-gun sentiment in US
As a /k/ goer, I'm extremely excited for Trump.
>Hearing protection act
>National reciprocity
>pro-gun supreme court
>deregulate SBS/SBR
>Repeal the HUGHES
It's a gun it shoots bullets those bullets are not nice to people being shot at. No gun is redpilled people are redpilled guns are just awesome.
You're the pieces of shit who will start the war. You petulant fucking children are a disgrace to America.
I don't think you can un sign up from SS though, so that would only affect newly eligible voters, and only men at that.
I bought two CZ clones and love them. This one looks pretty similar to my Tanfoglio Witness Polymer full barrel, and it's a bad ass gun.
>leftist cuck buys guns
>experiences the bs redtape and legislation surrounding guns in his cuck state
>realizes gun laws are for supressing freedom and not (((safety)))
>leftist less likely to continue to support anti freedom political hacks
Guns are literally how I got redpilled from a TYT loving democuck, to a libertarian, to a full blown poltard trump voter. Hopefully this leads to more people going through the same process.
>liberals buy into the "safe" smart gun meme
>smart lock malfunctions when they need it most
>support for smart gun legislation evaporates
I believe its their right as US citizens to own a firearm but I'm just pointing out the obvious that when someone who doesn't have a respect for weapons gets ahold of one they'll either hurt someone or themselves
No I get what you're saying but still. If they're irresponsible fags and operate machinery they aren't familiar with, that sucks but it is their right. Hopefully it's just all talk anyway. Guns are super scary, remember?
You can say the same about motor vehicles and most of the stuff found in a local hardware store.
Liberals should only be allowed to buy clinton hole s&w's
Tfw almost red pilled family about 2ND ammendment and future wars over resources but failed
My mother and sister are worried about the trump presidency and are thinking about getting a gun. I asked what type my mom's response was "probably one of those automatic guns that they're trying to get rid of". Had to explain how guns work and tried to red pill them about how in a few decades there will be wars over resources and they didn't believe me.
good for you
get it in 10mm
>someones bound to get hurt
Sure, but it's usually the faggot handling the firearm that is the victim of negligence. So who cares.
The difference between cars and guns is that when someone hurts themselves or another person with a car you don't have people calling for an outright ban of all cars
I'd love to have one less regressive faggot in the world but there's no way an accident like that wouldn't be spun in a way to support more gun control
Resource war will begin in 2040.
I never understand this logic behind government trying to disarm the citizens.
Whenever Americans feel threatened gun sales go up. I think all the scare mongering is just a hoax to buy more guns.
make sure to buy the cadet kit so its a 9mm and a .22 (you literally only swap the barrel and mag IIRC was going to buy one till i found a steyr M9a1 for $400)
What's the problem, user? You don't like the Second Amendment?
I was looking to get a 40 or 45 instead of a 10mm as my next purchase, personally.
Try non euclidean, fool
No more than any other gun accident, surely.
>Liberals going inawoods.
This I gotta see. I'd go back to watching reality TV just for this.
Liberals are the ones more-so contributing to the collapse of society, not Conservatives.
Tfw live in a cucked state where I can't own a handgun but several shotguns stored under the bed is a-okay. Thanks Obama
This is what happens when draft-dodging SJWs use their firearms on patriots, many of whom turn out to be ex-military.
It was proven in court that the SJWs fired first. Ho Hum.
SJWs had them out-numbered and lost badly.
It was proven in court that they fired first. Ho Hum.
>fixed anti-gun activists
>not even in the office yet
Curved 5d non-Euclidean pan-dimensional candyland