Why nordis think they are better than Mediterraneans?
Why nordis think they are better than Mediterraneans?
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inferiority complex
Does anyone realize how close this meme parallels the nords and imperials in the Elder Scroll series? The top image looks just like cyrodiil while the bottom looks just like skyrim.
they're cucked to high hell and wanna makes themselves feel better
>does anyone realize how close this image parallels a game which is based on the cultures from this image
thats what it was based on you cuck
I'd rather live in a wooden house with straw roof, close to nature than a jungle of stone.
In the nord people were self-sufficient, capable of many craft. In the city of stone one has one purpose and is a meat machine to service a single function to please his emperor.
The nords were free. The mediterranean were slaves.
We don't think, we know.
Divide and conquer bullshit.
That nordic village is quite comfy, probably smells better too
They started to move here because muh sun
We are the babies of ancient aliens. Not apes
yeah, without a sewerage system it must smell better than the roman city
Das rite, brutha. Muhfuggin honkeys gots no souls.
No shit you retarded. Imperials are romans, while the nords and stormcloaks are scandinavian inhabitants.
cracka romans just mad cuz our dicks be bigger
Roman's borrowed pretty much all knowledge and technology from others, they were just settled in a better location, geographically, to learn and receive knowledge from others.
>(((American))) trying to push divide and conquer shit
>comparing a small village to a mega city
>comparing an isolated cold landscape to choice mediterranean sea front
Yeah I was going to ask him who has the better fighters? That is most important, particularly during this time period which OP is referring to.
I'm pretty sure the vikings were pagan, and that is christian inspired architecture.
Stop with these threads...
>Nordics was the elite force of the east Roman Empire
Scandi's: 1
Butthurt frogs: 0
Take a hike, kike.
Oh wow a few dozen books. So impressive. Meanwhile meds have built empires and have been to space.
The fact that we managed to destroy the cradle of civilisation while being snowniggers should tell you about our superiority enough
All the inter-european bickering needs to stop. While they are arguing who is more white and who inherited the legacy of Rome, millions of shitskinned barbarians are assembling at your gates. No more conflicts among brothers
Rome always had the better army. Vikings were smaller in number and lived in a shittier environment. They were know to be great individual fighters. The Varangian Guard was recruited from vikings. Much of the best viking shit came from trade and interaction with Constantinople. They would trade amber for things like damascus steel and slaves.
Because they're white.
Rome-800 BC
Ireland-3,500 BC
>small village of maybe 20 people vs a capital city
nice meme
>American education
Many Vikings took up Christianity in the later stages of the Viking age.
>Meds have built empires
The British built the world's largest empire, Denmark and Sweden both had colonial empires, Russia was founded by the Nords, and in case you forgot, Ahmed, your host country built three. And that's not counting the Franks, Dutch, and North Sea empires.
>Meds have been to space
Germanics went first. Even the Slavs beat them in going to space. What a bunch of losers.
Anatolia - 9500BC
They were both pretty cool. Vikings had a very close connection with the earth and were amazing sailors.
They actually went to Persia/Iran through the Volgo River and did a lot of trade. They were impressed by Zoroastrianism, so they took some of the symbolism/imagery from Zoroastrianism and embroidered it on their own clothing. I think they realized it came from a common origin (Indo-European).
>Volgo River and did a lot of trade.
Up until 1000 years ago the only thing the nordic tribes did was practice cannibalism and dance like africans. They were never able to trade in the modern sense of the word.
No. Because Bethesda never knows how to design cities, Cyrodiil doesn't even look remotely close to the top image.
>tfw the Pantheon is the greatest engineering feat of the ancient world.
>tfw the greatest accomplishment of nordics was building a log house and raping/pillaging.
>favelan education
Africa-tier to be honest
I still don't know what's with that show on the right. Were they asked to pretend they were of the opposite sex for the segment or what?
>This bait
You're the communist finnbro aren't you?
>pretend they were of the opposite sex
pretty sure they'd get jailed for sexism in Sweden if they did that
Yeah, they took it up and got civilized.
You're literally giving an example of the architectural know-how that Catholics brought up to your snowy kindgom.
>total disregard for geographical factors 2: electric boogaloo
Learn some history, you bloody cunts.
>Nordicks be like.
In the lore it should be similar but surrounded in jungle but they went for a generic fantasy setting in oblivion because laziness? and of course they retcon'd it in Skyrim unnecessarily with the power of the voice changing the landscape.
Lead designer of Oblivion pic related.
