Leftist English cuck attacks the golden one

Leftist English cuck attacks the golden one


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>beta on roids

i almost pity the guy


it's so funny that no matter how jacked this guy gets hes still ugly as fuck lol


just look at the difference between him and the Golden One

as if I would listen for one second to the strawman arguments against a demi-god coming out of a soft jawed leftist cuckolds diseased mouth

lats bro looks like a gay version of brad pitt.

he should work on his core and legs so he's not so fucking lopsided.

>open video
>it's some low-test beta cuck

has le Sup Forums army doxed this ebil leftie yet?

Yeah a leftist English cuck

Sounds like a plan.


God damn he's so ugly i feel sorry for him.

I dropped the golden one after he started shilling for David "the scammer" Duke and started shilling The Greatest Meme Never Told all the time.

I prefer the peruan version of him.

Much more "enlighted" and also can sing some sick rumba.

>Current year
>Not being national socialist

please stop shilling him here. no one cares about him and he should stop using his """"popularity""" to leverage himself an argument.

>being a national socialist

hello newfag

also, please dont start shitposting jpegs


The fact that you gave him a chance at all makes me sad for you.

Instead of going for really thinkers, you go for a swedish Sup Forumstards that only speaks to a webcam?

Nigga, if you want to win a fight, copy the strategy of the winners, not the loosers.

I'll subscribe if you send me 10 Euros Sven

Retarded argument.

Just because someone is jacked doesn't mean their political views are more valid.

> these people that make fun of his face

I will never understand this. He doesn't even look half bad and he's got blond hair and blue eyes which puts him ahead of 85% of guys.

ehh he made some good points there

>unironically siding with this beta faggot over a glorious Aryan ubermenschen literal Sup Forumsack
Kill your fucking self kike. David Duke is based.

But his face does look weird.

As if his mother had drink during his pregnancy.

wow really made me think. Never mind that I actually live in Lousiana and knew about before you memeing faggots did, like the time in 2002 when he defrauded his supporters out of thousands of dollars to pay off gambling debts.

But keep sucking his dick because he believes in the same illuminati bullshit as you.

4 minutes in without an argurment, I'm sure as fuck not gonna watch a half and hour of this faggot.

He could be ugly and fat.

>open video
>some retarded looking faggot with faux posh nasal accent in his Dads suit
Who cares what this faggot thinks, the Golden One seems like a pretty cool dude, this guy seems jealous as fuck.


how does he earn 2.2k for EVERY VIDEO via this patreon bs? da fuk

Michael Cera


The mail fraud part of the federal allegations is primarily to make it appear as though David Duke misused gifts from his supporters in gambling and other disreputable activities. The effort at character assassination should be transparent to every patriot. Making these kinds of charges and allegations is the most effective way to weaken the financial support (which is very modest) that Duke needs to fund his work. If the government is able to instill doubt in the minds of his supporters with these spurious allegations, they are can choke off his support and greatly silence his voice.

>illuminati bullshit
Gas yourself you dirty little rat.

Nationalist grills are much cuter than sjws

its interesting because these guys are just mirror versions of each other now that I think about it.

just opposite ends of the "annoying faggot retard" scale

This is the beta mindset, you think genghis khan was handsome? But yet he laid thousands of women. Dolling yourself up and hoping your pretty enough for some dumb bitch to fuck you, the ultimate cuckoldry.



i did not know that spreading leftist propaganda can be such easy money.

>he's still going
1 shekel has been deposited into your account. Thank you for doing your part to fight anti-semetism online.

This is weird, I was just watching this cucks review of Fallout 3 yesterday having never come across his channel before, after enjoying the review I checked his channel and saw political videos such as the one you posted and stopped caring about his channel, his arguments are pretty bad, calling everything he disagrees with as "vague concepts" or "racist", again using the tired tactics of "lol, ur a racist, wow, it's the cirrent year, I'm not even engaging your points because ur racist, lol".

Guy is a fag, and I'm not even a big fan of The Golden One either, he understands good game design, not politics.

Can't make this shit up.

you need to add the greatest anglo ally: the jews to that pic

If liberals doenst like to work and rpefer to live of making youtube videos against [insert yuor cause here] them who is donating to them ?

Do they receive a donation and them donate to others and so on ad infinitum?

Lmao, who cares mate. Just don't project your own insecurities onto others like a literal womeme.

