Daily reminder that Hillary won by almost 3,000,000 votes :)

Daily reminder that Hillary won by almost 3,000,000 votes :)

>still lost

>When 'win' means 'loss'

Daily reminder that Trump won :)

Dumb hicks
>The people wanted Hillary but the corporations and Russians wanted Donald

Go fuck your sister you disgusting inbreds

>People wanted Hillary
>3 milion illegals and dead voted for her

Stop it Justin.

Guess I got baited.

Get over it leaf, Trump won

>The CIA and corporations wanted Hillary
>Real Americans wanted to improve relations with Russia and not be cucks

Just the wayward Mexicans in California alone who cast invalid votes were more than 3 million. Trump won the vote with real Americans by a large margin. Oh yeah, and fuck you leaf.

Reminder that if you call a loss a win, it's a sign that your mental defenses have failed and you're easily programmable by outside influences.
A fact proven by leaftists hour after hour.

>all these fags taking bait from a leaf

a нy был хaкepы)))

Say it with me, MISTER PRESIDENT

daily reminder the gas chambers aren't even real.
more people died falling down stairs than in nazi gas chambers because stairs exist.

Give it up CIA. You know it was a landslide for trump. You just hacked it to make it look less bad. Why do you keep spouting lies CIA? It just means you have no integrity and cannot be trusted.

Daily reminder

illegals and zombies

Most of Detroit's districts couldn't even be counted because of the amount of voter fraud. Jill Stein's whacky little recount started an audit.

So. How about those jimmies of yours ?
How would you describe their status of ruslting ?


Illegal beans
They will all be gone next election

>Dumb hicks
The eternal leaf is at it again

Where'd your leaf go?

Didn't Hillary won CA by 4 million votes?

Some shit like that. Cali is literally the only reason her popular vote was higher


if you beat the other candidate they win

>Leafs ironically acting retarded for bants.

You're doing alright.

Can't wait for Trump to do a full recount and validate Illinois, NY, and Cali voters. Once the illegal votes are pushed out, he wins by millions. I'd put 100k on that bet.
Once we see this, we get Voter ID laws in every state.
Did you ever notice that the states that went blue for Hillary are the same ones with no ID laws?

So did russians hack US Constitution?
It's all working as intended.


why do white whores love acting like children and bringing attention to themselves?

That came exclusively from California. Thank God the electoral system doesn't let a cucked minority dictate their distorted views on everyone.

daily reminder us is a const. republic, not a democracy

go legally suck off a dog cucknada.

>a fucking leaf

Yet she is not going to be the president. Tell me leaf how does this make you feel?

Reminder that Killary """won""" by 2.8 million pop votes nationwide.

Reminder that this margin of """victory""" is more than accounted for by Commiefornia where she had a 4.3 million lead over Trump.

Reminder that this is why we have the Electoral College.

Reminder that you're a dumb cunt and always will be.



Yes, and literally less then half Cali Repubs voted...... wonder why that is?

If the popular vote mattered, trumpwould have campaigned differently you failure.

No, Hillary lost with almost a 3 million vote lead.

She knew the rules and played the game accordingly and played badly so she lost. Now Her and all her butthurt fans want to riot because it didn't turn out their way.

daily reminder that americans give zero fucks about what leafs think of our politics

Daily reminder that she lost LOL
She also won popular vote against Obama in 2008 but she still lost ROFL

No, she lost by 77 Electoral votes because her party shit all over white people for 8 years. The Dems thought they could win by double-scanning Hillary's votes and cheating with illegal aliens voting.

If the TRUE numbers were known, Trump would have won the popular vote by over 10 million. But please, don't ever change!

See you in 2020.


I just checked again and half of that margin(2M votes) came exclusively from Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco.

>lose electoral vote
>lose even more electors to the vote your fee fees attempt to prevent him from taking office
Drama is still going to go on until the day before the inauguration where the votes will officially be counted.


>commiefornian and jew york libtards are stupid enough to wait 2 hours to vote even though their vote is meaningless
This always makes me laugh

When are we going to ban The Leaf?

Actually only about 1.25m votes, and 3m illegals voted, and California alone has a 3m margin.

Hillary "won" the popular vote because California is a cucked SJW safe space.

>a fucking leaf


Hillary is such a loser, she even loses when she wins.

Daily reminder that nobody cares and that DJT will still be President on 20 Jan 2017. :)

I would've thought they'd have deleted the Ukrainian flag by now, seeing as its rightful Russian clay.

Not long now though, I guess.

>Popularity only matters

Too bad she didn't try to go for the electoral vote instead.

Popular vote doesn't matter when no one was running for the popular vote.

>one state should be able to veto the 49 others
Literally why have state lines?

>tfw the best possible description of my feelings toward the Original Poster's message has been fully summarized before I even saw this thread, and it all occurred in the earliest response to said thread.

If you get more votes than your opponent, they win.