This is so them.
Let's face it, without the Catholic Church the so called "Aryans" would be still practicing cannibalism today.
They behave like aboriginals
We're talking about Birka, not your country
Just like the Romans did.
Let's keep in mind that today the Mediterranean countries are morally and financially bankrupt and the Nordic countries are literally the most balanced and happiest places on Earth for the average citizen.
So yeah, Mediterranean countries were pretty gud back in ancient times, but they've dropped the ball a long time ago.
Fun fact: 50% of Italians are functionally illiterate.
You try surviving without heating and food preserving devices in the freezing cold mountain and fjord country, then come back and tell me how much of a hard man you became from fucking young men up the ass in your marble fagfest.
Funniest thing I've read in "In the garden of the Beast" about how Hitler had to scold Himmler because he kept digging around and essentially proving that 200 years prior germans were living like savages in huts. And Himmler had a hard on for relics or some shit.
>Canuck making fun of his betters
We discovered your continent lad
stop shitposting Pekka
Same can be said about our countries, mane. Thing is, we are willing to accept this.
Yup. We are all on the same boat in that one.
It's not bait. Have you seen the clip? The only girl, the immigrant, behaved like a boy would. I get the feminization of boys is on radfems' bucket list, but the masculinization of girls is definitely not.
>we wuz romans and shit
>We are so happy here
>Kills himself.
You sure are happy up there.
Also nordcucks are poorer on average than any med country.
>We are all on the same boat in that one.
Listen to this voice or reason my Euro friends. Do not let (((them))) divide us so.
>Nordic men are on average 4cm taller than their Mediterranean counterparts
Kek, because you try to survive up here, and even manage to make world tier memes in the process... What has France given Sup Forums? Exactly... One hot blond politician. You literally have nothing on us.
himler wanted to claim that all achievements where german. the pyramids being built by germans was something that hitler thought was to crazy for any one to believe
as a result himler was on a short leash. i think he was part of the thule society but they didnt manage much of anything
What kind of trade vikings did? the same as the indians. Pretty basic
Well obviously the more advance the culture is the more knowledge they have about their past
The nordic people don't know their history because their past is full of tribalism
It could be the case or simply swedens are asked to behave like girls to promote transgenderism
>muh height modafacka
Literally nigger tier
>the fact that Muslims and niggers are able to destroy civilization shows their superiority
north Asian climate isn't the same as German's climate though, no one is blaming you Finns in particular
Its a statue
Are you this retarded?
>The same as the Indians
>implying Indians didn't have incredibly varied trade
>Implying supporting a trading route reaching from Rome and Arabia to Britain and Bothnia is "pretty basic"
No, that picture is a misrepresentation. You guys are manlets.
dicklets will not miss an opportunity to talk about how tall they are in order to compensate for their small dicks
Let's go to the facts
Germans, Swedens and nordic in generals are not civilized yet
They are economically advanced but their culture is primitive even below that of what arabs produced.
It's a crude scribble made in paint.
t. Manletuel
Tell me, how is your economy faring?
>lets go to the facts
>Doesn't put forward any facts
>They are economically advanced but their culture is primitive even below that of what arabs produced.
He said, posting from a favela on a smart phone he stole from a white guy.
>Let's go to the facts
>Doesn't put forward any facts
>They are economically advanced but their culture is primitive
I'm right. I'm always right. Nordics have good economics but shit and primitive culture
They are like aboriginals with credit card
Is that really the only thing you have going for yourself?
Skyrim belongs to the Nords
I'm sure living in the Mediterranean was ideal. That makes me swing to the Nord's side. Tougher conditions, more respect.
if dont know the real pic that this meme come from just lurk moar, newfriend
Just flown in from real/pol/, christ on a bike you halfies are gullible, nobody back home falls for this divide and conquer stuff.
am I wrong? you nordics are like nigerians who won the lottery.
You have 0 culture, 0 civilization, 100% moral relativism and no other means of survival other than importing goods from china and russia.
>They are like aboriginals with credit card
The kind that tried to destroy Europe 3 times already (not counting with the fall of Rome).
I know, but the baguette asked a question, so I had to answer him.
>Survive 1 summer in Finland, pic related
The average Spanish household is wealthier than the average Icelandic one so pretty well.
Tell me. Have you alredy planned your suicide?
This is true.
Mediterranean culture:
>representative democracy
>birth of Western Civilization
Nordic culture:
>LGBT rights
>(((modern art)))
>white guilt
>letting refugees impregnate your daughters