Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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It's called smart business strategy

Because otherwise KFC goes out of business or has to dramatically rise their prices


They know who their customer base is.

You mean legally?
I don't know, EBT should be abolished, people should starve if they're lazy and stupid.

If a person can't work, then family should step in.

No family?
Shit out of luck, you should starve if you can't find help.

Why is there a glass wall?

Hey fat muriburgers, why not explain what EBT stands for? The world is bigger than your shithole

Because America was founded on slavery and they got stuck with the outdated machinery.

To prevent theft

>has to dramatically rise their prices
Fast food prices skyrocketed after they started accepting ebt

the same reason they take EBT


What's EBT? I'm assuming it's food stamps or some kind of welfare money.

Electronic Benefit Transfer, it's basically like a debit card of food stamps

Electronic Benefit Transfer
food stamps

Something something black people quote unquote

It's not like white people eat KFC

yes yes that's the real reason

So dindus can;t shoot the workers

before food stamps they could only charge what poor people could afford
After food stamps they could jack up prices

There's nothing better than the look on someone's face when ebt goes down, or there isn't enough on their card to cover 30 dollars of chocolate and energy drinks.
>I lose almost half my check so these shaniquas can buy candy

It's my fault for working at a job where I can see what they buy, I'm always angry

the purpose of welfare in the first place is to quell the niggers hoards into "relatively" peaceful submission. You start taking away their fried food and grape pop, they're gonna come to your suburb to find it. We're the ones that brought millions upon millions here for slavery, did we really think it wouldn't backfire?

>go to store
>go to self checkout
>see EBT receipts on to of machine
>look to see how much money the gubmint is giving these knuckledragging leeches
>multiple hundreds of dollars remaining in accounts on every receipt

no the purpose of welfare is to create inflation
Its just more Keynesian nonsense hiding behind some moral high ground


Pretty much, yea.

Eatin' Better Tonite my nigga

Are you guys just memeing or is this really how a fast food restaurant looks like in the US?

Also where do you get your refills if everything is sealed off like that?

It's even more disgusting that these receipts are filled to the brim with shit like soda, candy, and a shit load of freezer food. Then they get all uppity "WHY WE SO FAT WE BE EATIN GOOD, MAN DA RACIST"

>Work at a gas station
>Trash comes in
>They spend:
>EBT for snacks/junkfood
>Credit for cigarettes
>Cash for lottery

It happened so fucking often. You wouldn't believe it. My resent is so deeply harbored for these fucking garbage human beings, at this point I wouldn't mind cutting everything off from them and watching them squirm as they struggle to cope.

only in the ghetto
outside the glass

I worked at a Dollar General during college. We would get trucks on Fridays, and that is when we got our soda. All the dindus loved the 3 liters of orange and grape soda for .79 cents. There would be a line at the door in the summer during opening, each dindu would grab 3-4 and scatter away like rats.

>inch thick plexiglass wall

My local KFC has a gap in the middle of the counter between two registers.

I worked at a gas station for a year.

Blacks would come in and ask if we cashed welfare checks. It happened so often we kept a map showing where the welfare office was.

90% would return in 10 minutes and buy lotto with their check.

At least once a month someone would spend their ENTIRE 500 dollar check on scratch offs

We are not meming. The glass is bullet-proof.

This only happens in black areas, though.

And vice versa

Food stamps were never supposed to be available for processed foods and non-food products. Now they can be used to buy fast food? Forgetting the loss of nutrition why can't they go to any restaurant now and buy overpriced food?

I hate them.

They only have glass like that in the worst areas. The free refills are out in the dining room, you do it yourself.

Only in niggerhoods. This is not a meme, they really are that violent and klepto. Look up the LiveLeak of the McDonalds worker smacking some other niggers with a metal stick.

Never seen one in my life, but I've never been to black areas.

>Why is this allowed?

who can say....

Some ghetto areas have fast food restaurants but no grocery stores, so they decided to make EBT acceptable for fast food.

It isn't. It's against the law to accept food stamps for hot food. It's probably some dot head that owns that place.

>hot food.

would 'Flamin' Hot Cheetos' pass?

She hit the worker first though. It was over the bitch trying to pass a fake 50 dollar bill.

You deserve to have your home burgled for being this retarded.

Though now that I think about it, EBT is just the card. You can get money too, and it gets put on the card, so maybe they are just accepting the card for cash purchases?
Hot food is food that is already hot. Like cooked or warmed up.

Why are somalis so fucking ugly and deformed.

yes I know it was a poor attempt to make a joke out of it.

People are trying to milk negroes as much as posiible. That's why private prisons are (are still?) such a big buissness.

Didn't say he was in the wrong. Niggas be crazy tho

A couple of states allowed it I thought.

Saw that shit when I had a layover in LA. Really pissed me the fuck off.

Hey Carl.

Yes they allow it. See here


Obama got rid of that recently
7-11 advertises all their shitty food as purchasable with EBT

No, there are special exemptions for areas (niggerhoods) where no one can successful keep a grocer open.

Telling the niggers to bus it 20 minutes to the white neighborhood where the Walmart is would be "racist"

I see. I'm from Paterson and yeah, I believe it

Never thought the situation is this bad, that you need a bulletproof glass in a fucking restaurant just to operate.

Thanks for the info

Why thought? For saying that everybody should work for a living? For being a normal person and relying on your next of kin in case you do eventually run into something bad?

I find social welfare to be one of the most gruesome practice. Why should I, as a tax payer, give money to somebody I don't know? Multiply that feeling by a thousand if you know that most of the end receivers of social benefits squander their money on frivolous things.

