Trump will bring back jobs

>Trump will bring back jobs
>those jobs don't exist
>hires Labor pick who is a CEO of fast food who say he wants illegals and robots doing the work

Trumpcucks everyone

Other urls found in this thread:

You're only rightfully deriding my stupidity because you're salty.

>No sources


Drain the swamp, am I right, fellas?

>hires Labor pick who is a CEO of fast food who say he wants illegals and robots doing the work

actually, it's Das Capital which is saying that, not the CEO hismelf.

>When salty Hillshills try and fail to hide their asspain

Nice blog faggot.

cool, a small paragraph, with no source, no location you got it from, no text to explain it.


>hil cucks trying to desperately not kill them selves.

Are you ready to speak about Hillary for the next four years despite the fact she lost? Or are you gonna come up with something else to justify and try to hide Trump's failure (and yours?)

>CTR is still here

Remember: you're here forever.

Here's Breitbart faggot

30 years from now will you still be blaming CTR for why you don't have a girlfriend?

Grrrrr fucking Hillary is the reason Trump cut my social security.

This is the only comeback trump fags have when their Idol is criticized

>implying he was ever going to get social security
Yeah, blame Obama for giving it all away to niggers and shitskin nations.

>implying he was ever going to get social security

Yeah that's why the Congress is Republican and Trump himself told Paul Ryan in May he would do it and him saying he won't was just campaign talk. Oh and he's appoint pro-privatization of social security to his cabinet.

Trumpcucks are gonna be wishing Obama was still in the white house when he's finished.

ITT, hillshills pretend Trump supporters want the same things they do.

>ITT, hillshills pretend Trump supporters want the same things they do.

Trump's voters are dying aging boomers and gen xers who are going on social security and medicare

Any cuts or raising of the retirement age will hurt his own voting base and will ensure Bernie Sanders wins in 2020.

>7 posts by this ID
Shill harder faggot

Nice comeback.

>doesn't wait for plans to be revealed
>instead just shitpost like you know what the fuck you're talking about before any of this is even enacted

Trumplets actually thought he was some kind of savior and he's just another cuckservative.

Lol @ Trumplets.

Theres this fag running around Sup Forums spamming the same pics OP is doing. He ran up his post count to over 45 posts in one thread earlier. Total autist.

>See concern troll thread
>hear communists crying

Checks out.

Every time.

Seriously Trump supporters, please explain this shit. You can't just fucking throw off any criticism for stupid shit he does by shouting "shills" or "ctr"