>tiny head
>feminine features
>big round titties
>cleavage showing tank under a sweater

I think the term is a bit over used at this point but I believe this man is a cuck

His point about fiction/ fantasy dictating your worldview is absolutely spot on 2bh
I've seen a few of this guy's videos and he can be a real cunt (although so is most of Sup Forums too), but I think he's being completely sincere in that section of the video.
I've noticed it myself but The Golden One does personify it perfectly, a lot of self professed nationalists do have an idyllic fantastical view of their nation's history.

thats some really great wikipedia research you quickly scrambled to do, but you failed to read that he pleaded guilty


now are you going to claim this was all just a vast conspiracy against duke for speaking out, using mind control to make him admit guilt while you also try to claim you arent some retarded basket case conspiracy theorist?

When is The Golden One coming back on the David Duke show?


>I've noticed it myself but The Golden One does personify it perfectly, a lot of self professed nationalists do have an idyllic fantastical view of their nation's history.
The fact that this sentence is coming from a fellow Brit is so ironic I am fucking going to die.

Let Sweden enjoy their fucking history you pleb.

He had to decide whether to accept a plea and face the stain of accepting a federal conviction and possibly face some jail time, or to fight for his life before a mostly black jury in federal court. One of the most important weapons of a legal defense is the right to strike a certain number of prospective jurors without explanation. It is called preemptive strikes. Both prosecution and defense has a certain number of preemptive strikes, but recent federal court rulings prevent the defense from using preemptive strikes to remove prospective black jurors.

In addition to a hostile jury, half of the federal Judges in his district are Jews. Does a man constantly labelled by the media as “former Ku Klux Klan leader and neo-Nazi David Duke” have a realistic chance to be found innocent before a mostly black jury and possibly a Jewish Judge?

By accepting the plea agreement, he knew that he could protect his loyal accountant and other officers of his organization from possible government prosecution. His time in jail will be limited and the fine limited. After a year or less in prison, he will be able to continue promoting his message to the United States and the world.

So he was faced with the option of accepting a plea agreement from the Federal Government and a limited prison sentence, or attempting to fight in court and risk the prosecution of his loyal staff, suffer the end of his work and very possibly spend the rest of his life in prison. We who are his friends and supporters were committed to supporting him, no matter what course he chose in this matter, but, when one examines the facts, he had little choice but to accept a plea agreement.

>against a demi-god coming out of a soft jawed leftist cuckolds diseased mouth
You guys won and yet a lot of you still come off as angry and bitter. Because someone is having an opinion on YouTube?

nationalism isnt the same thing as national socialism

>coming up with this vast retarded conspiracy theory

or maybe the guy defrauded people, seeing as how thats what happened.


dude that guy is from new zealand. the guy from the fisherman's friend ad is telling you to kill yourself because he thinks he knows david duke better than you. what a big big faggot.

What's wrong with him taking pleasure in his own nations history and the fantasy that comes with it?

I enjoy the fantasy that comes from our history, don't you?

>what actually happened
>conspiracy theory
Hitler was right about you kikes.

>It's a the Golden One thread and everyone bullies him episode


They are both raging faggots for different reasons.

>posting irrelevant hitler quotes

literally has nothing to do with the fact that Duke pleaded guilty. You are just making yourself look like a newfag/jackass with this virtue signaling "p-please back me up fellow nazis!" bullshit

well, the OP argument is that he is blinded by the fantasy and ends up thinking its real, or at least achievable in reality with his political views.

Oy vey! Shlomo has entered the arena. I wonder what profound arguments he will bring to this debate outside of the prominent: "lel luk his face", "lel he has man boobs".

Truly activates those almonds.

Still incredibly relevant to this day. It can be seen in action in this very thread by dirty rats like you.

I already outlined why he took the plea deal.

David Duke is NOT a Nazi.

>says that in the first video "I feel like I might have accidentally strawmanned some people." implying he won't in his new video
>whole video is one huge strawman argument
I don't know what I was expecting.

This. I saw the guys original video he mentions a while back, and all he does in that video is make fun of peoples looks. There was some other moderate right wing guy and he makes fun of him for having a bad haircut and playing a guitar. Thats it.

>Still incredibly relevant to this day. It can be seen in action in this very thread by dirty rats like you.

no its not. Its irrelevant bullshit to the topic at hand about Duke defrauding his supporters, something you just now learned about.

>I already outlined why he took the plea deal.

no, you made up bullshit to excuse his actions instead of just accepting the fact that your meme hero is a piece of shit.

