Stop liking boys

Stop liking boys

It becomes harder and harder each day

t. Bisexual Burger

give in

t. Aquafresh fag

What if I enjoy getting topped by bears?

Stop using Christianity as an excuse for social conservatism and electrocution.

Well you're from Canada so that probably happens by default.

You heard the man.

maybe when they stop being so cute


stop not preferring the superior sex

Fugg I just noticed it. How will I ever recover?

But it's ok to do so if I'm a girl.
Checkmate pence faggot.

oh fuck I want to have sex with him. I wonder if he has a big cock.

Stop being a faggot.

Stop telling me what to do


gas yourself

I can't help it, Mr. Pence

I don't. I only like girls with feminine dicks.


What was that Mike? You don't like big cocks?

like this

See this is why I'm glad I'm bisexual. Best of both worlds.


what if they dress up like girls

how can i stop liking pic related?

Stop watching gay/trap/tranny porn, have some willpower for fuck's sake.

OWO What's this?


show boipucci pls

He sure didn't mind it when Dennis Hastert liked boys.

I don't watch that shemale shit. Feminine bois are where it's at.

Try not being a disgusting degenerate.

Hi CIA. What chat got against Mike Pence this morning. I thought it was you that protected the pedos and trafficked in drugs and sex slaves? Isn't that what the war on drugs was all about? Capturing the drug market for yourselves?


Start hating boys


i try to do that and then i see his face, and then i want to kiss him

Just stand still for a moment...


I was watching Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 yesterday, and the bad guy was Mike Pence.

sounds bretty hot tbqhwy desu senpai.

Buncha faggots

I am sorry, Pence, you'll have to zap the lust out of me.

Good lord

*glomps and nuzzles u*


*unsheathes taser*

This is for your own good, son.

It's not me, I stole it from an otherchan thread.

>tfw his face looks like a girls
why? it would be 10/10 otherwise


>you will never have qt slender bf


All these FAGS on a natsoc board. Into the gas chamber you go

Is ok, when she is wearing a skirt she is a girl
