How Liberals Really Feel About Black People

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Wow upvoted

Atleast they fucking hate niggers unlike you cuckservative civic nationalists sucking nigger cock all fucking day. Fuck you, saged.

This is one to share on Kikebook when all of your Leftist pals start being maximum triggered.

Libruls talking about niggers like they're their pets.

Who woulda thunk it

But niggers are the white man's pet. Fuck off you nigger lovers, if you think niggers are anymore than slightly intelligent chimps you're a cuck, their only purpose in life should be to serve the white man.

yfw the real racists are exactly the liberals

If they are the real racists then they are fucking based. You Turk rape baby

this video is fucking gold!!!

How do you feel about tolitarianism? About those days when women had their place in the kitchen, or when gays got arrested for public displays and blacks had to keep their heads down?

>t. spic

>He talks like he's white

Look how your standard of living and HDI dropped from the index rankings. You teter on the third world and you're proud of that???

Why do spics think they're white?

Ami Harrowitz seems kinda based. I saw his video on Sweden too. Pretty informative I'd say.

Based BR

Why only kinda? Because he has jewish ethnicity?

Brazil is whiter than the Jewnited States of Niggerland

Liberals BTFO

>Will they ever recover?

My shits are whiter than the entire populous of your 'nation'.

>(((ami))) (((horowitz)))
that jew is pretty based. really makes me think

>I can't refute him so I'll pull the race card on him

b-but all jews are bad!

t. Spic that's ok with Niggers voting without ID

Progs know EXACTLY why they don't want voter ID laws: because then all their illegals can't vote. Then all their dead people can't vote.

I'll admit there are problems. Who has the authority to say "this isn't a real ID?" or "This isn't your photo on the ID." If there's a prog poll worker and you show up wearing your farm boots and hat, could she look at your ID and say "no, this isn't you" and... and what? You have to go home? Even if you have some kind of appeal process, how long will it take? Days? Weeks? How many hoops will you have to jump through? Won't there be a number of people who just won't bother, and just don't get their vote counted? Would there even be a penalty for a poll worker rejecting people who have valid IDs?

Sure, that could work the other way too, with conservative (or "racist") poll workers, but I think it's pretty obvious at this point that the left has a much higher percentage of people willing to cheat to win.

In my country when you vote you need your ID, you need your ID when you pick up a cash at the bank in person, you need your ID when you go to court, meet the police, when you go to the doctor, you need your ID everywhere. And to hear you don't need an ID for voting is just retarded it's really retarded. If I wouldn't need an ID I would vote 50 times no problem.

an ape talking about other apes