What fantasy are we talking about? Because what latsbrah actually wants isn't really in the realms of fantasy.

Ugly people have to try 1000 times harder just to get laid. I mean look at that ugly fuck. He has to do roids and lift for years before girls will even look at him and even then he's not getting top tier women.

Meanwhile a handsome guy doesn't even have to try. He just eats pizza and does a bit of cardio every now and then to stay fit and has bitches throwing themselves at him.

>Because what latsbrah actually wants isn't really in the realms of fantasy.

the guy essentially wants a 4th Reich and think it will be like lord of the rings with fair maidens n shit instead of basically just North Korea

>the guy essentially wants a 4th Reich


Nigga looks like something out of oblivion lmao

The golden one isn't even ugly you fucking retard. He doesn't look like a princess obviously but he looks masculine and handsome. I bet he looks 10 times better than your mushy pig face. Do you even have a jawline you faggot?

Taking pleasure in his history is not what I or the video guy were talking about faggot.
I do enjoy English history a lot, but I don't go around thinking that pre industrial revolution England was basically The Shire. That would be delusional and unhealthy, because it never will be true.

so latsbro gets women based on his merit, and the dude in your pic gets women based on nothing but genetic lottery?

thats the type of person who gets flayed alive by pic related

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]beep! beep!

The golden one idk what to say about him, but the guy in the vid of OP link's is a massive pseudointellectual /lit/ tier fag. He gives off massive tips fedora vibes

Post pic of yourself

Give me one (1) documented testimony or piece of evidence from these people he defrauded.
>something you just now learned about.
We aren't all newkikes like you Shlomo.

>no, you made up bullshit to excuse his actions instead of just accepting
Why is it bullshit? It's very believable when you actually think about it and take into account that he would be harshly sentenced by black jurors and kike judges, no?

> the fact that your meme hero is a piece of shit.
Mmmm, delicious kike salt. Stay mad you little heeb cunt. Duke has awoken hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to the JQ.


>to dumb four /lit/


and it will suck. Der Fuhrer isnt going to give you a state appointed waifu or whatever you guys think. Hes going to conscript you into a labor unit to do back breaking work since you are a NEET while the Chads of society just consolidate their power.

You sound bitter bro.

Life isn't fair. Attraction is 99% based on looks. Even latsbrah knows this which is why he lifts to compensate for his ugliness.

I this the guy who does Total War streams? Watched one his streams a while back and he said 'shekles' so he's alright by my book.

here, read the article


>Why is it bullshit?

because you clearly just made it up. Stop being stupid newfag. In fact, you deserve to get frauded by this guy for being this stupid

>but I don't go around thinking that pre industrial revolution England was basically The Shire
>implying it wasn't
Learn the lore faggot.

But the Poortuguese would take offense to that. They are the official Anglo dick ridders since 1300s.

And what if I fucking want to work for my dictator huh? What if I want to bash the heads of you leftist scum?

>tfw the ugliest Swede is still ahead of you and 90% of people
Who else /ugly as shit/ here?

>can't provide one (1) testimony from his supporters saying they were defrauded
Sad! Many such cases.

>why is it bullshit
>because you made it up
Jesus, can we get the old JIDF back? They were at least somewhat intelligent. This is just embarrassing.

>What if I want to bash the heads of you leftist scum?

except you wont. And the fact that you only want a system that allows you to kill people shows just how nigger tier of belief system that is. Have fun toiling away in a salt mine though

>Attraction is 99% based on looks

Wrong, looks only matters if you are a beta and let the women take the initiative, if your are fit, confident and competent you can get any women.

He's got a strange face but I wouldn't say he's ugly. I think those user's crying about how ugly he is are just assmad they aren't blond blue eye'd jacked Scandinavians.

Why are brits such pretentious asshats?

What s wrong with hum besides meme face?
His gym videos are very good

>current year
>still doesn't have a photograph of HHH on your wall

>Ahmed talking shit
when will moot ban the new caliphate?


not an argument. Like I said, I dont really care at this point. Youre a very weak person, so you deserve it. Enjoy supporting a known fraudster cuck

German cucks culturally appropriate the Roman Salute and try and emulate the the charismatic epithets of the great iL Duce.

Now this Nordcuk is so in love with the roman salute.

Why do Nordcuks and Teutons say mediterranean are not white if they love them so much?