In your country, dindus are the front end receivers of social benefits because your Government has taught them that sitting home and doing nothing will eventually bring them money. In my country, social welfare is being used as a tool by politicians to steal votes, as in purposely keeping a territorial region down (low infrastructure, low industry, low education) in order to give more benefits to a population that has no monthly earnings, resulting in getting their votes whenever they need them.

Social welfare should be abolished. Charity has proven to be more effective, the state should not interfere in this matter.

This picture makes me want to meme a fake racism complaint. "why KFC have glass on da counta in black hoods but you go to white hoods dey countas open, das some racism right der. #DonGlassMahKFC"

KFC is calorie dense food. If someone's life is bad enough that they are on EBT I don't mind them getting a hot and filling meal and having it taste good at the same time once in a while.

The EBT allowance isn't going to allow for them to eat fast food for every meal, so they would have to ration it out and go once in a while.

Are you sure?
I know at least here in PA it's illegal.
It's a big thing here (ghetto in Philly) with all the spic run corner stores illegally charging things as regular food and actually giving them hot food.

>I don't mind them getting a hot and filling meal and having it taste good at the same time once in a while.

>mfw a burger calls KFC a "hot and filling meal"

>Taste good
Pick one.

That would be ok but some niggers will spend all their cash going to KFC and then complain that they don't get enough EBT to live on.

It is hot and it is filling you fucking idiot. I go there maybe 4 times a year, one of those being last week. I couldn't even finish a $5 meal because the chicken and biscuits and potatoes had me incredibly full.
KFC is delicious in terms of fast food chicken you contrarian retard

It may depend on the place.
I don't know the specifics, but I'm willing to bet some larger companies made a deal with the feds to get some exceptions

And? I've never had to listen to it, and they can't complain and receive more money because they're hungry. I don't see this as a real argument.

KFC is shit. It's nothing but greasy skin with no meat. Popeyes is where it's at.

Jesus what states?

if it's mine I'm gonna immediately start doing some small government type stuff, maybe get my city to ban it

food stamps on a slick fancy card

Because women can barely turn on the stove anymore.

Wrong, Harold's is where it's at.

literally nigger food. Enjoy your pathetic attempt at eating chicken, pseudo-dindu. In the meanwhile, I'll just take a ride this weekend at my grandparents and get some real chicken to eat, home grown.

Jesus, your country is so backwards.

God forbid poor people eat anything other than what you deem them worthy of. Get over yourself.

>blissfully ignorant hungarian

I know Michigan has it in certain areas.

Never head of them, but that doedoesn't look too appealing.

alt right dweebs btfo this is your capitalist ideology at work

It's just a nigger-area thing. And it's not just fast food. Convenient stores, pharmacies, gas stations, etc will have things like this.

If I want good chicken I'll take the time and make it myself or go to a local restaurant. If I want some fast food and I'm in the mood for chicken I'll stop at my local KFC which does a good job. It's nice to have options you Romanian retard.

It's fried in beef fat and the sauce is insanely good. It ruined popeyes for me.

If they're gonna get tax dollars out to spend on food, let it be from the grocery store at the very least

they can still make bad decisions there, but there has to be a limit on this type of shit

>i eat chicken once a year at my rich relative's house. he's rich enough to own a chicken coop!

>sauce all over food instead of being in a separate container for dipping food into it
absolute fucking disgusting pleb

When I was younger, of course I was on food stamps, so here's this thing that happened to me: We're on our way back from the office where the stamps were handed out, and we go into a convenience store, and I grab a hotpocket. I ask my mom if that's okay, we were only in to get a coffee for her, probably. She says fine, I was hungry and we were just then flush with gibs, so I microwave the thing in the gross little convenience store microwave oven... and the clerk will not let us buy it; Cooked food is forbidden on food stamps.

When I started seeing fast-food places put up their "We accept EBT" signs I did not believe it was possible.

How the fuck was I denied a hotpocket 20 years ago, but were that scenario repeated today, I could order 20 instances of 20 piece chicken mcnugget boxes with gibs?

The future is weird.

why not google it

>it's unreasonable to expect public funds to be spent on healthy food

Kek it's like a bank

I did some digging and this is how much you get from the snap program. Pic related.



Why? Are you sitting at home and feeling offended that they're eating food that isn't good for them? If anything I'm just glad my tax dollars are feeding our lazy dindus rather than being used to pipe in more Muslim immigrants. Tyrone eating KFC while I eat my wife's pasta doesn't make me feel cheated or ripped off. I don't get this mentality of caring what someone else eats.

They ask if you want the sauce on it or on the side. I always get it on the chicken.

It's a chicken bank.

>im a welfare queen
>when others do this it is wrong


>relying on food vendors that serve you genetically modified chicken
>relying on fast food chains

Yeah no, those are not options. I'll stick with locally produced food, bought straight from the source. Either that, or grow your own god damn food, it's not that hard.

>mfw I have 30 kg of packed and already prepared wild boar meat in my freezer
>mfw he thinks I'm relying on other people for food

Meme me sides into oblivion, I'm talking with poor burgers

>It is hot and it is filling you fucking idiot.
it's like what you feed cattle

Yeah I worked at a convenience store (Royal Farms in Md) when I was in high school and the food stamp rules were strict and specific back then. For instance we made and sold chicken sandwiches, if you had EBT you couldn't buy a fresh one because it was considered hot food, but you could buy one of the cold ones that were pre-made and chilled and stored with the macaroni salad and stuff in a cooler display.